jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

1 PhD/PostDoc position in HCI + Immersive Visualization in Biology

The Interactive Media Lab (https://imld.de/) at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany is offering the following exciting research position (either PhD or postdoc) in the field of immersive data analysis of multiscale biological data.

The position (full time for 2 years or 65% for 3 years) contributes to the interdisciplinary cluster of excellence "Physics of Life" (https://physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de/), which aims at elucidating the "laws of physics" that underlie the dynamic spatiotemporal organization of life into molecules, cells and tissues. Research will be conducted in the field of immersive analytics and immersive scientific data exploration using natural interaction techniques in mixed reality environments.

Application deadline is December 16th 2019, extensions on request.
A detailed job description can be found here: https://imld.de/jobs/.

TU Dresden (https://tu-dresden.de/) is one of Germany's leading and most dynamic research universities. Since 2012 and again awarded in 2019, it is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence. Dresden is the capital of the federal state of Saxony and a great place to live. As a vibrant city of culture, architecture, and science - also featuring a stunning nature in its close proximity - Dresden offers a great quality of life for over half a million of inhabitants.
As a member of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden (i.e., the Chair of Multimedia Technology at the department of Computer Science) you will be part of a successful team of experienced researchers of diverse backgrounds.

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