miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Starting Researcher, Postdoc, Ph.D. and Engineer Openings at Inria/GRAPHDECO, (Sophia-Antipolis, France)

Starting Researcher, Postdoc, Ph.D. and Engineer Openings at Inria/GRAPHDECO, (Sophia-Antipolis, France)

FUNGRAPH is an ERC Advanced Grant in the GRAPHDECO research group (
at Inria Sophia-Antipolis (South of France), starting fall 2018.
The high level goal of the project is to build new foundations for rendering in
Computer Graphics, by taking into account uncertainty in rendering algorithms and
in the data (geometry, materials, lights) we use to render Computer Graphics.

A high-level description of the FUNGRAPH projet can be found here:
and a description of possible research topics can be found here:

These topics should be considered as the "perimeter" of the research, and will be adapted to the candidate's interests and qualifications. We are looking to hire 1-2 Starting Researchers, 2-3 postdoctoral fellows,
1-2 PhD students (but probably a little later) and 1-2 engineers.

It is possible that a Ph.D. student works on one of the topics listed as "PostDoc" below, and vice versa. Starting Researchers and -- depending on their experience -- postdoctoral fellows are expected to define their own research agenda within this "perimeter" (to be interpreted very widely).

This list of topics will evolve constantly throughout the project, so please visit the topics page regularly.


Several of these topics will involve work with our network of regular collaborators: at
institutions such as MIT, Berkeley and UCL, and can include visits to the respective laboratories.
We plan to expand this set of collaborators during FUNGRAPH.

Successful candidates will be members of a dynamic and highly motivated group of excellent young researchers, the GRAPHDECO Inria group (
https://team.inria.fr/graphdeco/team-members/), and will have the opportunity to collaborate and interact with my colleague Adrien Bousseau (who has a Starting ERC Grant called D^3) and
the other Ph.D. students, postdocs and engineers of the group.

Required Qualifications

For Starting Researcher and Postdoctoral positions, candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in Computer Graphics or in Computer Vision with an emphasis on Graphics applications, and an excellent publication record. Ph.D. candidates are expected to have a Masters in Computer Graphics, with a solid mathematical and programming (C++/OpenGL/GLSL/Vulkan) background and have completed a thesis with a research component (ideally submitted or published). Fluency in spoken and written English is a requirement.

How to apply

If you are interested in any of these positions/topics, please email directly (George dot Drettakis at inria.fr) with your CV and short motivation, and the email addresses of 2-3 references. If you are applying for a Ph.D. please also attach your academic transcript for the last 3 years (an unofficial list of courses and grades is sufficient).

G. Drettakis will be at SIGGRAPH in Vancouver, and will be interviewing candidates there.

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