viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Position at Cyprus University of Technology

Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Position (ESR) in the field of  
New techniques for data storage and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 2D/3D/4D Cultural assets. 
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position in the Digital Heritage Research Lab of the  Cyprus  University  of  Technology  (CUT) in  the  research  fields  of 2D/3D/4D  Digitalization (automated methodologies for 2D and 3D data acquisition: photogrammetry, Laser Scanning, depth camera sensors, SfM etc.),  Computer Vision (Image processing, geometric invariant visual features, data-preprocessing/filtering,  Pattern  recognition),  Computer  Graphics  (modeling),  Metadata enrichment for tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, Big Data and Cloud Computing applications. 
The selected Marie Curie ESR will work for 19 months within the ITN-Digital Cultural Heritage (ITN-DCH) Marie Curie ITN Programme which, is the only EU funded programme bringing together fourteen  (14)  leading  European  Institutions  as  full  partners  and  nine  (9)  other  as  associated  partners  in  a  transnational  network,  aiming  at  implementing  a  multidisciplinary  and  intersectorial  research  and  training programme between the academic and the industrial partners. 


Cultural  Heritage  (CH)  is  an  integral  element  of  Europe  and  vital  for  the  creation  of  a  common European identity and one of the greatest assets for steering Europe’s social, economic development and job creation. However, the current research training activities in CH are fragmented and mostly designed to be of a single-discipline, failing to cover the whole lifecycle of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) research, which is by nature a multi-disciplinary and intersectorial research agenda. ITN-DCH brings for the first time worldwide top Universities, research centers, industries and CH stakeholders, end-users  and  standardized  bodies  together  to  collaborate  in  order  to  train  the  next  generation  of researchers in DCH. The project aims to analyze, design, research, develop and validate an innovative multi-disciplinary  and  intersectoral  research  training  framework  that  covers  the  whole  lifecycle  of digital CH research for cost– effective preservation, documentation, protection and presentation of CH. 
ITN-DCH targets innovations that cover all aspects of CH ranging from tangible (books, newspapers, images,  drawings,  manuscripts,  uniforms,  maps,  artifacts,  archaeological  sites,  monuments)  to intangible  content  (e.g.,  music,  performing  arts,  folklore,  theatrical  performances)  and  their  inter-relationships.
The project also aims to boost the added value of CH assets by re-using them in real application environments (protection of CH, education, tourism industry, advertising, fashion, films, music, publishing, video games and TV) through research on (i) new personalized, interactive, mixed and augmented reality enabled e- services, (ii) new recommendations in data acquisition, (iii) new forms of representations (3D/4D) of both tangible /intangible assets and (iv) interoperable metadata forms that allow easy data exchange and archiving.
One ESR will be recruited by the host organization of the Cyprus University of Technology.

One ESR to be recruited by the host organization of the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol, Cyprus for the duration of 19 months under full employment contract. The fellow will work on: 
Development of Innovative methodologies for 2D, 3D and 4D Data capturing, including new metadata  interface  for  tangible  cultural  heritage  (2D/3D/4D  forms),  New  metadata schemas  for  tangible/intangible  Cultural  Heritage,  Innovative  and  automated methodologies for data storage and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 3D/4D cultural assets. Moreover, the fellowship will focus on the following objectives: 
-   Study and analysis of massive and complex amounts of multimedia 3D/4D data  
-   Study and analysis of data storage and archiving in multimedia digital libraries  
-   Development of Innovative methodologies for harvesting of massive and complex multimedia data sets in digital libraries taking into account object’s semantic signatures   
-   Development of Innovative methodologies for reuse of such complex structures from digital libraries.  
The monthly gross salary for this position will be 2650.50 Euro. There is no provision for 13th salary. 
In  addition,  the  fellow  will  be  entitled  to  mobility  allowance,  according  to  the  regulations  of  the 

The Applicant should: 

1.  Have  completed  at  least  a    four  or  five  year  education  cycle  (e.g.  Diploma  in Engineering, Master’ s Degree etc) from a recognized university in Geomatics, Computer-/ Electrical Engineering Computer Science and/or Surveying Engineering with less than four  (4)  years  of  continuous  full-time  research  experience  in  the  above  fields,  with excellent  programming  skills  and  very  good  language  and  communication  /  implementation skills 

2.  At the time of recruitment, not have resided (or carried out his/her main activity e.g. work, studies, etc.) in Cyprus, for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately prior to the reference recruitment date. 

3.  Excellent knowledge of the English language at a proficiency level (spoken and written) Career Stage 

Early  stage  researcher  or  0-4  years  of  experience  (Post  graduate)  –   According  to  the  FP7-PEOPLE (Marie Curie Actions) Regulations. Eligibility rules for the Marie Curie fellows can be found at the FP7-PEOPLE 2013 Work programme:  

Research Profile 

First Stage Researcher (R1)  


-   Competitive salary to cover living, mobility costs, social and health insurance (according to the FP7-PEOPLE ITN2013 Marie Curie Actions Programme regulations). 
-   In  the  context  of  a  personal  Career  Development  Plan,  opportunities  for  international collaboration and exchanges to world-class academic and industrial partners will take place. 
-   Opportunity to register for a PhD at the CUT, Limassol, Cyprus. 
-   Training  in  a  range  of  state-of-the-art  scientific  skills,  intellectual  property  and  project management skills and visiting GR language courses. 
-   Secondment placements within the network’s partners (up to max. two months).

