martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

14 Early-Stage Researcher Fellowships (PhD Positions) in MSCA Innovative Training Network EVOCATION

Application webpage:

We are happy to announce the availability of 14 Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) PhD positions in Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication (EVOCATION), a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. EVOCATION officially started in October 2018. These PhDs are early-stage scientific and industrial researchers who in the future will lead research and development of novel visual and geometric computing methodologies in the widest variety of applications, including industrial design and manufacturing, architecture, cultural heritage study and valorisation, geomatics, and tele-collaboration.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates for becoming the next generation of early-stage scientific and industrial researchers (ESRs) who in the future will lead research and development of novel visual and geometric computing methodologies in wide range of industries and application domains.

We can offer you a 36-months PhD training program coordinated among eight academic and industrial partners.


The EVOCATION network of public and private entities is naturally multidisciplinary and multi-institutional and will: (a) advance the state-of-the-art in geometry and material acquisition, geometry processing and semantic feature extraction, interactive visualization, computational fabrication, as well as high-bandwidth / 3D display systems; (b) bridge complementary approaches for cost-effective data digitization, visualization, fabrication, and display through the integration of different methodologies in the 3D capture, processing and fabrication pipeline; (c) promote, through domain-specific challenges, multidisciplinary research applied to concrete problems of the real world, in strict cooperation with end users in engineering, science and humanities; (d) demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of scalable cost-effective end-to-end techniques to virtually and physically capture and create objects with complex shape and appearance; (e) increase awareness of the benefits of advanced visual and geometric computing technology in both professional and consumer domains.

The positions will be hosted at the following prestigious institutions from across Europe:

  • University of Rostock, Germany (UNIRO) – 2 ESR fellowships (ESR01, ESR02)
  • Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Italy (CRS4) – 2 ESR fellowships (ESR03, ESR04)
  • University of Zürich, Switzerland (UZH) – 2 ESR fellowships (ESR05, ESR06)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy (CNR) – 2 ESR Fellowships (ESR07, ESR08)
  • TU Wien, Austria (TU WIEN) – 2 ESR Fellowships (ESR09, ESR10)
  • Fraunhofer IGD Darmstadt, Germany (FRAUNHOFER) – 2 ESR fellowships (ESR11, ESR12)
  • Holografika, Budapest, Hungary (HOLO) – 1 ESR fellowship (ESR13)
  • Gexcel, Brescia, Italy (GEX) – 1 ESR fellowship (ESR14)

You can find more details about EVOCATION and further application information at

The application deadline is January 14, 2019.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

PostDoc in Computer Graphics/Geometry at TU Wien

The Rendering and Modeling Group at TU Wien is looking for a PostDoc in computer graphics/geometry, with a focus on 3D spatialization (

Details are here:

The research is embedded in the research cluster on "Smart Communities and Technologies" at TU Wien and offers a great opportunity for both high-quality computer-graphics research as well as interdisciplinary research.

Applications are accepted as of now, and the position is to be filled as soon as possible.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Max Planck Institute for Informatics: Junior Research Group Program

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) was established as a joint program by the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG) and Stanford University in 2003 (

With this call the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) invites applications for its

Junior Research Group Program

Our Junior Research Group program offers young scientists in information technology the opportu­nity to develop their own research program addressing important problems in areas such as

  •  image communication
  •  computer graphics
  • geometric computing
  • imaging systems
  • computer vision 
  • human machine interface
  • distributed multimedia architectures
  • multimedia networking
  • visual media security.

The center includes an outstanding group of faculty members at Stanford’s Computer Science and El­ectrical Engineering Departments, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and Saarland University.
      The program begins with a preparatory 1-2 year postdoc phase (Phase P) at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, followed by a two-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, and then a position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a junior research group leader (Phase II). However, the program can be entered flexibly at each phase, commensurate with the experience of the applicant.
      Applicants to the program must have completed an outstanding PhD. Exact duration of the preparatory postdoc phase is flexible, but we typically expect this to be about 1-2 years. Applicants who completed their PhD in Germany may enter Phase I of the program directly. Applicants for Phase II are expected to have completed a postdoc stay abroad and must have demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to successfully lead a research group.
      Reviewing of applications will commence on 01 Jan 2019. The final deadline is 31 Jan 2019. Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school and university reports, list of publications, reprints of five selected publications, names of 3-5 references, a brief description of their previous research and a detailed description of the proposed research project (including possible opportunities for collaboration with existing research groups at Saarbrücken and Stanford) to:
      Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel
      Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
      Campus E 1 4, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany;

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer, committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce, and therefore encourages applications from such quali­fied individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
Additional information is available on the website

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Internship - Advanced Technology Interactives and Research and Development- (Spring 2019) – Universal Orlando Careers – 516478

We have multiple open internship positions in Universal Creative's R&D and Advanced Technology Interactives teams. Positions are available for both Spring and Summer.  Please take a look at the formal advertisement, linked below, for more information on how to apply.

