viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Positions available: Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich

P O S I T I O N 1:

Fixed-term Senior Research Associate/Lecturer ("Oberassistent") Position in GIScience/Geovisualization

The Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis group at the University of Zurich invites applications for a fixed-term Senior Research Associate/Lecturer position in Geographic Information Science/Geovisualization. The position is housed in the UZH Geography Department, and associated with its internationally reputed GIScience Center. The appointment will be made on an annual basis for the first year (starting November 1, 2011) with opportunity for multi-year extensions (potentially up to 9 years).

We seek an established and highly motivated researcher who will bring an innovative research agenda to our group, and who will be successful in obtaining external funding, leading a own research group, work effectively on interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, including graduate-student supervisory committees, and teach a variety of graduate seminars and undergraduate courses in the department’s GIScience curriculum. Ideally, the substantive domains of contribution within GIScience include geographic information visualization/geovisual analytics, GIScience & spatial cognition, quantitative (empirical) research methods, or related areas.

A strong background in quantitative data analysis (i.e., statistics) would be an advantage. A completed PhD in Geography or a closely related discipline (e.g., Cognitive Science/Psychology, Computer Science, etc.) is required. Applications from women and under represented groups are highly encouraged.

Apply with a statement of interest, a current curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, a maximum of three sample reprints/preprints (as PDFs), and the names and contact information for at least three references. For more background information about this position, please visit us on the Web at or direct any informal inquiries about this position to the address below.

Apply to: Dr. Sara I. Fabrikant, Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland, Email: (subject: Senior Lecturer),
phone: +41-44-635-5150, fax: +41-44-635-6848. Review of applications will begin September 15, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled.


P O S I T I O N 2:

Doctoral Research Assistant Position

Project: animated visual analytics of movement (AniMOVE)

The Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis group at the University of Zurich invites applications for a doctoral research assistant position in Geographic Information Science/Geovisualization to work on a 3-year research project funded by the Swiss National Science Fund. The highly motivated successful applicant will be asked to develop dynamic and animated graphical displays of movement data and empirically evaluate how coordinated spatio-temporal events are perceived and understood by humans.

Applicants are required to have successfully completed a Masters degree in a relevant area, e.g., Geography, Geoinformatics, Computer Science or Psychology/Cognitive Science. You are interested in empirical geovisualization research and have solid knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methodologies for interactive display design and empirical data collection and analysis. You have programming skills and are confident in, for example, writing scripts to perform multiple analyses. You have a proven ability to work independently on guided projects, and are interested in presenting your results orally and in writing to a larger scientific audience. You have a good standard of written and spoken English and knowledge of German, whilst not required, would be an advantage.

The position, housed in the UZH Geography Department and its Graduate School of Geography, and associated with its internationally reputed GIScience Center, will start on November 1 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter. For more background information about the research group, please visit us on the Web at or direct any informal enquiries about the position to the address below.

Apply to: Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant, Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland, Email: (subject: Ph.D.), phone:
+41-44-635-5150, fax: +41-44-635-6848. Review of applications will begin
September 15, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled.

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