For  more  details  on  the  fellow  salary  and  other  benefits/eligibility  criteria  please  refer  to  the  FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie actions website at:  and  the  FP7-PEOPLE  ITN2013  work programme:  

Applicants are requested to submit the following: 

1.  Detailed Euro-Curriculum Vitae - 2 copies (  
2.  Motivation Letter - 2 copies 
3.  Official  certified  transcripts  of  grades  from  all  academic  institutions  of  higher education  listed  in  his/her  application,  certified  copies  of  degrees,  or/and certifications of fulfillment of the required obligations for entering a graduate PhD programme - 2 copies 
4.  Official certified copies of titles in English language - 2 copies  
5.  Names of three referees who, upon request, can provide recommendation letters - 2 copies  
6.  Copies of any related research papers or other significant work by the applicant - 2 copies 

Applications  must  be  submitted  via  express  courier  in  a  closed  envelope  marked  as “ Application  for  FP7-PEOPLE  Marie  Curie  ITN-DCH  Research  Fellow  Position  (ESR)  –  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics”  at the premises of the Cyprus  University  of  Technology,  Human  Resource  Department,  Limassol  Savings  Co-
operative  Bank  Building,  4th  Floor,  Arch.  Kyprianos  31,  CY-3036  Limassol  with  a  clearly visible  official  stamp  of  a  date  not  later  than  15th  January  2016,  14:00  which  is  the deadline for the submission of the applications.   

Applicants are also requested to send their applications electronically to this email address before the deadline of 15th of January 2016, 14:00, however, please  note  that  the  electronic  submission  alone  will  not  be  considered  as  a  formal application  unless  the  printed  application  is  received  as  requested  in  the  previous paragraph. 

For further information please contact Dr. Marinos Ioannides at email and telephone number +357-25-002020 or visit the website  and 
Research Fields 

Computer  Science,  Geomatics,  Photogrammetry,  Computer  Vision,  Computer  Graphics,  Big  Data, Cloud Computing. 

Start of the fellowship: 1st February 2016  
It is noted that: 
-  The University adopts an equal opportunity policy at recruitment and the subsequent career stages and encourages both genders to submit an application for all levels of Academic and Administrative Staff. 
-  The  University  does  not  discriminate  in  any  way  on  the  basis  of  gender,  religion  or  belief, ethnic, national or social origin, age, physical ability, marital status and sexual orientation.

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

PhD positions available at HIT Lab Australia

Human Interface Technology Laboratory – Australia (HITLab AU) has a number of PhD full scholarships available in early 2016. The research topics of the awarded scholarships will align with a wide range of the HITLab's research areas in:

  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Data Visualization
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • User Experience Design
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
The Scholarships provide a stipend of AU$ 25,849 tax free per annum for three years, with a potential AU$ 7,500 top-up per annum. More information about the UTAS scholarship program can be found here: UTAS Scholarships

Expressions of Interest (closes on 15 January 2016)

Qualified students should submit an expression of interest to the HITLab AU's Scholarship program by emailing the following information in PDF:

  • A complete curriculum vitae
  • Educational transcript
  • A short statement of why you desire to do doctoral research at the HITLab AU, the specific project and domains (technology and application) that interest you, and your background and experience that qualify you for this work
  • Letters from at least two referees who are aware of your qualifications and potential
Please email this information to:

About the HIT Lab Australia

The HIT Lab AU is a university-wide multidisciplinary research laboratory, part of the School of Engineering & ICT at the University of Tasmania. The Lab is situated on the Newnham campus in Launceston, Tasmania. The mission of the HIT Lab AU is to empower people by building advanced human-computer interface technology that will unlock the power of human intelligence, link minds globally, and improve the quality of life worldwide.
The Lab's key strategy is on collaborative research projects with schools and disciplines including Engineering & ICT, Architecture & Design, Visual & Performing Arts, Human Life Sciences, Nursing, Education, Human Movement, and the Australian Maritime College.
Special facilities in HITLab AU include 4K tiled wall display, rapid prototyping workshop, interaction design workshop and specifically-purposed devices such as eye tracking devices, interactive surface table, HPC and VR/AR headsets.

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Open PhD position in surface reconstruction at TU Wien

The Rendering Group at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, TU Wien, is looking for a motivated PhD student in the area of Surface Reconstruction. This is a 3-year position funded by Austrian Science Fund.

Details are here:

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Junior Research Group Leaders in the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics, as the coordinator of the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC), invites applications for Junior Research Group Leaders in the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communications offers young scientists in information technology the opportunity to develop their own research program addressing important problems in areas such as

  • image communication 
  • computer graphics
  •  geometric computing 
  • imaging systems  
  • computer vision
  • human machine interface
  • distributed multimedia architectures
  • multimedia networking
  • visual media security
The center includes an outstanding group of faculty members at Stanford’s Computer Science and El­ectrical Engineering Departments, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and Saarland University.
      The program begins with a preparatory 1-2 year postdoc phase (Phase P) at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, followed by a two-year appointment at Stanford University (Phase I) as a visiting assistant professor, and then a position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a junior research group leader (Phase II). However, the program can be entered flexibly at each phase, commensurate with the experience of the applicant.
      Applicants to the program must have completed an outstanding PhD. Exact duration of the preparatory postdoc phase is flexible, but we typically expect this to be about 1-2 years. Applicants who completed their PhD in Germany may enter Phase I of the program directly. Applicants for Phase II are expected to have completed a postdoc stay abroad and must have demonstrated their outstanding research potential and ability to successfully lead a research group.
      Reviewing of applications will commence on 01 Jan 2016. The final deadline is 31 Jan 2016. Applicants should submit their CV, copies of their school and university reports, list of publications, reprints of five selected publications, names of 3-5 references, a brief description of their previous research and a detailed description of the proposed research project (including possible opportunities for collaboration with existing research groups at Saarbrücken and Stanford) to:
      Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel
      Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
      Campus E 1 4, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany;

