miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Max Planck Institute for Informatics: Junior Research Group Program

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) was established as a joint program by the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG) and Stanford University in 2003 (http://www.mpc-vcc.org).

With this call the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) invites applications for its

Junior Research Group Program

Our Junior Research Group program offers young scientists in information technology the opportu­nity to develop their own research program addressing important problems in areas such as

  •  image communication
  •  computer graphics
  • geometric computing
  • imaging systems
  • computer vision 
  • human machine interface
  • distributed multimedia architectures
  • multimedia networking
  • visual media security.

The center includes an outstanding group of faculty members at Stanford’s Computer Science and El­ectrical Engineering Departments, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and Saarland University.
      The program begins with a preparatory 1-2 year postdoc phase (Phase P) at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, followed by a two-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, and then a position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a junior research group leader (Phase II). However, the program can be entered flexibly at each phase, commensurate with the experience of the applicant.
      Applicants to the program must have completed an outstanding PhD. Exact duration of the preparatory postdoc phase is flexible, but we typically expect this to be about 1-2 years. Applicants who completed their PhD in Germany may enter Phase I of the program directly. Applicants for Phase II are expected to have completed a postdoc stay abroad and must have demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to successfully lead a research group.
      Reviewing of applications will commence on 01 Jan 2019. The final deadline is 31 Jan 2019. Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school and university reports, list of publications, reprints of five selected publications, names of 3-5 references, a brief description of their previous research and a detailed description of the proposed research project (including possible opportunities for collaboration with existing research groups at Saarbrücken and Stanford) to:
      Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel
      Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
      Campus E 1 4, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany;
      Email: mpc-vcc@mpi-inf.mpg.de

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer, committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce, and therefore encourages applications from such quali­fied individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
Additional information is available on the website www.mpc-vcc.org

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Internship - Advanced Technology Interactives and Research and Development- (Spring 2019) – Universal Orlando Careers – 516478

We have multiple open internship positions in Universal Creative's R&D and Advanced Technology Interactives teams. Positions are available for both Spring and Summer.  Please take a look at the formal advertisement, linked below, for more information on how to apply.


You may be wondering, what is Universal Creative?  The quick answer: if you've ever been to a Universal Studios theme park, you've seen our work.  The long answer is in our handy marketing response pasted below (also available on our Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/universalcreative/).

At Universal Creative, we design, develop, and deliver the most compelling entertainment experiences imaginable to drive growth for Universal Parks & Resorts worldwide. Our innovative attractions, immersive theme parks, and world-class resorts fuse art and technology to create new standards in the themed entertainment industry. At the core of Universal Creative is our Team Members. We're a team of diverse, forward-thinking, and passionate designers, engineers, artists, producers, architects, writers, builders, and more who are driven by our goal of creating immersive and unforgettable experiences. Our brand pillars of authenticity, innovation, diversity, and empowerment inspire our passion for continuing to push the limits of what’s possible. Together, we’re creating a Universe of fun, always ensuring the next thing we do is better than the last thing we did. It's a big Universe. Where do you fit in?

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Recruiting Students Fall 2019 (Colorado State University). Master and Ph.D graduate programs

The NuiLab of Colorado State University (see NuiLab.org) is currently looking for students interested in doing a Master or Ph.D. to research 3D User Interfaces / HCI problems. 
They are seeking motivated students that will like to work in the following problems (among others): 

* Multi-Modality User Interaction (with AR/VR emphasis). 

* Domain-specific problems for Augmented and Virtual Reality to improves areas of Education and Decision Making. 

The lab is located in Fort Collins, Colorado (Colorado State University): https://compsci.colostate.edu/.

Many of Computer Science Master (with thesis) students get support as Teaching Assistant (stipends + tuition). Most (if not all) our Ph.D. students get support either as TA or RA (stipend + tuition paid with research funding). 

If you are interested in this area of work, please email Francisco Ortega to fortega@colostate.edu including your CV and if you have any publications, a sample one.

Faculty Position in Virtual Environments at NJIT

The Department of Informatics, within the Ying Wu College of Computing at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), seeks to recruit a tenure-track faculty member in the field of Virtual Environments (AR/VR/MR, etc).

Please see the posting here.

Candidates from inside and outside the USA are equally welcome.

Open research positions @ University of Hamburg, Germany

The Human-Computer Interaction research group in the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg (Germany) has several fully-funded open research positions available:

1) 2 PhDs in the scope of the project „VITALab: Living Labs for Laboratory and Field studies for the Evaluation of Virtual Therapy" funded by the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF):
Details can be found here:

1) 1 PhD in the funded by the University of Hamburg:
Details can be found here:
If you are interested, please apply by November, 15th, 2018, and send your application to Mrs. Antje Lünstedt <luenstedt@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics at the University of Cambridge

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Graphics at the University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is recruiting a new faculty member (Lecturer or
Senior Lecturer, equivalent to a US Assistant Professor) in the broad area
of Computer Graphics, including content acquisition, geometric processing,
animation, simulation, rendering and hardware.

Further information here: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/17861/