You may be wondering, what is Universal Creative?  The quick answer: if you've ever been to a Universal Studios theme park, you've seen our work.  The long answer is in our handy marketing response pasted below (also available on our Linkedin page:

At Universal Creative, we design, develop, and deliver the most compelling entertainment experiences imaginable to drive growth for Universal Parks & Resorts worldwide. Our innovative attractions, immersive theme parks, and world-class resorts fuse art and technology to create new standards in the themed entertainment industry. At the core of Universal Creative is our Team Members. We're a team of diverse, forward-thinking, and passionate designers, engineers, artists, producers, architects, writers, builders, and more who are driven by our goal of creating immersive and unforgettable experiences. Our brand pillars of authenticity, innovation, diversity, and empowerment inspire our passion for continuing to push the limits of what’s possible. Together, we’re creating a Universe of fun, always ensuring the next thing we do is better than the last thing we did. It's a big Universe. Where do you fit in?

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Recruiting Students Fall 2019 (Colorado State University). Master and Ph.D graduate programs

The NuiLab of Colorado State University (see is currently looking for students interested in doing a Master or Ph.D. to research 3D User Interfaces / HCI problems. 
They are seeking motivated students that will like to work in the following problems (among others): 

* Multi-Modality User Interaction (with AR/VR emphasis). 

* Domain-specific problems for Augmented and Virtual Reality to improves areas of Education and Decision Making. 

The lab is located in Fort Collins, Colorado (Colorado State University):

Many of Computer Science Master (with thesis) students get support as Teaching Assistant (stipends + tuition). Most (if not all) our Ph.D. students get support either as TA or RA (stipend + tuition paid with research funding). 

If you are interested in this area of work, please email Francisco Ortega to including your CV and if you have any publications, a sample one.

Faculty Position in Virtual Environments at NJIT

The Department of Informatics, within the Ying Wu College of Computing at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), seeks to recruit a tenure-track faculty member in the field of Virtual Environments (AR/VR/MR, etc).

Please see the posting here.

Candidates from inside and outside the USA are equally welcome.

Open research positions @ University of Hamburg, Germany

The Human-Computer Interaction research group in the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg (Germany) has several fully-funded open research positions available:

1) 2 PhDs in the scope of the project „VITALab: Living Labs for Laboratory and Field studies for the Evaluation of Virtual Therapy" funded by the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF):
Details can be found here:

1) 1 PhD in the funded by the University of Hamburg:
Details can be found here:
If you are interested, please apply by November, 15th, 2018, and send your application to Mrs. Antje Lünstedt <>.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics at the University of Cambridge

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics at the University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is recruiting a new faculty member (Lecturer or
Senior Lecturer, equivalent to a US Assistant Professor) in the broad area
of Computer Graphics, including content acquisition, geometric processing,
animation, simulation, rendering and hardware.

Further information here:

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

TU Graz: PhD Position in Search and Visual Exploration of 3D Cultural Heritage Objects

PhD Position in Search and Visual Exploration of
3D Cultural Heritage Objects

We are looking for a motivated researcher on the PhD student level to join the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of Technology. In context of a newly approved collaborative research project co-funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the State Styria, we will research new approaches for interactively searching and visually exploring in collections of 3D objects, with application to the field of cultural heritage. The position is initially available for three years with the possibility to develop a PhD thesis in Computer Science at TU Graz.

Research Context

Recent advances in digitization technology lead to growing amounts of 3D objects becoming available in many applications. As part of this trend, digitization efforts in the cultural heritage field lead to increasing amounts of 3D data representing artifacts, collected in 3D repositories and virtual museums. Also, a wealth of image data and documents exist which represent knowledge on artifacts. We will research novel methods for cross-modal search in 3D and image documents, supporting shape retrieval and comparison tasks in the cultural heritage field. We will also consider novel approaches for visualization of 3D and image content, supporting exploration and association tasks. The project will run in collaboration with researchers from Archaeology, informing and evaluating the methods research.