The Max Planck Center is an equal opportunity employer and women are encouraged to apply.
Additional information is available on the website

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Tenure-track Positions in HCI and Big Data @ Concordia University, Canada

Tenure-track Positions in HCI and Big Data as follows:

- A Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada

Research Chair Tier II in the field of Big Data Analytics – Data Driven Approaches in Different Disciplines at the Associate/Assistant Professor level.

- One position in the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with emphasis in interaction design and development for interactive systems, immersive environments, web or mobile applications at the Assistant Professor level.

For detailed information about working at Concordia, these positions and deadlines, visit

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.  Concordia University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of
visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of asexual minorities, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification.

Detailed applications should include: a CV, teaching and research statements, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and contact details of five referees, and shall be accepted in electronic form (PDF) until December 31, 2015 or until positions are filled. Electronic applications are preferred and should be sent no later than January 1, 2016 to:

Dr. Sudhir Mudur, Chair
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Post-Doc Fellowship in Cyber-Archeology Immersive Visualization

Interdisciplinary Center on Interactive Technologies
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Duke immersive Virtual Environment
Duke University, USA
The Interdisciplary Center for Interactive Technologies at Universidade de São Paulo (CITI-USP) Brazil and the Duke immersive Virtual Environment (DiVE) at Duke University seek applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on research and development in the 3D immersive visualization and manipulation of archeological sites and the building of interactive and immersive virtual environments using new tools, techniques, and methods.
Applicants' own research should involve the sophisticated use of one or more of the following: Immersive Virtual Reality; spatial and temporal visualizations using 3D modeling and photogrammetry; computer-aided drawing tools (CAD) and data visualization. Applicants must be comfortable working in a collaborative research environment and have experience successfully participating in project management and tool building teams.
We welcome applicants from Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as well as candidates with a strong interest and experience in multidisciplinary methods with programming skill in visualization and virtual reality. The area of Cyber-Archeology is wide, but there is a strong preference for candidates who offer areas or specializations which are complementary to those of existing faculty affiliated with the CITI-USP and Duke DiVE.
This postdoctoral fellow's work will focus on pursuing original research and tool-building in collaboration with other researchers, including faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in the CITI-USP and Duke DiVE. The postdoctoral fellow will also teach one course each year in the fields of Virtual Reality and Visualization Department of Electronics Systems.
The appointment is for twenty (20) months and time will be split across USP and Duke University. Open to applicants who will have received the PhD within five academic years prior to the start of the fellowship.
Applicants should submit the following materials:
• Cover letter;
• Curriculum Vitae;
• Dissertation abstract;
• Writing Sample: (no more than 25-pages);
• Sample of Digital Academic Score
• The names and contact information for three referees. These referees should be established scholars who are familiar with the applicant’s work and the proposal being made for the fellowship. At least two of these references must be scholars who can speak to the applicant’s engagement with the field of visualization and virtual reality.
Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis and the position will be filled upon identification of a well-suited candidate. Start date is flexible, and available as soon as job offer is accepted.
Funding for this position comes from FAPESP State of São Paulo.
To apply or request further information please contact Marcelo Zuffo, or Regis Kopper,

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Teaching Assistantships/Ph.D. vacancies at Manchester Metropolitan University

The School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University is making a targeted, strategic investment in academic positions, in order to both strengthen our growing reputation in applied research, and continue to provide an excellent level of support for taught courses. These posts address both priorities by combining a part-time PhD programme with ten hours per week (on average) of teaching support. At the completion of the contract, the successful candidate will have gained both a doctoral qualification and significant teaching experience.

Please see the list of projects offered, below, along with links to the full project description and the appropriate advertisement (and information on how to apply):

Repurposing Gaming Technologies for Effective Cell Manipulation Training


jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

10 PhD positions at the Center for Geometry and Computational Design, TU Wien

The Center for Geometry and Computational Design, TU Wien, invites applications for 10 PhD  positions in the Doctoral College 'Computational Design'. 
Several of these positions have strong components of computer graphics.

Application deadline is November 15, 2015.
The Doctoral College starts in January 2016.

For further details see the announcement below and the following link:

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

PhD Studentship: 3D User Interfaces for Next-Generation Computational Design. University College London

The DISTRO network brings together leading laboratories in Visual Computing and 3D Computer Graphics research across Europe with the aim of training a new generation of scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs that will move Europe into a leading role in the scientific and technological innovation in the area of distributed 3D object design, customization and fabrication. The network will train a total of 15 PhD students across Europe, who will closely interact through secondments and research visits.
This position will begin by 1 January 2016. The person in this role will look at novel methods for interacting with design processes in 3D. Based on recent work on exploration of design spaces, we will build novel tools that allow the user to explore the design space.
 More info here

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Becas del gobierno suizo para estudiantes españoles

Más información en:

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Multiple Positions at the USC ICT MxR Lab

The MxR Lab at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies is seeking applicants for multiple positions. We currently have the following job openings: Mechanical/Electrical Engineer for a newly funded project on dynamic haptic interfaces Simulation Programmer for a project involving photogrammetry and 3D reconstruction Virtual Reality Programmers for multiple research projects involving development of immersive virtual environments using VR hardware and software platforms (e.g. Oculus Rift, Unity) More information, including links to apply, can be found on the job postings listed above. Interested applicants are also encouraged to directly contact Evan Suma and David Krum .

