martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Post-Doctoral Position in Interactive Augmented Reality @ Innsbruck University

The Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group, established in 2014 at Innsbruck University, Austria, invites applications for the position of a full-time post-doctoral researcher with focus on interactive
augmented reality.

We are seeking a highly-qualified postdoctoral researcher with interest and skill in augmented reality, especially addressing aspects of user interaction. This denotes aspects of visual display, such as shadowing, light source estimation, occlusion handling, and global illumination; as well as aspects of interaction, such as haptic feedback, haptic augmentation, and real-virtual object interaction. The potential application of the augmentation system will be in the medical domain.

Candidates should have earned a doctoral degree in a relevant field, possess a publication record commensurate with experience, and have demonstrated strengths in the areas outlined further below. A candidate showing enthusiasm for leading-edge research, team spirit, and capability for independent problem-solving is sought. Applicants are expected to assume active roles in research projects, and in supervision of junior researchers and students. Responsibilities also include minor teaching requirements.

The position is open immediately until filled. It is offered for the duration of two years, with a potential for extension, on the level of non-permanent university research staff. Salaries are internationally competitive and commensurate with qualification and experience.

Candidates should send electronically a statement of motivation, their curriculum vitae with a publication list, URLs to 2-3 selected publications (online only), contact information of at least two references, and scans of relevant transcripts and diplomas. The compiled material should be sent in PDF format to:

Please feel free to get in contact in case of questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Faculty Position Annoucement - Mixed Reality

Opening: University Assistant with Doctorate, with Tenure Track to Position as Associate Professor

Working area: Mixed and Augmented Reality

This fulltime employment position (40h/week) is initially restricted to six years and offers the possibility of a qualification agreement for a tenured position. The employment is expected to start on May 1, 2017, and will be part of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision.

The position requires a completed PhD degree in computer science or a similar field.

We expect the following qualifications:
- Excellent scientific qualification in Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality (MR/AR), especially computer graphics and visualization methods for MR/AR and 3D user interfaces for MR/AR
- International scientific publications
- Experience with acquisition, management and scientific supervision of research projects
- Experience in establishing a research group
- Track record of scientific achievements, such as international prizes or awards
- Teaching experience in relevant subjects
- Network in the scientific community

Your job will involve the following duties:
- Research on MR/AR, with the goal to earn international scientific reputation and visibility
- Top-level international publications
- Acquisition of third party funding for research (FFG, FWF, industrial projects)
- Supervision of bachelor and master theses and support in the supervision of PhD students
- Independent teaching in the bachelor and master program and introducing students to the world of visual computing
- Service in the academic administration

The position will be paid according to category B1 of the collective contract of Austrian universities.

Graz University of Technology aims to increase employment of women in leading positions and as part of the research staff. We specifically encourage qualified women to apply. Please note that, all other aspects equal, women will be preferred in hiring.

Applications with supporting documents (copies of certificates and diplomas, CV, publication list, description of scientific and professional career, overview of previous and planned research and teaching, teaching evaluations if available) should be submitted preferably by email to and should quote the position identifier.

End of application period: 18 Feb 2017                   Position identifier: 7100/17/001

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Postdoc/PhD positions at the University of Victoria (Canada)

We are looking for candidates for multiple (4x) PhD positions and a PostDoc in Computer Vision/Graphics at the University of Victoria (next deadline: Jan’15 2017, entry point: Sep 2017 ).
The positions are fully funded by the “Google/Intel Industrial Research Chair in 3D Sensing” held by Prof. Tagliasacchi.

Our research targets algorithms for the processing of RGBD data (e.g. Intel RealSense, Microsoft Kinect), with a focus on real-time applications such as motion tracking and scene reconstruction. We are looking for candidates with an interest in computer graphics/vision, a solid mathematics background, and proficiency in C++/MATLAB.

How to apply? Apply online at and by mentioning “Andrea Tagliasacchi” as the tentative supervisor. To improve your chances, we also encourage you to email with a copy of your CV, transcripts, and a statement of purpose (all in PDF format). Post-doctoral candidates can contact directly.