Applicant Profile

A master degree in computer science, information systems, information science, mechatronics, telematics, mathematics, or related studies is required. One or more of the following skills are required: Knowledge in computer graphics, information retrieval, multimedia databases, data visualization, or interactive systems. Practical skills in a current programming language (e.g., C++, C#, Java, Python, etc.) are required. An interest to work in a collaborative research environment with domain experts in the Humanities is expected.

Position Details and Working Environment

The position is initially available for three years, starting in December 2018 or later. The opportunity to develop a Ph.D. thesis with the Doctoral School for Computer Science at TU Graz is provided. The full-time gross salary for this position is at least 2.794,60 Euro per month (14 times a year) and includes full social insurance.

Our research group offers a creative working atmosphere in a motivated, cooperative, and technically very well equipped environment. We offer excellent professional and personal development possibilities. Our institute is part of the Visual Computing research cluster in Graz, offering an excellent scientific environment at large. The city of Graz and its Styrian surroundings offer exceptional quality of living.

How to Apply

Please send your application including a letter of motivation, CV and supporting documents via email to:, or by postal mail to Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization, Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck, Inffeldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Austria, phone: +43 316 873 5403. Information on our institute is available at Please contact Tobias Schreck for any questions. This position is available until filled.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Computer Graphics Group at Bielefeld University: PhD position

The Computer Graphics Group at Bielefeld University, Germany, is offering a PhD position for a three-year collaboration project with the Honda Research Institute Europe (Offenbach, Germany), starting January 1st, 2019.

In this project we will investigate adaptive and sparse representations for geometric objects, aiming at efficient and intuitive shape analysis, synthesis, and manipulation of geometric surfaces.  The successful candidate will mostly work at Bielefeld University, but will also spend some time at the Honda Research Institute in Offenbach, in order to foster collaboration and provide interesting insights into the research environment of the Honda Research Institute Europe.

Candidates must have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in computer science, applied mathematics, or a related field. They should have good knowledge of geometric modeling and applied math. If you are interested and have questions, please contact Prof. Mario Botsch (

Applications should include the usual documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, certificates) and should be sent in electronic form to Ms. Silke Koelsch ( The deadline for application is October 18, 2018.

Official announcement:

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Paid internship / Visiting scholar position on "Interplanetary communication through Virtual Reality"

A three month paid internship / visiting scholar position is available here in the Department of Computer Science of the KU Leuven (Belgium). The successful candidate will work on a funded project focused on the simulation of interplanetary communications through Virtual Reality. The proposed starting date is September but depends on the specific situation of the candidate (see below).

=== Details of the Project ===
An essential characteristic of future human colonization efforts will be the desire to communicate with friends and family back home on Earth or in other inhabited outposts. However, an unescapable limit is imposed by the time delay related to communicate across these large distances. Whereas the time delay to communicate from Earth with people on the Moon is a little more than one second, this will rise to 4 to 24 minutes to communicate with Mars, depending on the relative positions in their orbits. A hypothetical settlement on a habitable planet in Alpha Centauri, the closest solar system to our own, will require people to wait for four years for their message to be delivered, and another four years to receive a reply.

We aim to use Virtual Reality to immerse users in a hypothetical settlement on another world. We will use the created environments to study how they approach the challenge of communicating with another party when these time delays are involved (in a manageable way). This will provide some insights into the requirements that such system will have when they are eventually really implemented, and potential implications for VR communications between isolated communities here on Earth.

=== Profile ===
The ideal candidate will have demonstrable prior experience in the design of Virtual Environments with 3D engines such as the Unreal Engine (preferably) or Unity. Some modelling experience will be beneficial. Given the role, a passion for space exploration and knowledge of hard science fiction will undoubtedly help.

The candidate is expected to create a set of Virtual Environments, contribute to the execution of a subsequent VR study (depending on their level of experience), and write a final report.

=== Eligibility ===
This internship / visiting scholar position is ideally aimed at candidates who are already enrolled in a university in Belgium or abroad. Eligibility to work in Belgium for non-European citizens (and the compensation) will depend on the specific situation.

For more information, please send an email to Adalberto Simeone ( The position will remain available until filled. ​

Starting Researcher, Postdoc, Ph.D. and Engineer Openings at Inria/GRAPHDECO, (Sophia-Antipolis, France)

Starting Researcher, Postdoc, Ph.D. and Engineer Openings at Inria/GRAPHDECO, (Sophia-Antipolis, France)

FUNGRAPH is an ERC Advanced Grant in the GRAPHDECO research group (
at Inria Sophia-Antipolis (South of France), starting fall 2018.
The high level goal of the project is to build new foundations for rendering in
Computer Graphics, by taking into account uncertainty in rendering algorithms and
in the data (geometry, materials, lights) we use to render Computer Graphics.

A high-level description of the FUNGRAPH projet can be found here:
and a description of possible research topics can be found here:

These topics should be considered as the "perimeter" of the research, and will be adapted to the candidate's interests and qualifications. We are looking to hire 1-2 Starting Researchers, 2-3 postdoctoral fellows,
1-2 PhD students (but probably a little later) and 1-2 engineers.

It is possible that a Ph.D. student works on one of the topics listed as "PostDoc" below, and vice versa. Starting Researchers and -- depending on their experience -- postdoctoral fellows are expected to define their own research agenda within this "perimeter" (to be interpreted very widely).

This list of topics will evolve constantly throughout the project, so please visit the topics page regularly.


Several of these topics will involve work with our network of regular collaborators: at
institutions such as MIT, Berkeley and UCL, and can include visits to the respective laboratories.
We plan to expand this set of collaborators during FUNGRAPH.

Successful candidates will be members of a dynamic and highly motivated group of excellent young researchers, the GRAPHDECO Inria group (, and will have the opportunity to collaborate and interact with my colleague Adrien Bousseau (who has a Starting ERC Grant called D^3) and
the other Ph.D. students, postdocs and engineers of the group.

Required Qualifications

For Starting Researcher and Postdoctoral positions, candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in Computer Graphics or in Computer Vision with an emphasis on Graphics applications, and an excellent publication record. Ph.D. candidates are expected to have a Masters in Computer Graphics, with a solid mathematical and programming (C++/OpenGL/GLSL/Vulkan) background and have completed a thesis with a research component (ideally submitted or published). Fluency in spoken and written English is a requirement.

How to apply

If you are interested in any of these positions/topics, please email directly (George dot Drettakis at with your CV and short motivation, and the email addresses of 2-3 references. If you are applying for a Ph.D. please also attach your academic transcript for the last 3 years (an unofficial list of courses and grades is sufficient).

G. Drettakis will be at SIGGRAPH in Vancouver, and will be interviewing candidates there.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, Norway (UiB): 4 PhD Fellowships in Visualization

The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, Norway (UiB) currently has a number of openings in visualization ( We are seeking motivated and capable new PhD students and postdocs who wish to pursue cutting-edge visualization research in a stimulating and dynamic international environment.

Further information can also be found here:

== 4 PhD Fellowships in Visualization ==

The positions are for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility for a 4th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the department). Three of these positions are in medical visualization, financed partly by the Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) and associated with the newly established Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre (MMIV). The fourth position is in visualization, in the context of the MetaVis project funded by the Research Council of Norway.

*) Application deadline (1st cutoff): May 3, 2018
*) Starting salary: NOK 436 900 (approx. EUR 46,000 / USD 57,000) per year
*) Application & info:

Please contact Prof. Stefan Bruckner ( or Assoc. Prof. Noeska Smit ( for further inquiries.

== Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Visualization ==

The position is for a period of 3 years and is associated with the newly established Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre (MMIV), financed by the Bergen Research Foundation (BFS).

*) Application deadline (1st cutoff): May 3, 2018
*) Starting salary: NOK 490 900 (approx. EUR 51,300 / USD 64,000) per year
*) Application & info:

Please contact Prof. Helwig Hauser ( for further inquiries.

// Dr. Stefan Bruckner, Professor in Visualization
// Department of Informatics
// University of Bergen, Norway

Visual Computing Laboratory in Trondheim: PhD position

We are glad to announce that we are seeking candidates for a PhD 
position in computer vision at the Department of Computer Science (IDI), 
NTNU. The planned research is on shape+spectrum object descriptors and 
distance functions, fundamentals aspects of computer vision, but will 
also deal with exciting applications in the field of cultural heritage.
The student will be co-supervised by Professor Theoharis Theoharis at 
the Visual Computing Laboratory in Trondheim 
(, and Professor Jon Yngve Hardeberg 
at the Colourlab in Gjøvik (, and the student is 
expected to share his or her time between the two locations.
For more information see 
Application deadline: May 5, 2018.

martes, 16 de enero de 2018

Two Junior Researcher Positions in Applied Data Analysis and Visualization in Graz, Austria

