martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

2011 Orange graduate programme

the 2011 Orange graduate programme is now open!

the Orange graduate programme is an attractive recruitment, induction and development programme designed for high-potential graduates from the best international courses of study.

to find out more about the Orange graduate programme

* visit us at : and facebook.

* apply on line until the closing date: 31 January 2011

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Visiting Researcher Position in Augmented Reality

Visiting Researcher Position in Augmented Reality
Graz University of Technology - Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
The Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) at the Graz University of
Technology, Austria seeks a visiting researcher to join the research group on
Augmented Reality. We focus on investigating all aspects of creating augmented
reality experiences and applications. We want to extend our team with a senior
graduate (MSc or equivalent) or postgraduate (PhD or equivalent) researcher
with experience in the area of real-time computer vision. Particularly, we are
inviting researchers with interest and/or experience in the following topics to

- 3D tracking and detection
- Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
- Online 3D reconstruction
- Sensor fusion
- Programmable cameras and depth cameras
- Applications on handheld devices and smartphones

Interdisciplinary research experience combining computer vision with other areas
such as computer graphics and human computer interaction is a plus. An ideal
candidate will have experience in designing, implementing and testing research
prototype systems. Development experience in C++, real-time interactive
systems and mobile devices is a plus. The successful candidate will be self-
motivated and able to pursue independent research, collaborate with other
researchers and doctoral students in the group and supervise under-graduate
students in projects. Candidates must be fluent in English (speaking and writing).

The position is available immediately. The duration of the appointment is up to 12
month, with a possibility of extension. Relocation to Graz, Austria is expected.

Applicants should submit electronically or in print:
- A detailed CV outlining academic background and past research
- A record of publications
- Two names of references

Please submit applications to:
Christina Fuchs  
  Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
Technische Universität Graz
Inffeldgasse 16
A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

About ICG 

ICG is the only Austrian academic group with the charter to address both
Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, and is carefully nurturing a culture of
Digital Visual Information Processing to resolve the artificial boundaries between
computer graphics and computer vision. The research at ICG is focused on
Computer Graphics, Visualization, Medical Computer Vision, Object Recognition,
Object Reconstruction, Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

For further information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reitmayr (+43 316 873 5082 / or
Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg (+43 316 873 5070 /

Two Post-doc Positions at HP Labs

HP Labs, in Palo Alto, California, seeks two postdoctoral research scientists for an
in-depth investigation of the uses of new nonvolatile memory (NVM) technologies
in high-performance computing systems. The investigation spans NVM
technology and modeling; memory system design and analysis; the impact of
NVM on system architecture; the software abstractions suitable for NVM; and
distributed programming models that can take advantage of nonvolatility.

Applicants should have (or expect soon) a PhD in Computer Science or Computer
Engineering with a background in one or more of
* memory systems
* system architecture
* operating systems
* programming of distributed systems
* resilience aspects of distributed systems
* supercomputing systems
* supercomputing applications

For more information, please contact:
* Rob Schreiber at


Job Description
Full-time position
Based in Bristol with travel as required.

HP's investment in Cloud Infrastructure and Services reflects a significant part of our computing strategy. Cloud Services will have a huge impact on the way in which IT is supplied and consumed by individuals, small/medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises and governments - whole new classes of service and functionality will be made possible. The promise of Cloud Services is profound and exciting for both users and providers, and HP is uniquely positioned to play a key role in making it real and compelling.

HP's Cloud business is creating an R&D facility in Bristol, alongside HP Labs, to build core product technologies that are scalable, secure, reliable, resilient, flexible and adaptive. We are seeking highly-motivated and talented individuals, both technologists and managers, to become part of this new and expanding group.

HP requires a number of Software Development Engineers to work as part of a fast-moving, global, entrepreneurial team creating a large-scale distributed management system for delivering and managing cloud infrastructure and platform services.

The role will include all aspects of the software engineering lifecycle. The area of focus will include:

* building distributed management intelligence for a large-scale, federated data-centre fabrics, meeting performance, security, reliability, persistence and scalability requirements

Experience Required:-

* Experience in all aspects of the software engineering lifecycle; architecture, design, development, documentation, test, deployment and support
* Experience in developing with distributed systems, preferably large-scale, secure and dependable systems.
* Experience in designing and building robust large-scale management systems
* In-depth Linux experience including development on Linux
* Experience with virtualization (one or more of KVM / Xen / Vmware) desired
* Systems-level development in Java. Other languages (Python, C/C++, etc.) an
* Excellent teamwork skills, including working as part of a distributed, global team

Click here to apply online
or search for job 534378 at

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Visiting Researcher Position in Augmented Reality

Graz University of Technology - Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision

The Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) at the Graz University of
Technology, Austria seeks a visiting researcher to join the research group on
Augmented Reality. We focus on investigating all aspects of creating augmented
reality experiences and applications. We want to extend our team with a senior
graduate (MSc or equivalent) or postgraduate (PhD or equivalent) researcher
with experience in the area of real-time computer vision. Particularly, we are
inviting researchers with interest and/or experience in the following topics to

- 3D tracking and detection
- Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
- Online 3D reconstruction
- Sensor fusion
- Programmable cameras and depth cameras
- Applications on handheld devices and smartphones

Interdisciplinary research experience combining computer vision with other areas
such as computer graphics and human computer interaction is a plus. An ideal
candidate will have experience in designing, implementing and testing research
prototype systems. Development experience in C++, real-time interactive
systems and mobile devices is a plus. The successful candidate will be self-
motivated and able to pursue independent research, collaborate with other
researchers and doctoral students in the group and supervise under-graduate
students in projects. Candidates must be fluent in English (speaking and writing).

The position is available immediately. The duration of the appointment is up to 12
month, with a possibility of extension. Relocation to Graz, Austria is expected.

Applicants should submit electronically or in print:
- A detailed CV outlining academic background and past research
- A record of publications
- Two names of references

Please submit applications to:
Christina Fuchs  
  Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
Technische Universität Graz
Inffeldgasse 16
A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

About ICG 

ICG is the only Austrian academic group with the charter to address both
Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, and is carefully nurturing a culture of
Digital Visual Information Processing to resolve the artificial boundaries between
computer graphics and computer vision. The research at ICG is focused on
Computer Graphics, Visualization, Medical Computer Vision, Object Recognition,
Object Reconstruction, Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

For further information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reitmayr (+43 316 873 5082 / or
Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg (+43 316 873 5070 /

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


El Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UPV lanza la convocatoria de Becas de Excelencia 2010 para becar a los recién titulados de la UPV que hayan finalizado sus estudios con los mejores expedientes.


Objetivo: becar a personas físicas, para desarrollar sus actividades en una Estructura de Investigación de la UPV, para realizar en un futuro un Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador.

Duración: máximo 1 año.

Dotación: 1.142 € al mes más un seguro de accidentes corporales, de responsabilidad civil y de asistencia médica.

Requisitos: poseer un título superior, un título de primer ciclo y un título de segundo ciclo, o un título de primer ciclo y un título de máster universitario (todos de la UPV). La nota media del expediente académico debe ser igual o superior a 7 puntos, y la fecha de finalización de estudios posterior al uno de septiembre de 2009.

Plazo: hasta el 9 de noviembre en el registro del CTT.

Observaciones: sólo se considerarán aquellos candidatos que se encuentren entre los 5 primeros puestos de su promoción.

En la siguiente web del Vicerrectorado de Investigación:
Información personal en las siguientes extensiones del CTT:
Campus de Vera: 78217, 78290
Campus de Gandía: 49409
Campus de Alcoy: 28535

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

DSIC-Convocatoria beca de colaboración

Título: Diseño y mantenimiento de la web del posgrado en informática
Tipo de beca: COLABORACIÓN
Nº de plazas: 1
Fecha previsible de inicio: 01-12-2010
Importe mensual de la beca: 500 euros (dedicación: 20h/semana)
Duración: hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2011
Tareas a desarrollar por el becario:
Mantenimiento de la web del posgrado en informática y diseño de nuevos
Apoyo en las tareas indicadas por la comisión académica del máster
Perfil de los aspirantes:
Estudiantes matriculados en alguno de los siguientes Másteres Oficiales:
- Máster Oficial en Computación Paralela
- Máster Oficial en Ingeniería de Computadores
- Máster Oficial en Ingeniería del Software, Métodos Formales y
Sistemas de Información
- Máster Oficial en Inteligencia Artificial, Reconocimiento de
Formas e Imagen Digital

Otros meritos a valorar:
1. Conocimientos básicos del desarrollo de aplicaciones web (HTML, CSS,
PHP, JavaScript, Perl, etc)
2. Experiencia en el diseño e implementación de aplicaciones web.

Los candidatos podrán optar a la beca mediante solicitud dirigida al
profesor responsable D. Germán Vidal que podrán remitir a través de la
secretaría del DSIC o por correo electrónico hasta el día
12 de noviembre, a la que acompañaran copia de su expediente académico,
fotocopia del DNI, Fotocopia de la matrícula, curriculum vitae, así como de
cualquier otra documentación que acredite que el candidato se ajusta al
perfil de la beca.

El profesor responsable del proyecto en el que se dota la correspondiente
beca resolverá en un plazo máximo de 5 días a partir del cierre de la

Esta beca está sujeta a la normativa aprobada por el consejo de Gobierno de
fecha 28 de febrero de 2002.

Valencia, 19 de octubre de 2010

El profesor responsable

Germán Vidal

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Beca de Colaboración financiada por la Cátedra Tecnologías para la Salud (INDRA) para la realización del PFC




Nº de becas convocadas: 1
Tipo de beca: COLABORACION
Duración: 4 MESES Fecha inicio: 1/06/2009
Dotación: 500 euros/mes
OBJETO de la beca:
* Complementar la formación universitaria y proporcionar una mayor especialización profesional mediante la participación en actividades relacionadas con la Informática Biomédica, en especial con los estándares de comunicación de la Historia Clínica Electrónica.
* Realizar el PFC con el tema Búsqueda semántica en repositorios de conceptos biomédicos estandarizados antes del 23 de diciembre de 2009

* Estudiante de Ingeniería Informática

Conocimientos imprescindibles:
* Conocimientos de JAVA y XML
Se valorará especialmente:
* Capacidad de trabajo en equipo
* Disposición de realizar el PFC durante el presente año 2009.

Secretaría del Instituto ITACA. UPV. Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, Edificio 8G, Acceso B, 3er piso, en horario de 9:00 a 14:00 horas.
Plazo: DEL 08/05/2009 AL 15/05/2009
Documentos requeridos:
Valencia, 7 de mayo de 2009

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Becas ERASMUS 2010/2011


Oficina de Intercambio de Posgrado (OIP)

En la presente convocatoria sólo podrán participar los estudiantes matriculados en:

• Máster en Tecnologías, Sistemas y Redes de Comunicaciones (MTSRC)
• Máster en Computación Paralela y Distribuida (MCPD)
• Máster en Ingeniería de Computadores (MIC)
• Máster en Ingeniería del Software, Métodos Formales y Sistemas de Información
• Máster en Inteligencia Artificial, Reconocimiento de Formas e Imagen Digital (MIARDIF)

Requisitos de participación.
A la presente convocatoria podrán optar aquellos alumnos que estén en condiciones de
desarrollar su Tesis de fin de Master en el segundo semestre del curso 2010/2011.
Consultad las condiciones particulares de cada Master con el coordinador correspondiente o en la
Aquellos alumnos que con anterioridad hayan disfrutado de una beca Erasmus deberán consultar
con la OIP sobre las posibilidades de participación de en la presente convocatoria.