For more information:

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Oferta para candidato/a contrato Torres Quevedo

Multiscan Technologies S.L. está buscando candidato /a doctor/a para solicitar una ayuda al Programa Torres Quevedo del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
La persona candidata, integrada en el departamento de Innovación, llevará a cabo investigación en áreas relacionadas con análisis de imágenes en tiempo real, clasificadores neuronales y/o 3D, todo ello aplicado a máquinas de inspección y sorting de producto agroalimentario.
  • Doctor/a en Ingeniería Informática o Industrial.
  • Inglés fluido, escrito y conversación.
Se valorará:
  • Máster IARFID
  • Programación en C++ en tiempo real en entorno Windows.
  • Análisis de imagen
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Redes neuronales
  • Iniciativa y capacidad de integración en equipo existente
  • Jornada completa.
  • Retribución económica a convenir.
  • Lugar de trabajo: UPV (Valencia)

Las personas interesadas deberán enviar su CV al correo electrónico,
incluyendo en el asunto “Oferta Torres Quevedo”.
El plazo máximo para admitir solicitudes será hasta el 12 enero de 2016.

Call for applications for PhD position: Underwater Augmented Reality

We look for candidates for a fully-funded PhD position that takes place within a scientific initiative of studying, understanding, and implementing underwater augmented reality interfaces for cultural heritage. The position is for an EU project called i-MareCulture and the location is in Brno (Mekka of computer science in Czech Republic) at Masaryk University (second biggest university in Czech Republic).
Project’s i-MareCulture aim is to raise public awareness of European identity by focusing in maritime cultural heritage, which by default bridges different civilizations. In particular, i-MareCulture aims in bringing inherently unreachable underwater cultural heritage within digital reach of the wide public by implementing virtual visits, serious games with immersive technologies and underwater augmented reality. Scope of the project is to design, analyze, develop and validate pioneer applications and systems in the context of Virtual Museums through collaborative and innovative research from a diverse group of scientists, researchers, archaeologists, experts and museums.
The project i-MareCulture is unique, innovative and promising, contributing fully to the H2020 Framework and the Digital Agenda for Europe, a H2020 initiative, for New Skills and Jobs. In addition, this project abides by the EU's strategy to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by implementing the knowledge triangle by connecting the Education, Research and Industry by supporting and boosting innovative enterprise to develop their technological breakthroughs into viable products in the area of Virtual Museums and Digital Heritage, with real commercial potential.
Salary will depend on qualifications, skills and past experience.
More information:
Details on the iMareCulture Eu project:
Details on Doctoral Studies at Masaryk University:
Details on admission:

Required applicants skills:
* highly motivated student
* Master's degree (M.Sc., M.Eng, or equivalent) in computer science or computer engineering
* education background in one or more of the following fields:
augmented reality, computer vision, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction
* interest in applications in cultural heritage
* previous experience in these fields (in particular, augmented reality) would be highly beneficial (evident, for example, in form of publications)
* experience in C++/C#
* fluent in written and spoken English  

Application package (to be prepared in English):
* detailed CV (including education, degrees and dates, publications/scientific presentations, skills/experiences in programming languages, project work, academic awards, ...)
* motivation letter explaining why you apply specifically for this project and why you are the perfect candidate
* transcript of the grades from the Master’s and Bachelor's degree
* contact details for two or more academic references

Informal enquiries should be send to Fotis Liarokapis (email:

* application deadline: January 18th, 2017
* starting date: February 20, 2017

Postdoctoral Position in Physics-based Animation: Chalmers University of Technology

** Postdoctoral Position in Physics-based Animation
** Chalmers University of Technology

Deadline: 31 January 2017

Chalmers University of Technology invites applications for a postdoc researcher in Computational Animation with a special focus on Physics-based Animation. The objective of this post-doctoral research project is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of interactive physics-based animation to replicate the motion and the properties of soft objects like cloth, fabric, hair, skin, etc.
Specifically, this will involve the design of new data structures and parallel algorithms to obtain more accurate animations of deformable bodies in real-time, including collision handling.

The position also includes teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

* Position summary:
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).

* Qualifications
1) A PhD degree in a relevant field
2) A strong academic track record documented by CV and publications
3) A concrete and creative idea for one’s own research that fit within the areas of computational animation and physics-based simulation and adds some additional contributions.

Ideal candidates should be fluent in English and C++, well versed in mathematics (especially calculus and linear algebra) and have demonstrated interest in computer graphics and parallel programming.

Interested candidates can submit their application here: