jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

PostDoc (Graphics) at Univ.ofWest Bohemia, Czech Republic

POSTDOC positions opened:
PostDoc in Computer Graphics , Visualization, Virtual Reality and Haptic Systems
(with an extension to geometrical algebra and conformal geometry)
Duration: upto 29 months
Mentor: prof.Vaclav Skala, http://www.VaclavSkala.eu  http://graphics.zcu.cz/People
Info: https://nexliz.zcu.cz/sites/default/files/docs/VR/NEXLIZ-FAV-6_EN-Academician_research_assistant_(postdoc).pdf
Application is to be sent to: mkepka@kma.zcu.cz , Tel: +420 37763 2606
DEADLINE November 1, 2013
Project: NEXLIZ  https://nexliz.zcu.cz/en

PostDoc in Biomedical Data Processing - modeling patient-specific virtual physiological human
Duration: upto 29 months
Mentor: Dr.Josef Kohout, http://graphics.zcu.cz/People
Info: https://nexliz.zcu.cz/sites/default/files/docs/VR/NEXLIZ-FAV-3_EN-Academician_research_assistant_(postdoc).pdf
Application is to be sent to: mkepka@kma.zcu.cz , Tel: +420 37763 2606
DEADLINE November 1, 2013
Project: NEXLIZ  https://nexliz.zcu.cz/en

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