Los estudiantes interesados deben rellenar completamente la solicitud onRline a través de la web
de la Oficina de Programas de Intercambio Internacionales (
¡Recordad que el Centro de la convocatoria es la OIP (Oficina De Intercambios de Posgrado !)

Una vez completada, deberán entregar en la Oficina de Programas Internacionales de
Intercambio( OPII):
• La solicitud firmada (incluye lista destinos por orden de interés)
• Copia de la matrícula
• Copia del expediente académico de los últimos estudios cursados, con indicación de la nota
*Los estudiantes con estudios anteriores en Universidades extranjeras deberán aportar:
◦ Expediente académico de su universidad de origen y Copia de la homologación de estudios
◦ En caso de no tener la homologación de estudios: Copia del expediente académico de la universidad de origen con información sobre el sistema de calificación utilizado.
• Certificados/ justificación de conocimientos de Idiomas
• Prupuesta de estudios a cursar en la Universidad de destino( propuesta de tema de la Tesis, Tutor UPV, departamento o master en la universidad de acogida...)
• Curriculum Vitae

Pruebas de nivel de conocimientos de idiomas:
Todos los candidatos deben realizar una prueba de conocimientos de idiomas .
La Fecha de presentación de solicitudes será desde el 23 de SEPTIEMBRE hasta fin plazo de la universidad de destino (¡¡Consultad los plazos en la web del destino!!).

Para más información:
Oficina de Intercambio de Posgrados (OPII) (Asunto: Convocatoria Erasmus Master)

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Assistant Professor position in Info Vis / HCI at the University of Calgary

Please see details below. We should add that there are currently three
professors in the department that work directly in HCI, with
specialities in Information Visualization, Human-Robot Interaction,
and Ubiquitous Computing. Our software engineering group also has
strong interests in HCI.

If you want to find out more about this position from these profs,
contact them at:

-Saul Greenberg

-Sheelagh Carpendale

-Ehud Sharlin

However, you should send your CV as directed below.

Assistant Professor Positions, Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, at the
University of Calgary is seeking outstanding candidates for tenure
track positions at the Assistant Professor level.

Applicants for professorial stream appointments are expected to
establish an extensive research agenda and to teach at the graduate
and undergraduate levels. Successful candidates will be expected to
actively supervise and recruit graduate students into their program.
Peer-reviewed external funding is normally expected to be sustained
throughout the appointment and industrial partnerships are strongly
encouraged if appropriate. Applicants must possess a doctorate in
Computer Science or related discipline at the time of appointment, and
have a strong research record. Successful applicants will be
enthusiastic about contributing to both teaching and research.

Applicants in the following areas are sought:

1. One candidate is sought in the area of Information
Visualization/Human Computer Interaction. The Department has expertise
in HCI, information visualization, and human-robot interactions. As
part of recent iCORE/NSERC industrial chair appointments, we have the
opportunity to expand in this area. The successful candidate will
complement existing strengths in this area and help us to enhance our
established international reputation.

.... (the other position is in databases, and has been omitted from
this posting)

The department is one of Canada’s leaders as evidenced by our
commitment to excellence in research and teaching. It has an expansive
graduate program and extensive state-of-the-art computing facilities.
Calgary is a multicultural city that is the fastest growing city in
Canada. Calgary enjoys a moderate climate located beside the natural
beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Further information about the
Department is available at

Interested applicants should send a CV, a concise description of their
research area and program, a statement of teaching philosophy, and
arrange to have at least three reference letters sent to:

Dr. Carey Williamson

University of Calgary

Department of Computer Science

ICT 602, 2500 University Drive NW

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Hoy comienza el plazo para solicitar subvenciones de movilidad de
estudiantes en másteres oficiales y finaliza el 22 de septiembre. En la
convocatoria que os adjunto, en el capítulo II (Modalidad B) quedan
recogidas las instrucciones. Las solicitudes deben presentarlas en el
Registro de Entrada de la Universidad, dirigidas al Servicio de Alumnado
(máster), las encontrarán en la página:

(Impreso C) solicitud del estudiante a la universidad.

La documentación que deben aportar junto con la solicitud:

DNI en vigor

Curriculum Vitae

Declaración de Nota Media

Declaración de no incurrir en incompatibilidad

Declaración estar al corriente de obligaciones tributarias y Seg. Social
vilidad/de-estudiantes/master/movilidad-alumnos-master.html (Declaración de
Nota Media)



Con el fin de realizar el acta de priorización por la Comisión Académica,
antes del 30 de septiembre tendréis que rellenar un formulario excel que
calculará los baremos para la correcta cumplimentación del acta, y tras la
valoración de la Comisión Académica que se efectuará el 7 de octubre se
remitirá el acta definitiva para que el director del máster grabe en la
aplicación informática de Ministerio (art. 32) la relación de solicitantes,
y una vez confirmado el envío telemático de los aspirantes, imprimirá la
solicitud para enviarla al Ministerio de Educación. El plazo para el envío
será hasta el día 14 de octubre en la UPV o hasta el 16 del mismo en

Los alumnos recibirán información de esta convocatoria desde el Servicio de
Alumnado (MÁSTER).

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Oferta de empleo en TDI

TDI, Técnicas de Ingeniería S.L.
Avenida Teniente Montesinos. Edificio Z. 6ª Planta.
Espinardo, Murcia
C.P. 30100
Juan Francisco Ortuño Antón
Director Técnico
Descripción del Puesto de trabajo:
Buscamos un programador con experiencia en Android.
Formará parte de un equipo de programación encargado del desarrollo de servicios en Android diseñados para gestionar un Content-Provider, base de datos SQLite y acceso a dispositivos (Puertos serie, modems...) sobre dispositivos móviles.
Lugar de trabajo: Sede de la empresa en Murcia.
Requisitos Valorados:
Experiencia en Android.
Ingeniero Superior Informático/Telecomunicaciones.
Lenguajes de programación: Java, C, .net C#
Tipo de Contrato:
Contrato por obra hasta la finalización del proyecto (se estiman unos 4 meses).
Tras este periodo contrato fijo, integrándose al departamento de desarrollo de la empresa, según su implicación y capacidad.
Sueldo a convenir.

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position at UCL

Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade. The salary range will be Grade 7
£35,415 -£38,441 per annum /Grade 8 £39,510 to £46,635 per annum,
inclusive of London Allowance.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Department of Computer Science at University College London seeks
applications for an academic faculty position in the Virtual
Environments and Computer Graphics (VECG) group. The post will be
associated with the Engineering Doctorate Centre in Virtual
Environments, Imaging and Visualisation (EngD VEIV Centre). We are
looking for someone with graphics, vision or HCI-related experience, but
we would particularly encourage those in visualisation, animation, novel
3D interfaces, avatars and networked virtual environments to apply. In
addition to carrying out research and teaching, the appointee will have
an administrative role in the EngD VEIV Centre.

The position is funded for 7 years in the first instance.

Key Requirements:

Applicants must hold a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related
field by the time they begin their appointment. Applicants will be
evaluated chiefly on the significance and novelty of their research to
date, and their promise for leading a group in a fruitful programme of
research. Applicants must also demonstrate an enthusiasm for teaching at
the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Further Details:

For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go
to and search on Reference Number 1155358.
The Further Information document also contains details of our
application procedure and should be read before you apply. If you have
any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please
contact Miss Lynette Hothi, Deputy Departmental Manager, by e-mail
( or telephone (+44 20 7679 3676). UCL Taking
Action for Equality

Closing Date 30 Sep 2010

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Lecturer in Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics

Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade. The salary range will be Grade 7 £35,415 -£38,441 per annum /Grade 8 £39,510 to £46,635 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Department of Computer Science at University College London seeks applications for an academic faculty position in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics (VECG) group. The post will be associated with the Engineering Doctorate Centre in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation (EngD VEIV Centre). We are looking for someone with graphics, vision or HCI-related experience, but we would particularly encourage those in visualisation, animation, novel 3D interfaces, avatars and networked virtual environments to apply. In addition to carrying out research and teaching, the appointee will have an administrative role in the EngD VEIV Centre.

The position is funded for 7 years in the first instance.

Key Requirements:

Applicants must hold a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related field by the time they begin their appointment. Applicants will be evaluated chiefly on the significance and novelty of their research to date, and their promise for leading a group in a fruitful programme of research. Applicants must also demonstrate an enthusiasm for teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Further Details:

For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to and search on Reference Number 1155358. The Further Information document also contains details of our application procedure and should be read before you apply. If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact Miss Lynette Hothi, Deputy Departmental Manager, by e-mail ( or telephone (+44 20 7679 3676). UCL Taking Action for Equality

Closing Date 30 Sep 2010

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010



CURSO 2010/2011

1º) DESTINO DEL BECARIO: Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática

2º) NÚMERO DE BECAS: 1 beca/s


La UPV está interesada en que sus estudiantes puedan adquirir las competencias y
habilidades adecuadas para mejorar su futura empleabilidad. Teniendo siempre presente esta aportación formativa para el alumno, la beca tiene como finalidad la formación, por parte de la persona seleccionada mediante la participación bajo la supervisión del tutor asignado. El objetivo de la beca es formar al estudiante en las técnicas de generación de imágenes estereoscópicas. Para ello, se integrará y colaborará en un proyecto de desarrollo de dispositivo multitáctil 3D que se está llevando a cabo en el instituto ai2, donde adquirirá formación y práctica en la implementación del interfaz.


La colaboración en la presente convocatoria se realizará ajustándose al siguiente
proyecto formativo.

Los conocimientos y destrezas adquiridas durante la duración de la beca complementarán
la formación del alumno, bajo la dirección del profesor tutor, en las materias de:
- Técnicas de diseño, desarrollo y depuración actuales sobre un proyecto informático real.
- Interfaces multitáctiles.
- Informática gráfica
- Multimedia
- Interfaces de usuario
El alumno colaborará en un área de creciente interés dentro del desarrollo de interfaces
de usuario avanzadas. Para ello, será necesario que desarrolle sus capacidades
colaborando en la búsqueda de información y de resolución de problemas.
Independientemente de ello, tendrá la disponibilidad del resto de miembros del equipo
para resolver las cuestiones que le pudieran surgir.
El alumno también aprenderá a aplicar técnicas de desarrollo de prototipos, tarea clave
para el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías.

Actividades a realizar
El proyecto formativo se realizará mediante la colaboración tutorizada en actividades de:

1. Colaboración en el estudio del estado del arte en el área de generación de imágenes
2. Colaboración en el estudio de las herramientas de programación, pruebas y
documentación usadas en el proyecto
3. Colaboración en el estudio del estado actual del proyecto y de las bibliotecas
4. Colaboración en el desarrollo de primer prototipo de aplicación estéreo, usando el
banco de trabajo disponible en el Grupo de Informática Gráfica.
5. Colaboración en la incorporación al desarrollo de las aplicaciones dentro del proyecto

Una vez llegado al punto 4, se evaluará el rendimiento del alumno, permitiéndole pasar a
la etapa número 5, o bien volver a algún punto de los anteriores para reforzar su

Tutor del becario/a:
Francisco José Abad Cerdá

Más información en:

VR-Related Postdoc opening at National Human Genome Research Institute

The Social and Behavioral Research Branch (SBRB) in the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health is seeking applicants for our postdoctoral training program to join an interdisciplinary team of faculty and research fellows. SBRB is one of the nation's premier research programs in social and behavioral science and genomics. Current work in the SBRB investigates a broad array of research questions related to public health, health communication, health psychology, health behavior change, clinical genetic counseling, health disparities, and community-based research.

The SBRB has several openings for postdoctoral fellows that will be filled on a rolling basis. To learn more about the SBRB's research mission and ongoing research, see the Social and Behavioral Research Branch Web page at . Specific information about the position can be found at DHHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers and encourage applications from women and minorities.

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

Open position : assistant/associate professor HCI at Hasselt University

Open position : assistant/associate professor HCI at Hasselt University

The Expertise Centre for Digital Media is a research institute of Hasselt
University, Belgium, hosting research groups in Human-Computer Interaction,
Computer Graphics and Multimedia and Communication Technology.

Currently, we have an open position for an assistant /associate professor in
Human-Computer Interaction

For an assistant professor, this is a tenure track position.

The candidate will perform and guide research related to the research topics
of the HCI group, as there are innovative interaction techniques in
multimodal and virtual environments, haptics, "tangible interaction",
serious games (with applications in e.g. culture and rehabilitation),
model-based development of interactive systems, interaction in networked
virtual environments and collaborative spaces, context aware (mobile)
applications and ubiquitous computing.

The candidate will be involved in education, mainly in the UHasselt Bachelor
and Master programs Computer Science, with master specializations in
Human-Computer Interaction, Multimedia and Databases.

With regard to the candidate's profile, we emphasize the fact that a strong
track record in research in one or more of the aforementioned research
topics is necessary. Therefore, concrete former research results such as
high-end publications, involvement in/ acquisition of basic and applied
research projects etc are expected.

Because there is a requirement to be able to teach in Dutch in a
"reasonable" time, the official vacancy text is only provided in Dutch.
Please contact us for all questions in this regard.

Applications are due September 7th, 2010.

Please address information requests to:

Prof. dr. Karin CONINX,, HCI research coordinator,
Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) of Hasselt University, campus
Diepenbeek (near Hasselt), Belgium.
tel. 32 - 11 - 26 84 11

Assistant Professor Position at York University

Position Rank: Full Time Tenure Stream - Assistant Professor
Discipline/Field: Digital Media/Computer Graphics/Technoscience
Home Faculty: Science and Engineering
Home Department/Area/Division: Computer Science and Engineering
Affiliation/Union: YUFA
Position Start Date: July 1, 2011

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Digital Media/Computer Graphics/Technoscience

The Faculty of Science and Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of Digital Media (Computer Graphics) and Technoscience at the Assistant Professor level to commence on July 1, 2011. All positions at York University are subject to budgetary approval.

This position calls for research excellence that complements and builds on existing strengths in Computer Science and Engineering, and Science and Technology Studies. The position will attract a strong junior researcher with research expertise in Computer Graphics with applications to animation and/or interactive/3D systems. The incumbent will have: expertise in computer graphic techniques, in innovating either fundamental rendering and/or animation techniques or novel methods for the integration of graphics and animation techniques in interactive systems that have their basis in augmented reality, geospatial data systems, and/or mobile/locative media systems; expertise in human-computer interaction, and; ability to participate in partnerships with industry and/or other public institutions, new or currently undertaken. A strong background in socio-cultural analysis and technological knowledge would be considered an asset. Successful candidates will collaborate with faculty in the Digital Media ? a pan university effort including the Faculties of Fine Arts, Science and Engineering, and; Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science, Digital Media, or a closely related field, preferably post-doctoral experience, and an outstanding research record. The successful candidate is expected to develop a strong, externally funded research program, supervise graduate students, and must be eligible for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The successful candidate should show excellence or promise of excellence in teaching and in scholarly research and publication. The position meets immediate teaching needs for courses at the core of the Digital Media BA program that is jointly offered by three York Faculties (Fine Arts, Science and Engineering, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies).

York?s Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the leading academic and research departments in Canada with 45 research-active faculty members, offering a range of undergraduate programs in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Digital Media, and Computer Security, as well as research intensive MSc and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering and MASc in Computer Engineering. Further information about the Faculty of Science and Engineering, with departmental links for Computer Science and Engineering, and Science and Technology Studies can be found at

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York's website at or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

Applications must be received by November 30, 2010. Applicants should forward (in hard copy) a curriculum vitae, an outline of their teaching and research plans, single copies of three publications and arrange for three signed letters of reference to be sent to:

Chair, Digital Media/Computer Graphics/Technoscience
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Room 1003 CSE, York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
Fax: 416-736-5872

Posting End Date: November 30, 2010

Tenure Track position (any rank) open in Information Tech (including VR/Simulation) at the University of Florida

The College of Engineering at the University of Florida is recruiting for a tenure-track position at assistant, associate, and full professor level. Recruiting will continue until the position is filled (expected sometime in Spring 2011). The position is slightly unique in that we are trying to find new faculty that can collaborate across departmental boundaries, and thus the candidate can identify their "home" department. In particular, the college is seeking outstanding candidates with a research focus in Information Technology. Of the several anticipated positions within IT that we are hiring for, we are specifically encouraging applicants with a research focus in simulation and virtual reality to apply.

The University of Florida is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research university, ranked 15th amongst US public universities and 51st worldwide. The University of Florida is located in Gainesville, FL (near Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville) and is the 6th largest university (2009 enrollment was 50,691).

Please pass along (and redistribute) to anyone you think might be interested. I would also appreciate it if you sent me (Benjamin Lok) an email that you are applying so I don't miss your application when I look through the anticipated large number of applicants!

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Post-doc position / France - Tangible 3DUI for archeologie

ESTIA-RECHERCHE with the founded of ANR (National Resarch Agency) is offering
a one-year (or 18 mounths) post-doc position. The successful candidate will be involved
in an advanced research project dedicated to the development of appropriate tangible interfaces for
sketching, reassembly, and deformation modeling in collaboration with Alexandria Studies Center (CEAlex, Egypt).
Position based on the Basque Coast, South-West of France.

The context is the SeARCH Project for the preservation of cultural heritage, 2009-2012.

The candidate should have made his PhD in CHI, a specialization in the field of tangible interaction would be a definite asset.
Moreover, technical implementation skills are necessary.

To apply, please send your resume and research statement by email to:
Nadine Couture
Tel. 33 (0) 5 59 43 84 67 (direct) / 84 00 (home) / 85 00 (fax)

viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Call for application to individual doctoral and post-doctoral grants 2010

The IBM Portugal Center for Advanced Studies (IBM CAS Portugal) in Enterprise Engineering and Management - Smart Cities Solutions - aims at being a preeminent applied research center of excellence in Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME), dedicated to foster collaboration amongst academia, industry, government, and IBM Research Laboratories, transfer scientific breakthroughs and innovations into IBM research, products and services, for the benefit of IBM stakeholders, in Portugal and worldwide, and influencing the evolution of education, research, business and government.

The IBM CAS Portugal in cooperation with the University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, selects candidates for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships in the following Smart Cities Application Areas:

• Transport and Mobility

• Health Ecosystem

• Public e-Government and Education

Support Areas:

• Services Oriented Architecture

• Business Process Modeling

• Business Intelligence and Analytics

• Cloud Computing

The Center will support and promote 12 projects in those areas. Information about these projects is available at (see Application Form).

1. Call for Application to Grants 2010

In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources (, the IBM CAS Portugal opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following type:

• Doctoral Grants (BD)

• Post-Doctoral Grants (BPD)

These are one-year grants, renewable for up to total of three consecutive years, as long as interim evaluations are positive. The grants cannot be awarded for periods of less than one uninterrupted year.

Requirements: graduation in Engineering, Science, Economy, Mathematics, Psychology, or equivalent experience.

2. Period of the Call

The call will be open from July 1st to September 30th and will include two evaluation cycles. The fist cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on August 31st, 2010. The second cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on September 30th, 2010.

3. Application

The individual application must be submitted using the Application Form available at the website (, and sent to

Approved grants may start not before September 20th 2010.

4. Evaluation

The evaluation takes into account the merits of the candidate, and his/her motivation to work in the pre-selected project. Until August 15th (September 30th) the evaluation panel will produce an ordered list of candidates of the first (second) cycle. Pre-selected candidates may have to undergo interview.

2 plazas de Ayudante Doctor en LSI en la UC

Se ha publicado en el BOC

dos plazas de ayudante doctor en IS y BD.

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Postdoc en University of Southern Mississippi

Postdoctoral position

NCS4 and IVCL@School of Computing
University of Southern Mississippi

One Postdoctoral or Research Scientist in visual analytics is
available at NCS4 (National Center for Spectator Sports Safety) and
the IVCL (Interactive Visual Computing Lab) at the School of Computing
for outstanding and highly motivated candidates to work on an
interdisciplinary project related to the following areas: (1)
Geospatial data visualizations, (2) artificial intelligence for crowd
simulations, and (3) 3D User Interface design and evaluations.

The NCS4 and the IVCL at the school of computing offers an excellent
training environment for postdoctoral fellows in 3D modeling and
simulation for training applications. Candidates should have a recent
PhD in Computer Science with practical experience in visualization, or
interaction, or visual analytics; must be hard working and highly
motivated; must be familiar with computer graphics and visualization;
and can program in at least one graphics programming language (e.g.,
OpenGL or Qt).

To apply, please electronically send a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
and the names of three references to Dr. Lou Marciani
( and Dr. Jian Chen (

USM is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Oferta de becas y estancias en Singapur

The Keio-NUS CUTE center at the Mixed Reality Lab Singapore, has
openings for PhD, MSc. and undergraduate internship candidates.
Scholarships are available for students with a first class or a second
upper degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Computer
Science/Engineering, Information Technology or closely related fields.

Candidates should have strong implementation skills software or hardware
since the mixed reality lab focuses its efforts on the creation of new
devices and applications. The candidates should have experience in some
of the following:

- Hands-on experience in system design, and development of applications
for medium to large-scale projects.
- Programming experience in C/C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, Cocoa,
Objective-C, object-oriented programming preferred. Web programming and
- Experience in designing and implementing hardware solutions.
- Experience in programing hardware (microcontrollers, device drivers in
Linux, DSPs, etc.)
- Experience in mobile device programming (Symbian, Android, Windows
Mobile, iPhone, Blackberry).
- Experience in human computer interaction and interaction design.
- Must be self-motivated, dynamic, independent, resourceful, proactive,
confident, and possess positive attitude.

MXR lab – CUTE center focuses on a design led approach, to implement
innovative ways of communication. The center approaches research from
a multidisciplinary approach in which engineers, designers, and artists
collaborate in the implementation of the future of communication.
Candidates should be team players, open to work in an
engineering-design-art environment and with a strong interest in design
and implementation.

Keio-NUS CUTE center provides a healthy atmosphere of collaborative
work, creativity, and innovation fostering the implementation of the
future interactive world.

To apply please contact

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

HP R+D Graduate Program

HP desea incorporar estudiantes con talento de la UPV en su HP R+D Graduate Program. Por motivos de oportunidad se quiere comenzar con titulados que acaban este mismo curso. Para los jóvenes que sean seleccionados es una magnífica oportunidad, pues supone un trabajo durante dos años acompañado de un excelente programa de formación que provee HP. Algunos detalles del programa son:

Se trata de un programa de creación de talento con una fuerte componente práctica y también de formación

Programa recurrente que prevé incorporar 25 nuevos graduados/año

El perfil es el de ingeniero que se titula durante el 2010 con una especialidad alrededor de la mecatrónica: grados superiores en mecánica-electrónica-diseño industrial-informática-telecomunicaciones.

PFC superado en septiembre de 2010.

Dos años de duración, contrato remunerado en prácticas. Ubicación: HP en St. Cugat del Vallès

Fecha incorporación: septiembre 2010.

Inicio proceso selección: inmediato.

Nos interesan perfiles con buen expediente académico y al mismo tiempo dinámicos, emprendedores y con iniciativa.
Como primer paso necesitamos que los estudiantes interesados hicieran llegar, a la mayor brevedad, su curriculum vitae a la dirección de e-mail

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Two PhD Scholarships in EDM, Hasselt (Belgium)

Call for candidates (m/f) for fulltime PhD positions at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM,, ICT research institute of Hasselt University in Belgium, in the context of the BOF research project ‘Simultaneous Interaction Spaces ‘:

Two PhD Scholarships Computer Science - Intelligent Environments
(2x2 years)

(mandates 090/32/089 and 090)

Envisioned research

The applicants will be focusing on (connected) smart environments in which context-aware interactive visualizations on arbitrary surfaces for multiple simultaneous users are realized. This implies investigating the required supporting infrastructure (hard- and software) for the creation of such environments, protocols
for communication, software to support users and applications, tools for end-users and developers to interact, and finally appropriate and novel ways of interaction. The goal is to develop the next-generation everywhere display for distributed collaborative environments where large data sets are typically required to
accomplish the envisioned end-user goals.

Profile and diploma

Enthusiastic applicants with excellent study results are invited to apply. Successful applicants have a keen interest in the aforementioned research and can work both independently as well as in team.
Candidates should hold a master degree in computer science, a civil engineer degree in computer science or equivalent. Students, who will complete these studies during the summer, are also strongly invited to apply.

Job offer

We offer a challenging research position in EDM, one of the larger research institutes at UHasselt and a dynamic work environment to about 70 researchers. EDM is currently investing in a growing ubicomp research domain, including a state-of-the-art research infrastructure.

Further information
. Research and job responsibilities: prof. dr. Kris Luyten, +32-11-268411,
. Employment terms and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, +32-11-268080,


Applicants must use the official application forms, which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 or which can be downloaded at The completed application
forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than July 16th 2010. Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:
Your application form must be accompanied by:
. an electronic copy of your master thesis. If the thesis was not written in English, you need to provide an English summary of maximum four pages.
. an English essay of maximal two pages with your personal interpretation and reflections on the aforementioned research objectives.
Candidates are encouraged to contact prof. dr. Kris Luyten stating their interest on these positions. A description on the BOF research project ‘Simultaneous Interaction Spaces’ is available on demand.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Faculty positions in Temple University

The Department of Physical Therapy is undergoing considerable transformation as Temple 
University engages in a strategic renaissance to become a primer research university over 
the next several years. We are pleased to announce that two open rank tenure‐track faculty 
positions are available. The department has a rapidly growing human neuromotor research 
program. All of our research oriented faculty have joint appointments in various academic 
departments and collaborate with faculty from the Departments of Engineering, Neurology, 
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Computer and Information Science to apply 
technological advances to research in the areas of pediatrics,  aging, and neurological 
impairment. The department currently has two motion analysis laboratories that include a 
state of the art virtual reality CAVE and computerized activity monitoring. Temple 
University School of Medicine is currently developing a center  for research in the area of 
neural repair and rehabilitation, and access to patient populations is available through 
Temple University Hospital and the Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center.  
We are seeking individuals with a track record of grant support and published research. 
We are willing to consider hiring a collaborative team for the  two positions. 
Responsibilities will include maintaining an active research agenda, obtaining funding, and 
teaching and mentoring graduate students in our research oriented PhD program. A 
graduate degree (PhD or equivalent) is required. A degree and licensure in Physical 
Therapy is not necessary.  Post‐doctoral or evidence of research experience, particularly in 
the areas of applied neuroscience or human motor control research, is an asset. 
Academic rank and salary are commensurate with qualifications. Temple is an equal 
opportunity, affirmative action employer.  All nominations and those interested in applying 
may submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references to: 
Dr. Emily Keshner 
Professor and Chair 
Department of Physical Therapy 
College of Health Professions & Social Work 
Temple University 
3307 North Broad Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19140 
Fax: 215‐707‐7500 
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. 