Doctoral Position in Visual Computing; U Siegen

Research Scientists with focus on Computer Graphics and Computer Vision for Real-Time Scene Reconstruction (fulltime positions, salary scale 13 TV-L) The Research Training Group "Imaging New Modalities" - funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Siegen - aims to fill the following vacancy as soon as possible. The positions in the Research Training Group are initially limited in time for a period of 36 months, with potential for contract prolongation depending on a positive project development. The tenure is based on the Act on Temporary Employment in Higher Education. Your tasks: We are looking for talented researchers with experience in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision for the topic of real-time scene reconstruction using range cameras, e.g. Kinect. The research is focused on robust methods of feature extraction, sensor data fusion and/or spatio-temporal data accumulation. Successful candidates will be given the opportunity to work towards their dissertation. Your profile: Applicants must be graduated in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar (Master or Diploma) with very good or excellent grade. We expect solid English skills. A profound knowledge in object-oriented graphics programming (C++) under Linux/Unix or Windows and on the mathematical basics of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Image Data Processing is expected. The University of Siegen is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the number of women involved in research and teaching. We encourage qualified women to apply. The University of Siegen offers excellent opportunities to combine career and family. The University welcomes applications from disabled people. The application and selection procedure is web-based. Applications including a full CV, certificates, grade transcripts, two letters of recommendation and a project proposal should be uploaded on the Research Training Group's website by 01.09.2015. Please include reference no. 2015/IV/ETI/WM/147. The proposal (approx. 2 pages) should describe the nexus between the individual research interests and the topics of the Research Training Group. Moreover, it should sketch possible research directions. For more information on the Research Training Group and the University of Siegen please refer to and

New Positions open at Virginia Tech

Visualization and Virtual Reality Systems Specialist The Visionarium Lab at Virginia Tech, an international leader in immersive and web virtual reality visualization, supports science, engineering and design activities across the University – As part of the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) group –, in Information Technology, the position is focused on managing and extending ARC systems in the Visionarium Lab and providing visualization consultation, programming support, and facility tours. This position may also work on other strategic systems and partnerships to advance Virginia Tech’s mission. ICAT Immersive Environment Specialist The ICAT Immersive Environment Specialist (IES) works in a team setting with researchers from science, engineering, education and the arts to produce content for use in a variety of virtual and augmented reality applications. The primary role of the IES is to provide support to Virginia Tech researchers, programmers, producers and marketing staff using the ICAT Cube facility, including creating virtual and augmented reality environments making use of a variety of displays, including wearables. The IES collaborates with the Cube systems administrator, graduate researchers, and affiliated faculty to provide an environment that enables research in immersive environments to the most diverse population of researchers possible. Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. For inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies, contact the executive director for Equity and Access at 540-231-8771 or Virginia Tech, North End Center, Suite 2300 (0318), 300 Turner St. NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061.

martes, 14 de julio de 2015

PhD Position at University of Innsbruck

PhD Student Position in Physically-Based Simulation The newly founded Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group at the University of Innsbruck, Austria invites applications for the position of a PhD student in physically-based simulation, with an application in surgical simulation. We are seeking a motivated and talented PhD student with interest and skill in physically-based simulation and surgical simulators. The main focus will be on new approaches of interactive tissue deformation computation in medical training systems. There is a possibility for collaboration with an industrial partner in this framework. Candidates should have earned a Master or Diploma degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or other related fields. Good knowledge in physically-based simulation is expected. In addition, some experience with surgical simulation is of advantage. Further, knowledge of virtual/augmented reality and computer haptics is also a plus. Experience and knowledge in C/C++ programming is expected, as well as a good level in English, both written and spoken. Candidates should send electronically an application with complete CV, grades and transcripts, relevant certificates, and links to relevant prior publications via email. The compiled material should be sent in PDF format to: We are looking forward to hearing from you.

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Responsable de proyectos TIC

ainia centro tecnológico, precisa incorporar a su plantilla de profesionales para su departamento de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones: RESPONSABLE DE PROYECTOS DE TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIONES En dependencia del Jefe de Departamento, participará tanto en el desarrollo como en la coordinación técnica de proyectos de I+D+i y de asistencia técnica en el área de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la industria y con un enfoque de negocio. Asimismo, elaborará propuestas y memorias técnicas dirigidas tanto a empresas privadas como a convocatorias públicas de I+D+i a nivel nacional e internacional y promoverá el contacto con empresas clientes y potenciales. Buscamos un/una profesional con formación en Ingeniería Informática o Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, con experiencia de al menos tres años en el desarrollo de software en entornos industriales, dispositivos móviles y plataformas web. Se valorará la experiencia en consultoría, llevando a cabo análisis de requisitos y de procesos. Se requiere un buen nivel de inglés y se valorará la formación de postgrado en Inteligencia Atificial, así como la formación en análisis de datos. La persona seleccionada deberá tener una elevada capacidad de comunicación hablada y escrita, ser creativa e innovadora, estar acostumbrada al trabajo en equipo, poseer afán de superación y mejora, y estar orientada al cliente y a resultados. Los/las interesados deberán remitir su curriculum vitae indicando sus expectativas económicas a la dirección de correo electrónico con la referencia TIC0715 o bien inscribirse a la oferta de empleo en la página web de ainia (

