miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

1st call of 2012 NII International Internship Program

The National Institute of Informatics (NII) at Tokio, through its International Internship Program,invites graduate students from partner universities to conduct research.

The NII International Internship program dedicated to receive Master or Ph.D students from partner institutions having signeda MOU with us is more and more successful and has allowed us to strengthen the collaboration with different institutions.
Each year in two calls NII hosts more than 120 interns from all over the world.

More information and application format:

http:// www.nii.ac.jp/Internship/Guidelines/1st_call_of_2012_internship_webpage.html

Candidatos interesados:
- Cumplimentar el formulario de solicitud (NII International Internship Program application form), que debe incluir el CV del
- Escoger tres materias de la lista de materias de investigación
- Remitir el "application form" al Coordinador del Master o Responsable del programa de doctorado. No se aceptarán
solicitudes enviadas directamente por el interesado.
- PLAZO: viernes 30 de marzo de 2012

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