jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Recruiting Students Fall 2019 (Colorado State University). Master and Ph.D graduate programs

The NuiLab of Colorado State University (see NuiLab.org) is currently looking for students interested in doing a Master or Ph.D. to research 3D User Interfaces / HCI problems. 
They are seeking motivated students that will like to work in the following problems (among others): 

* Multi-Modality User Interaction (with AR/VR emphasis). 

* Domain-specific problems for Augmented and Virtual Reality to improves areas of Education and Decision Making. 

The lab is located in Fort Collins, Colorado (Colorado State University): https://compsci.colostate.edu/.

Many of Computer Science Master (with thesis) students get support as Teaching Assistant (stipends + tuition). Most (if not all) our Ph.D. students get support either as TA or RA (stipend + tuition paid with research funding). 

If you are interested in this area of work, please email Francisco Ortega to fortega@colostate.edu including your CV and if you have any publications, a sample one.

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