sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Two post-doc posts at UCL on next-generation online 3D models

I am pleased to advertise two post-doc posts in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group at University College London. The posts will support the new EPSRC-funded project Open3D, which will look at next-generation online 3D models. The goal of the project is to support distributed editing of massive 3D models, and crowd-source two large 3D models, one in anatomy, one in city modelling.

For one of the posts we wish to recruit someone with web3d experience, or knowledge of large modelling/virtual reality systems:


For the second, we need someone with geometry processing knowledge


The post post-holders will work Prof. Steed and Prof. Mitra, along with colleagues in the UCL Interaction Centre and domain specialists in the target areas.

Both posts are funded for three years in the first instance.

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