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Research Associate/Research Assistant (PhD Candidate)

The chair for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg has several job openings for research associates/research assistants (PhD Candidates). The HCI-group explores novel forms of human-computer interaction. A specific focus are multimedia and multimodal input/output systems in the areas of Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Reality. Current research topics include intelligent graphics (artificial intelligence and graphics), speech and language processing, embodiement, agent systems, computer games and gamification, etc. We are looking for highly motivated applicants, which are able to independently perform scientific research, but which are also willing and able to cooperate with other members of our team. More information can be found here: ====================================================== ====================================================== Marc Erich Latoschik Human-Computer Interaction University of Würzburg

martes, 30 de junio de 2015

PostDOC fellow positions at IMATI-CNR

Two positions open for PostDOC fellowship at the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the CNR, Genova Dept. ( For both positions, the ideal candidates should have a good background in geometry processing, computer science and mathematics. Candidates with good research experience and programming skills, willing to spend one year with the Shape Modelling Group of IMATI are encouraged to apply. Details on the research programmes and application procedure can be found at the following links: 1) Reference number IMATI 004 2015 GE: Innovative methods for 3D shape exploration guided by analysis of similarities Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of Cultural Heritage. 2) Bando IMATI 005 2015 GE: Innovative methods for the representation and analysis of 3D shapes Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of 3D printing. For any information, please contact: or

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Virtual Surgery at RPI, NY, USA

The Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA invites applications for the position of postdoctoral associate to work on projects funded by the NIH on developing virtual reality technology for surgical applications. The ideal candidate will develop the next generation surgical simulation technology based on advanced physics-based computational methods and robotic systems in collaboration with surgeons at Harvard Medical School. Desirable background for this position includes: · PhD in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, HCI or related field. · Strong background in Computer Graphics. · Knowledge of interactive computing is a plus. · Excellent programming skills · Experience in developing virtual environments involving haptics · Developing interfaces and performing human user studies Application Interested candidates may apply to Professor Suvranu De ( with a cover letter, detailed CV, a copy of the publication deemed as best representative of the candidate’s creative research, and names and email addresses of three referees. Applications from minority and women are especially encouraged. RPI is an Equal opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer.

Open Post-Doc Position at Clemson

Larry F. Hodges has a one-year post-doc position open for this fall.  Candidate should have previous research experience and skills in one or more of virtual environments, 3DUI, experimental design and evaluation, intelligent virtual agents, and stereoscopic computer graphics.

The virtual environments group at Clemson is a dynamic research group with approximately 25 faculty, post-doc and student participants.

Applications should be emailed directly to lfh@CLEMSON.EDU and should include a C.V., statement of research interests, and the names of three references.

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Postdoctoral position at CNRS on 3D interaction in virtual environment, knowledge, collaboration

Subject: 3D interaction for intelligent collaboration in virtual environments
Dates: 24 months, starting before October 1, 2015
Location: UMR CNRS 7253 Heudiasyc, University of Technology Compiegne, Rue Roger Couttolenc
Centre PG1-GSM-I212 CS 60319, 60203 COMPIEGNE CEDEX , FRANCE

 We are inviting applications for one postdoctoral position on 3D interaction for intelligent collaboration in virtual environments at CNRS ( The position is for two years, starting before October 2015. The successful candidate will join the Heudiasyc research team
( at the CNRS premises within the Campus of the UTC (, in Compiegne, France. The research activity will be carried out under the supervision of Indira Thouvenin ( ).

The candidate will conduct research on 3D interaction in virtual environments, where the user intentions are essential to build a collaborative experience, particularly in the case of distant collaboration. The focus will be on adapted multimodal feedbacks for guiding the participants in virtual environments.

We have designed and developed several adaptive guiding models in virtual environments, based on cognitive and embodied activity modelling of the real user. A lot of possibilities exist with data collection of the user state, gesture, context or errors while interacting in a virtual environment. These data are captured and interpreted in real time to provide sensorial feedbacks.
The final module will be evaluated on scenario in order to measure the influence of collaboration, metaphors, communication protocols and data exchanges efficiency. An analysis off line and on line will be realized.