In context of the recently launched COMET competence center Pro2Future – Products and Production Systems of the Future, we are filling

2 Junior Researcher Positions in Applied Data Analysis and Visualization

at the center's site in Graz, Austria, co-located with Graz University of Technology. The researchers will work on timely industrial data analysis and visualization challenges in close collaboration with the center's scientific and industry partners. Opportunity to develop a PhD thesis at Graz University of Technology is given and explicitly supported. For further information, please refer to the opening description below or contact Tobias Schreck at

Opening Description
To broaden and support our research activities in the field of data-driven decision support we are currently offering the position of a Junior Researcher Full-time (38,5 hours/week), at Pro2Future GmbH in Graz (Campus Inffeld at Graz University of Technology).
Pro2Future – Products and Production Systems of the Future – is a COMET competence center that attempts for next generation products and manufacturing machinery with embedded cognitive capabilities. It is a joint effort of world leading Austrian industrial enterprises and top Austrian scientific institutions in ICT and Production Engineering: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Graz University of Technology and Profactor GmbH. Furthermore, it is endorsed by the Provinces of Upper Austria and Styria, Austria's strongest regions in industrial leadership. Pro2Future operates three research sites in Linz, Graz and Steyr.

Project context:
Designing and evaluating predictive maintenance and condition monitoring systems for industrial applications. Together with internationally renowned companies from the automotive and metal industries, we investigate how cognitive decision support can be applied to analyze large amounts of industrial data. In this regard, prediction models based on analytical methods as well as visual analytics approaches are to be researched, developed and applied.

Job profile:
The successful candidate will be engaged in computational and visual data analysis and data-driven projects. To this end, one or more of the following skills are required: knowledge about information systems, data technologies, visual analytics and information visualization, mathematical and statistical methods for data analysis. Experience in at least one current software development environment is required. Experience in the field of artificial intelligence is of advantage. The successful candidate seeks an ambitious activity in industry-driven research and is particularly willing to obtain a PhD under supervision of the scientific partners of this project at TU Graz, including Prof. Tobias Schreck, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization. The successful candidate will work within an interdisciplinary project team consisting of experts including the industrial partners, project management and scientific partners of Graz University of Technology. The candidate plays a major role in shaping and executing the projects' research agenda. Project work will also involve collaboration and knowledge exchange with the Pro2Future partners, several allied international research groups as well as participating in the international research community.

Your qualification:
• A university-level degree in computer science, information systems, information science, mechatronics, telematics, mathematics, or related studies.
• Programming skills in a current development environment (Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, ...)
• Fluent English, written and spoken. German is appreciated or the willingness to learn German is expected.

We offer:
• The opportunity to align the research for your Ph.D. studies to a 3-years research project, starting in Spring 2018.
• The opportunity to work in a young, dynamic, creative and collaborative team with strong ethos of mentorship and professional development as well as focused publication agenda.
• We will provide the successful candidate with a cooperative and supportive environment to establish themselves and their careers, i.e. particularly the Ph.D. studies.
• Full-time gross salary for this position is 2,750 Euro per month (14 times a year).

How to apply:
To apply for this position, please send your application (including CV, supporting documents, letter of motivation) via email to:, or by postal mail to Pro2Future GmbH c/o Dr. Stefan Thalmann, Inffeldgasse 25 F, 8010 Graz, Austria, phone:+43 316 873-30603. More information on Pro2Future is available at
Pro2Future GmbH is an equal opportunity employer. We particularly welcome applications from women and international candidates. In case of equal qualification, female applicants will be hired preferentially.

lunes, 15 de enero de 2018

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: PhD student position in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with Application on Industrial Tomography

martes, 2 de enero de 2018

Open search for faculty positions in CG/VR at Tecnico - U. Lisbon

The Computer Science and Engineering Department of the Instituto Superior Técnico (ULisboa) is carrying out an open search process for possible candidates to future openings for faculty career positions. This open search is targeted at possible candidates who have an interest in enrolling at the base level of the university professional career (tenure-track assistant professor), in all scientific areas of the Department, namely:
        - Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
        - Human-Computer Interaction

Possible candidates should send a zip file to  containing the following materials:
        - Curriculum Vitae
        - Teaching and research statement
        - Contact (including email address) of three researchers or professionals from the area who can be contacted to provide reference letters, attesting to the scientific, pedagogical, and professional qualities of the possible candidate.

These materials should preferably be sent by January 15, 2018, for being considered for the 2018 open search process. For any additional questions please contact the Department at