viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

Post doc position available at IRIT Toulouse, France


Working condition

The recruited person will be involved in the MAPSTYLE project (ANR French founding agency program CONTINT). This project is led by Sidonie Christophe from COGIT lab of the national institute for geographical and forest information (IGN). The project joins researchers in computer graphics and researchers in geographical information science, cartography in particular. The focus of the project is maps stylization and automation of stylized maps creations. Apart IGN, three research labs participate to the project:
  • INRIA Rhône-Alpes/Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, with Joëlle Thollot
  • université Paris 5/LIPADE, with Thomas Hurtut
  • université Paul Sabatier/IRIT, with David Vanderhaeghe

One of the objective is to define formally what is a map's legend, and how to control it to allow user to give their own style to a map. This work will be done at IRIT in direct interaction with David Vanderhaeghe and with a strong link with the other partners (regular meetings are planned along the project).

Job description

The recruited person will be in interaction with cartographers, the researchers in geographic science of the IGN and also with computer graphics researchers. The first step is to evaluate existing legend models and improve them for semi-automatic legend creation. The focus of the second step is automatic information extraction to define legends from examples. These examples could be maps or other images and feature extraction could be extract a color palette or some drawing's features from artistic pieces, comics or photographs. It is a research work which will be validated by scientific publications. This research work is linked with the implementation of demos to allow the evaluation by final user. The demos will be implemented with the free software GeOxygene from the IGN.


Ph. D in computer science in the field of computer graphics or GIS with computer science.

Desired Skills

Java, 2D computer graphics, expressive rendering, cartography, GIS.

Other Informations

We can also adapt the offer to an engineer's work depending on candidate profile.
Contact David Vanderhaeghe ( for further details.

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