Requirements for this position include:
-        a PhD in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or related areas
-        a strong background in virtual reality and a strong interest in knowledge representation; Candidates with a curricula oriented to machine learning and an interest in cognitive science will be also considered
-        strong algorithm design and software implementation skills
-        a good publication record in related conferences and journals
-        fluency in written and spoken English, spoken French will be considered

Applications are to be sent to both and

·        one unique file or a file archive with a short cover letter indicating the candidate's research interests, achievements to date and vision for the future, a CV including a complete list of publications, the contact details of two/three referees
·        objet: [recrutement post doc interaction 3D collaborative]

The deadline for applying is on June 30, 2105.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Desarrollador software kukupia (Valencia)

En kukupia, empresa situada en Valencia y creadora del primer fonendoscopio inalámbrico, están buscando a un/a desarrollador/a software con las siguientes características:

- Android Senior Developer, con experiencia demostrable ya sea profesional o académica, es decir: conocimientos de Java, programación orientada a objetos, patrones de diseño, programación concurrente/paralela, API Android para Bluetooth, desarrollo de interfaces de usuario amigables, etc.
- Conocimiento en desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOs con Objective-C y/o Switf (Opcional, pero valorado muy positivamente)
- Conocimiento de C/C++, programación con Linux y sistemas embebidos (Opcional, pero valorado muy positivamente)
- Buen nivel de inglés
- Persona creativa y proactiva, que sepa interactuar y desenvolverse bien en un equipo multidisciplinar

Para más información contactar con:

Tenure-track assistant Professor of Computer Graphics and Computer Simulation. University of Copenhagen

Tenure-track assistant Professor of Computer Graphics and Computer
Simulation Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Computer Science ( at the University
of Copenhagen invites applications for an associate professor of Computer
Graphics and Computer Simulation.

The department is expanding its research and educational activities in
computer simulation and computer graphics. There are excellent
opportunities for working with medical applications and for collaboration
on theoretical and applied development of novel numerical methods, new
approaches for computational meshing, GPU programming and computational
mechanics with researchers at DIKU and neighbouring institutions requiring
advanced computer simulations beyond the state-of-the-art.
The applicant is expected to have substantial research experience in the
area of Computer Graphics and Computer Simulation. Outstanding applicants
in all areas of computer graphics and computer simulation will be
considered, but research areas of special interest include moving meshes,
computational contact mechanics, bio-mechanical modeling as well as the
application of these methods in various domains.

The successful candidate is expected to build up his/her own research
group and apply for external funding (e.g., an ERC starting grant). The
position comes with a competitive start-up package.

Research Associate/Ph.D. Student positions at TU Darmstadt

The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing (GCC, Prof. Goesele) in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt has two job openings for

  Research Associates/Ph.D. Students

for an initial term of 3 years. The open positions are part of the joint PhD program in visual computing with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore (see Both positions include therefore a one year research stay at NTU in Singapore.
The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing works on topics at the intersection of computer graphics and computer vision. A second focus are efficient techniques for massively parallel computing (e.g., on modern graphics processing units). Both positions should contribute and/or complement the existing research topics and should also fit to the research interests of the researchers in the joint Ph.D. program in Singapore. Potential topics include:

- efficient image-based reconstruction and rendering techniques
- analysis and perceptual evaluation of reconstruction and rendering techniques
- reconstruction and processing or geometry and reflectance
- massively parallel techniques in computer vision and computer graphics

The successful candidate will also participate in the groups teaching activities.
We are looking for highly motivated applicants, which are able to independently perform scientific research, but are also willing and able to cooperate with other members of our team. The position requires a Masters or Diploma degree in Computer Science or a related field and a deep knowledge of computer graphics, computer vision and/or massively parallel programming. The candidate should have very good knowledge of C/C++ and ideally also have very good knowledge in parallel or massively parallel programming. In addition, she/he should have a strong proficiency of spoken and written English.
Opportunity for further qualification (doctoral dissertation) is given. The fulfillment of the research and service requirements attached to this position serve at the same time as fulfillment of the academic requirements for a candidate's doctoral degree.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of female faculty members and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt). Part-time employment is generally possible.

How to Apply
Your application should include a letter of motivation stating your interest in the position and your research interests, your current curriculum vitae, M.Sc./Diploma certificates including grades, and at least two letters of recommendation. Please send your application via email to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Goesele (, including the reference number listed below.

Code. No. 214
Application deadline: June 03, 2015

Online version of the job posting

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Funded MSc/PhD Studentships at the University of Calgary’s Computation Media Design (CMD) Program

The Computational Media Design (CMD Graduate Program at the University of Calgary is looking for exceptional MSc/PhD students to join our program in January 2016. Successful applicants will become part of a small group of researchers who are exploring exciting relationships among music, art, design, science and technology.

The Computational Media Design Graduate program is composed of the Faculty of Arts: School of Creative and Performing Arts and the Department of Art, the Faculty of Environmental Design and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. Students who complete the CMD program earn graduate degrees, either Master of Science or PhD, and are funded throughout their studies within the CMD program limits (for details please see 'funding' at:

In the expanding world of multimedia and design there is an increasing need for graduates who can conduct and direct complex projects that combine computing expertise with the creative vision and energies of artists and designers. Many opportunities exist for our graduates in companies whose primary business is game design and development, film, TV, web design, simulation, networking, interactive media, and mobile and wearable computing. Interest in our graduates also comes from the
creative fields of dance, music, theatre and the visual arts.

Our research-based graduate degrees explore the relationships between and among art, music, design, science and technology. Successful applicants will be supervised by two CMD’s Faculty members
( enabling them to conduct research at the intersection of music, art, design and computer science.

We are located at the vibrant city of Calgary, an hour drive away from the mountains and lakes of the beautiful Canadian Rockies.

Considering applying? Please visit: (we are currently looking for a small number of exceptional candidates for January 2016 admission, the application deadline is July 1st, 2015).

