sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Postdoc on "Pseudo-Haptics and 2D/3D Web Content" at INRIA Rennes (France)

Post-doctoral position:
“Pseudo-Haptic Interactive Techniques with 2D or 3D Web Content”

1-year post-doctoral position is open at INRIA (National Institute of Research in Computer Science and Control), Rennes, France (salary=2606,80 Euros/month before taxes), under the supervision of Dr. Anatole Lécuyer.

The project is in the areas of Interactive Techniques, Human-Computer Interaction(HCI), Haptic and Pseudo-Haptic Interfaces. It is meant to improve interaction with web content and Internet 2D or 3D applications. It is in the frame of a 2-year collaborative French project involving French SMEs and academic partners. Regular meetings and exchanges with external partners are therefore expected for the postdoctoral candidate.

The postdoctoral program aims at designing and testing novel interactive techniques with web content inspired by pseudo-haptic concept. Pseudo-haptic feedback is a technique meant to simulate haptic sensations using visual feedback and properties of human visuo-haptic perception (on-line demonstrations here at: http://www.irisa.fr/tactiles/). Pseudo-haptic feedback uses vision to distort haptic perception and verges on haptic illusions. Pseudo-haptic feedback has been used to simulate various haptic properties such as the stiffness of a virtual spring, the texture of an image, or the mass of a virtual object (see bibliography section).

In this postdoctoral work, the candidate will investigate the adaptation of the pseudo-haptic scheme in the field of internet navigation. It is expected that pseudo-haptic effects will bring novel tactile sensations when browsing 2D or 3D web content. A series of experiments with participants will be conducted to evaluate the various proposed techniques.

The candidate must have a PhD and excellent background in either: HCI, 3D user interfaces, haptic interfaces or other relevant topics. Knowledge in designing and conducting experimental studies is a prerequisite.

Interested candidates should send CV, selected publications and names and addresses of three references to Dr. Anatole Lécuyer (contact information bellow).

On-Line demos of Pseudo-haptics : http://www.irisa.fr/tactiles/

Bibliography :

* A. Lécuyer, “Simulating Haptic Feedback using Vision: a Survey of Research and Applications of Pseudo-Haptic Feedback”, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 39-53, 2009
* A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, L. Etienne, "Feeling Bumps and Holes without a Haptic Interface: the Perception of Pseudo-Haptic Textures", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), Vienna, Austria, 2004
* A. Lécuyer, S. Coquillart, A. Kheddar, P. Richard and P. Coiffet, "Pseudo-Haptic Feedback : Can Isometric Input Devices Simulate Force Feedback?", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), New Brunswick, US, 2000

Contact :

Dr. Anatole Lécuyer
INRIA Rennes
Email: anatole.lecuyer@inria.fr

Post-doctoral position. IBISC/University of Evry/FRANCE

Post-doctoral position
(FP7-European project: DigitalOcean RSME 2011-2012)

Multimodal human robot interaction in mixed reality environments: application to DigitalOcean project.

The IBISC laboratory (University of Evry) is currently offering a post-doctoral researcher to work on an EC funded project entitled "DigitalOcean”. The research topics are:

- Virtual Reality, Augmented and Mixed Reality
- Telerobotics

Post-doctoral position available from 2011/03.

(Remuneration: 2100 ~2500 Euro NET/month).

We interested to investigate: the combination of multimodal human robot interaction (audio, video and haptic) with mixed reality to teleoperate underwater robots (ROV or LAUV).

1) Mixed reality content:

This task is to study and develop a mixed reality (MR) module that allows mixing the actual images (sent by a camera on the ROV) with the virtual 3D model of the submarine site to explore. The main objective is therefore the visualization of the mixed reality contents. To do this we will in a first time study and propose algorithms for camera calibration and real-time registration (overlaying) virtual models and real images. Next, we will put forward a generic software architecture that will be used for both two types of demonstrators: WWW-based demonstrator (for the general public) and the multimodal teleoperation through a semi-immersive mixed reality platform.

2) Multimodal human-robot interface (a semi-immersive demonstrator)

The main objective of this task is to propose a more intuitive and multimodal Human-Robot Interface (audio, video and haptic). This multimodal interface will provide a way to interact with a remote robot (ROV) leveraging all of human sensory channels. A stereoscopic displaying (online 3D video) will provide a better visualisation of the remote real site. A virtual stereoscopic visualization (3D virtual model of the underwater site and virtual ROV) will allow learning, preparing exploration paths etc., to explore virtually a submarine environment before exploring the real environment with the real ROV.
A 3D interaction using haptic interfaces such as a SPIDAR (Space Interface Device for Artificial Reality) will allow user to feel the ROV during the exploration. The simulated audio feedback of ROV motors during the real exploration is other sensory information that can be used as a complementary feedback with the video and it is useful to enhance human presence during the tele-exploration missions. The proposed demonstrator will be a mixed reality mobile platform that can be transported during the presentations, meetings, conferences, etc.
It may be connected to an internet network from any place to perform real/virtual or mixed tele-exploration missions.

Candidates profile:
The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science /Robotics/Computer vision or
equivalent with a good experience in Human Computer Interaction or Human Robot
Interaction. He/She should be motivated by cooperation with our European partners.
Experience with haptic interaction is appreciated.


For more information please contact me.

Send your CV and a motivation letter before February 15th, 2011 to:

Laboratoire IBISC, 40 rue du Pelvoux 91020 Evry, France
Phone : +33 1 69 47 75 92.

Postdoctoral Position in Full-Body Interaction for VR / Video Games

The USC Institute for Creative Technologies is looking to hire a post-doc in the areas of virtual reality / video games, specifically to work on a project developing software and techniques for full-body interaction using newly available depth sensing cameras (e.g. Microsoft Kinect). As a collaborative project between the Mixed Reality and Medical VR research groups, game-based rehabilitation will be an important focus of this work.

A more detailed job description, along with instructions to apply, are available at:


The University of Southern California values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity in employment.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Beca de investigación

He recibido una oferta de una beca de investigación a cargo de un proyecto del Ministerio relacionado con el tratamiento de datos de GPS. Necesitarían a alguien que supiera trabajar con perl (o JAVA). Gran parte del proyecto irá dedicada a la transmisión de datos en tiempo real a través de la estación permanente que tienen en el edificio del Departamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, por lo que también deberá trabajar con transmisión de datos vía protocolos NTRIP.

La cuantía de la beca sería de unos 1300 euros al mes.

Los interesados se pueden dirigir a Ángel Martín Furonés (aemartin@upvnet.upv.es).

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Postdoc position at INRA Avignon

Ray Tracing in GPUs for Remote Sensing applications.
To request further information, send an email to Frederic Baret (baret@avignon.inra.fr)