sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Junior Research Group Leaders in the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics, as the coordinator of the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC), invites applications for Junior Research Group Leaders in the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communications offers young scientists in information technology the opportunity to develop their own research program addressing important problems in areas such as

  • image communication 
  • computer graphics
  •  geometric computing 
  • imaging systems  
  • computer vision
  • human machine interface
  • distributed multimedia architectures
  • multimedia networking
  • visual media security
The center includes an outstanding group of faculty members at Stanford’s Computer Science and El­ectrical Engineering Departments, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and Saarland University.
      The program begins with a preparatory 1-2 year postdoc phase (Phase P) at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, followed by a two-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, and then a position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a junior research group leader (Phase II). However, the program can be entered flexibly at each phase, commensurate with the experience of the applicant.
      Applicants to the program must have completed an outstanding PhD. Exact duration of the preparatory postdoc phase is flexible, but we typically expect this to be about 1-2 years. Applicants who completed their PhD in Germany may enter Phase I of the program directly. Applicants for Phase II are expected to have completed a postdoc stay abroad and must have demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to successfully lead a research group.
      Reviewing of applications will commence on 01 Jan 2016. The final deadline is 31 Jan 2016. Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school and university reports, list of publications, reprints of five selected publications, names of 3-5 references, a brief description of their previous research and a detailed description of the proposed research project (including possible opportunities for collaboration with existing research groups at Saarbrücken and Stanford) to:
      Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel
      Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
      Campus E 1 4, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany;
      Email: mpc-vcc@mpi-inf.mpg.de

The Max Planck Center is an equal opportunity employer and women are encouraged to apply.
Additional information is available on the website www.mpc-vcc.org

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Tenure-track Positions in HCI and Big Data @ Concordia University, Canada

Tenure-track Positions in HCI and Big Data as follows:

- A Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada

Research Chair Tier II in the field of Big Data Analytics – Data Driven Approaches in Different Disciplines at the Associate/Assistant Professor level.

- One position in the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with emphasis in interaction design and development for interactive systems, immersive environments, web or mobile applications at the Assistant Professor level.

For detailed information about working at Concordia, these positions and deadlines, visit concordia.ca/facultypositions

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.  Concordia University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of
visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of asexual minorities, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification.

Detailed applications should include: a CV, teaching and research statements, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and contact details of five referees, and shall be accepted in electronic form (PDF) until December 31, 2015 or until positions are filled. Electronic applications are preferred and should be sent no later than January 1, 2016 to:

Dr. Sudhir Mudur, Chair
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Post-Doc Fellowship in Cyber-Archeology Immersive Visualization

Interdisciplinary Center on Interactive Technologies
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Duke immersive Virtual Environment
Duke University, USA
The Interdisciplary Center for Interactive Technologies at Universidade de São Paulo (CITI-USP) Brazil and the Duke immersive Virtual Environment (DiVE) at Duke University seek applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on research and development in the 3D immersive visualization and manipulation of archeological sites and the building of interactive and immersive virtual environments using new tools, techniques, and methods.
Applicants' own research should involve the sophisticated use of one or more of the following: Immersive Virtual Reality; spatial and temporal visualizations using 3D modeling and photogrammetry; computer-aided drawing tools (CAD) and data visualization. Applicants must be comfortable working in a collaborative research environment and have experience successfully participating in project management and tool building teams.
We welcome applicants from Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as well as candidates with a strong interest and experience in multidisciplinary methods with programming skill in visualization and virtual reality. The area of Cyber-Archeology is wide, but there is a strong preference for candidates who offer areas or specializations which are complementary to those of existing faculty affiliated with the CITI-USP and Duke DiVE.
This postdoctoral fellow's work will focus on pursuing original research and tool-building in collaboration with other researchers, including faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in the CITI-USP and Duke DiVE. The postdoctoral fellow will also teach one course each year in the fields of Virtual Reality and Visualization Department of Electronics Systems.
The appointment is for twenty (20) months and time will be split across USP and Duke University. Open to applicants who will have received the PhD within five academic years prior to the start of the fellowship.
Applicants should submit the following materials:
• Cover letter;
• Curriculum Vitae;
• Dissertation abstract;
• Writing Sample: (no more than 25-pages);
• Sample of Digital Academic Score
• The names and contact information for three referees. These referees should be established scholars who are familiar with the applicant’s work and the proposal being made for the fellowship. At least two of these references must be scholars who can speak to the applicant’s engagement with the field of visualization and virtual reality.
Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis and the position will be filled upon identification of a well-suited candidate. Start date is flexible, and available as soon as job offer is accepted.
Funding for this position comes from FAPESP State of São Paulo.
To apply or request further information please contact Marcelo Zuffo, mkzuffo@usp.br or Regis Kopper, regis.kopper@duke.edu

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Teaching Assistantships/Ph.D. vacancies at Manchester Metropolitan University

The School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University is making a targeted, strategic investment in academic positions, in order to both strengthen our growing reputation in applied research, and continue to provide an excellent level of support for taught courses. These posts address both priorities by combining a part-time PhD programme with ten hours per week (on average) of teaching support. At the completion of the contract, the successful candidate will have gained both a doctoral qualification and significant teaching experience.

Please see the list of projects offered, below, along with links to the full project description and the appropriate advertisement (and information on how to apply):

Repurposing Gaming Technologies for Effective Cell Manipulation Training