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Tenure track faculty opening at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)

Aalto University, the top Finnish technical university, seeks strong candidates specializing in capture, processing, synthesis, and reproduction of three-dimensional geometry, animation, and appearance, for a tenure track faculty position in the Department of Computer Science. We particularly emphasize acquisition through computer vision and other machine sensing methods, but welcome all applicants whose work complements our current faculty in graphics and interactive techniques, including, e.g., such areas as computational photography, computational displays, geometric modeling, and personal virtual reality.

Our current faculty in closely related fields include Prof. Jaakko Lehtinen (, Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen (, and Prof. Ville Kyrki (!Ville_Kyrki) who warmly welcome an ambitious new member to complement and join their efforts.

The deadline for applications is June 4 2015.

Please see for further information. Do not be frightened by the term “Computer Vision” in the job title!

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Full Stack Developer with UI Designer Knowledge

When was the last time you had fun at work?

At G&N, we are looking for two outstanding Full Stack Programmers to work with us in our office in Barcelona. We do Search Engine Marketing (SEM) worldwide and work for international clients. We love and breath technology and everyone at the company has a tech background.

What we look for
A young professional with an engineering background. A problem solver with initiative, autonomy and an innovative mentality. We look for people that want to have fun while working and create a great atmosphere with their teammates. We value personal attitude at the very top. We really mean that!!!
We are looking for someone who is able to develop back end technologies but also puts an intuitive face to them.

To do
-  Web Service Development for SEM advertising 
-  Custom dashboards for client reporting 
-  Microsites for A/B testing 
-  Development of API tools for Google, Yahoo!, LinkedIn.... 
-  Data mining and big data 

What you need to have 
-  PhD, Master or Bachelor degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering 
-  Programming knowledge: Python, SQL, PHP, R 
-  Web development languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript 
Other things we value
-  Your willingness to help and care for others 
-  Excellent capabilities to manage numbers and ratios 
-  Software development best practices 
-  Being up to date with web libraries 

-  Contract: Full time 
-  Salary: based upon value and experience provided 
-  Private insurance 
-  Openings: 2 

Why is G&N a good place to work? 
-  We believe on freedom and ownership thinking. At G&N we do not count your vacation days or working hours and it’s not about a salary, it’s about your life. We look for people that belong to our culture, work hard and take on challenges daily. If you are a person who takes care of all your responsibilities and goes beyond what is expected at ALL times, you are a G&N person. G&N, as part of the Cyberclick Group, has been awarded with the greatest place to work in Spain 2014.
-  Imagine working in an office looking at the Mediterranean Sea in one of the most beautiful office buildings in Europe? Yes, this would be your place.
-  Work with some of the best. What we are most proud of, is our team. G&N’s team is very small, but it is the one with more PhDs in the advertising industry in Europe. (They range from Quantum Physics to Math or Software).
-  Get a real world experience. Work with real clients hand to hand and take your own decisions (Yes, that’s what makes its awesome!!). 
We only accept applicants with passion for what they do. 

If you are interested, send your CV to: 

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

3D artist for the University of Arkansas

The Emerging Analytics Center (EAC) at the University of Arkansas is seeking a talented 3D artist to join its interdisciplinary startup team of faculty, students, researchers, and collaborators. EAC works in a wide range of virtual reality and interactive visualization applied research projects, many of which require the creation of 3D assets, shaders, scripts, animations and other components. The 3D artist will be responsible for the development of the “look and feel” of many projects and will work directly under the Director of the EAC. This position may also be required to supervise art and design students assisting on the projects. The position has opportunities to advance towards a lead position as well.

More details and application site at:

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Research Engineer in CATEC

The Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies (FADA-CATEC) is recruiting one Research Engineer in the framework of the H2020 ITN Marine-UAS (
The selected candidate will be working in advanced and challenging UAS technological projects in a collaborative and team environment. Moreover, the successful applicant will participate in the training activities organized by MarineUAS partners, and then, will have the opportunity to interact with world class researchers from around Europe.
Desired background of the candidates: We seek highly motivated engineers with a master degree in Robotics, Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science or related areas.  Previous experience in practical UAS development, real-time operating systems, C/C++ experience, electronics design and microcontroller programming skills will be positively evaluated.
Also, it is required that candidates have a fluent level of English, both writing and speaking.
Finally, it will be positively evaluated that the candidates hold a university degree that gives access to doctoral studies in Spain (approvable official Master's Degree in Engineering).
Duration: The contract will be awarded for 24 months renewable up to a maximum of 36 months and with a predicted starting date between July 1, 2015-September 1, 2015
Salary: Around 36K€ per year gross salary (net salary will depend on taxation according to Spanish national law) plus 600€/month for mobility allowance and 500€/month for family allowance (subject to family situation).
To apply, interested candidates should send their complete CV and the contact details of 3 references to Antidio Viguria (
IMPORTANT: Eligibility criteria of the potential candidates.
To be eligible for the position, each engineer/researcher must simultaneously fulfil the following criteria at the time of recruitment.
1. Nationality: The researcher may be of any nationality.
2. Mobility: At the time of the recruitment by FADA-CATEC, researchers shall not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
3. Research experience: the applicants must enter within the category “Early stage researcher”. This means a researcher who, at the time of recruitment, has not yet been awarded the doctorate degree and is in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of his/her research career.
FADA-CATEC is an aerospace research center ( oriented to applied research and technological development and located in Seville (Spain). The Avionics and Systems Dept. has an important activity in the development of UAS/RPAS technologies, being one of the most important research centers for civil UAS/RPAS in Spain. The Department is composed of a team with 20 engineers/technicians and a large international experience, having participated in  7 FP7 projects related with UAS and aerial robot  technologies (ARCAS, EC-SAFEMOBIL, PLANET, CONET, MUAC-IREN, FieldCopter and euRathlon), and being the coordinators of 3 of these projects: ARCAS (, EC-SAFEMOBIL ( and MUAC-IREN ( ). The Department is also participating in 2 SESAR projects (DEMORPAS and ARIADNA) and 1 CleanSky project (DIAMMOND). On the other hand, the Department has participated in the last 5 years in more than 20 Spanish R&D projects related with aerial robot and UAS technologies working directly with companies such as: Deimos, GMV, Isdefe, INDRA, etc. 
MarineUAS is an international training programme for highly motivated young engineers and researchers, where state-of-the-art research is combined with a comprehensive training program. MarineUAS addresses the needs of European companies and society for unmanned aerial systems for marine and coastal monitoring, through training on cutting edge research in this rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field. The network is funded by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Framework programme, under the Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network scheme.   

sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Two post-doc posts at UCL on next-generation online 3D models

I am pleased to advertise two post-doc posts in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group at University College London. The posts will support the new EPSRC-funded project Open3D, which will look at next-generation online 3D models. The goal of the project is to support distributed editing of massive 3D models, and crowd-source two large 3D models, one in anatomy, one in city modelling.

For one of the posts we wish to recruit someone with web3d experience, or knowledge of large modelling/virtual reality systems:

For the second, we need someone with geometry processing knowledge

The post post-holders will work Prof. Steed and Prof. Mitra, along with colleagues in the UCL Interaction Centre and domain specialists in the target areas.

Both posts are funded for three years in the first instance.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

PhD position proposal, University of Paris Sud, France.

(Deadline to apply: May 22th, 2015, midnight CET)

SensoriMotor interface for Collaborative Virtual Environments based on heterogeneous interactive devices: application to industrial design

ExSitu team, LRI/INRIA Saclay -
University of Paris Sud, France.

Supervisor: (VENISE group)
Co-advisor: (ExSitu team)

Keywords:      Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE), Virtual Reality (VR), Sensorimotor Interface, Computer Aided Design (CAD).

Abstract: In the research field of Collaborative Virtual Environments, the scientific challenge of this PhD is to develop a sensorimotor interface model which has a versatility potential to support heterogeneous interactive devices ranging from Wall-sized Displays up to Immersive Virtual Reality rooms. This research is motivated by the increasing need, in some industrial domains, for efficient collaborative interactions on large visualization and/or immersive systems, to perform scale-one activities on virtual mock-ups of the projects. These new working methods improve the productivity of product design, but the gesture interaction with 3D content in such systems often lack of accuracy. This PhD work aims to study Pseudo-Haptic and Haptic approaches to solve this problem. The challenge is to create a sensorimotor interface model based on these approaches, which will have the adaptability to support the various technologies available on different interconnected devices, for a set of collaborative tasks. This PhD will be carried out in the context of the Equipex DIGISCOPE project, a high-performance telepresence network for remote collaboration, located on Paris-Saclay campus and supported by the French National Research Agency.

More details:

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

TU Graz: PhD Position in 3D Shape Retrieval and Analysis

PhD Position in 3D Shape Retrieval and Analysis

The position is available at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at TU Graz
(see The position is fully funded for three years and includes a one year
research exchange with Nanyang Technical University, Singapore within the joint PhD Program in Visual
Computing of the two Universities (see

Research Focus and Environment
Due to recent advances in 3D acquisition and modeling, increasingly large amounts of 3D shape data
become available in many application domains. Coping with large 3D shape data requires effective and
efficient techniques to support 3D searching, exploring, analyzing and processing tasks. Our research
group works on feature-based approaches for 3D shape retrieval including sketch- and example-based
methods; clustering and classification of shape repositories for annotation and visual exploration; and on
similarity-based methods for restoration of fragmented or incomplete shapes.
The successful candidate will contribute to the group’s research efforts by developing, applying and
evaluating novel feature-based shape analysis methods to support one or more of the above mentioned
problems. The methods to be researched are informed by new application needs in domains such
as Computer Aided Design and Digital Archeology. The researcher will collaborate with experts from
relevant application domains to gather requirements, experimental data, and perform joint evaluation.
Our research group offers a pleasant working atmosphere in a motivated, cooperative, and technically
very well equipped environment. We offer excellent professional and personal development possibilities,
including participation in interesting research projects, a foreign exchange program, and a range of industry
contacts. The group is part of the Visual Computing research cluster in Graz, offering an excellent
scientific environment. The city of Graz and the Austrian state of Styria offer exceptional quality of living.

We are looking for a highly motivated member for our research team with a Master degree in Computer
Science or a related field. Candidates have a background in Visual Computing techniques and are motivated
to take on basic research challenges in the areas described above, and demonstrate the novelty
and effectiveness of their methods by experimental evaluation and application. Practical programming
skills in Java, C++ or other suitable language are required. Applicants are fluent in English and enjoy
collaborative work in an international environment.

Contact and Application
Please contact for further details on the position. To apply, please send your CV,
academic credentials and a letter of motivation by email or by postal mail to:

Graz University of Technology
Faculty for Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
Ingrid Preininger
Inffeldgasse 16c
A-8010 Graz