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

PhD students – CISTER Research Center, Porto, Portugal

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for applications: PhD students – CISTER Research Center, Porto, Portugal
> Apply before May 31.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The CISTER Research Center is looking for applications from potential candidates for PhD students. Research grants are available.
> The CISTER Research Center is one of the most internationally prominent Portuguese research units, being one of only two units in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering evaluated with the top grade of Excellent in the last evaluation performed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (the Portuguese organization governing research), and the only one having reached this rating in two consecutive evaluations.
> CISTER Research areas are within the scope of one the most prominent European strategy areas: Embedded Computing Systems. In this area, the European Union has launched a joint technology initiative with member states, industry and research institutions, ARTEMIS, which will manage and co-ordinate research activities through a 10-year, €2.5 billion research programme on Embedded Computing Systems. CISTER is highly involved in this initiative and is currently involved in two running 3-year long ARTEMIS sponsored projects, with European industry and other European top-ranked research centers.
> CISTER is also a core partner in the two European Networks of Excellence (networks of top research centers financed by the European Union) in the areas of Embedded Systems Design and Cooperating Objects (Cyber Physical Systems), and its excellent level of internationalization and networking allows for continuous active participation in the most relevant events and initiatives in the area.
> Researching with CISTER is an opportunity to connect in national and international networks of researchers and companies, in an excellent research environment with researchers of different nationalities.
> The grants are for the duration of the PhD Studies. Salary will be up to 14,400.00€ (no taxes apply) per year. Other benefits include social security, 25 days of paid vacation and access to institutional private health insurance.
> PhD studies with CISTER can be made within a specialized stream in Embedded and Real-Time Systems in Doctoral Programs of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) or within the Dual-degree Ph.D. Programs of the Portugal-CMU initiative, where CISTER is involved. Potential enrollment in September 2010.
> The CISTER Research Center is looking for applications in all its areas of expertise: Wireless Sensor Networks, Multicore Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Adaptive Real-Time Systems and Real-Time Software.
> If you are interested, please send your CV and a research statement, as soon as possible, to the e-mail Candidates with relevant CVs will be interviewed.
> Apply before May 31. Anticipated starting date is September 2010.
> More information about CISTER and the PhD studies at:

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Associate Professor (UHD) in Game Technology

The Faculty of Science at Utrecht University in the Netherlands consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.

The cluster Game and Media Technology of the Department of Information and
Computing Sciences has a vacancy for an

Associate Professor (UHD) in Game Technology

Salary: The gross salary lies between € 4428,- and maximum € 5920,- per month.

Job description: Game technology is an important area of research and education in the department. The candidate will play an important role in leading and advancing the research on simulation and visualization of virtual characters, in the context of games and virtual world. Typical research topics can include: physical simulation of characters (skin simulation, surgery simulation, simulation of emotions and expressions, hair and cloth simulation, …), animation techniques, path planning and crowd simulation, manipulation of the environment by virtual characters, steering of virtual characters, or modelling and rendering characters and crowds. The candidate will co-supervise PhD students in this domain and will acquire national and international external funding for extending the research group. The candidate will be responsible for part of the master program Game and Media Technology ( and will also take part in the teaching in the track game technology ( in the bachelor program Computer Science. The candidate will help manage the national GATE project on game research ( and a new European Network of Excellence in games.

Requirements: Candidates are required to be high potentials, which should be visible in their research and teaching record. Prerequisites are: a PhD in the field of computer science; a strong research record; a proven record in acquiring external research funding; a good international network; extensive teaching experience; experience in collaborating with industry; and excellent communicative and organizational skills.
Candidates should have a clear affinity with games which shows from their research,
teaching, or other activities.

Conditions of employment: The candidate is offered a permanent full-time position.
The details of the function will be agreed conditional upon the background and
experience. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year
bonus of 8,3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group will provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project. More information you can find on the website:

Additional Information: Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained
from: prof. dr. Mark Overmars, tel. +31 30 253 37 36, e-mail:
As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of his/her research plans in a written report and an oral presentation.

Sending your applications: Please send your application (including a letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae and contact details of at least two references) before June 20, 2010 to email: Please mention vacancy number 64004.

Assistant Professor (UD) in Game Technology

The Faculty of Science at Utrecht University in the Netherlands consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.

The cluster Game and Media Technology of the Department of Information and
Computing Sciences has a vacancy for an Assistant Professor (UD) in Game Technology

Salary: The gross salary lies between € 2379,- and maximum € 4970,- per month.

Job description: Game technology is an important area of research and education in the department. The candidate will contribute to the further advancement of the research on simulation and visualization of virtual characters, in the context of games and virtual world. Typical research topics can include: physical simulation of characters (skin simulation, surgery simulation, simulation of emotions and expressions, hair and cloth simulation, …), animation techniques, path planning and crowd simulation, manipulation of the environment by virtual characters, steering of virtual characters, or modelling and rendering characters and crowds. The candidate will take part in the teaching in the track game technology ( in the bachelor program Computer Science, and in the master program Game and Media Technology ( Also the candidate will help organize various activities related to these programs, in particular the Creative Game Challenge (, a game development competition for high school students.

Requirements: Candidates should have a PhD in computer science. They must show a
strong research record in the indicated domain. Candidates should also have the
potential to acquire research grants from external agencies. They should have some
teaching experience. Candidates should have a clear affinity with games which shows
from their research, teaching, or other activities. Also communicative and organizational skills are important.

Conditions of employment: The candidate is offered a full-time position for three
years. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group will provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project. More information you can find on the website:

Additional Information: Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained
from: prof. dr. Mark Overmars, tel. +31 30 253 37 36, e-mail:
As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of his/her research plans in a written report and an oral presentation.

Sending your applications: Please send your application (including a letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae and contact details of at least two references) before June 20, 2010 to email: Please mention vacancy number 64003.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Postdoctoral Fellowship - 3D Reconstruction for Image Based Phenomics

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Location: Canberra, Australia

Applications Close: 31 May 2010

Selection criteria and more information:

The Postdoctoral Fellow will have responsibility for developing and
implementing methods in 3D reconstruction, mainly of insects and plants,
from multiple 2D views and additional 3D information. In essence, the
research seeks to develop automated techniques to infer complete,
accurate, full-colour, high-resolution 3D reconstructions using 2D images
from multiple viewpoints, and 3D data points from laser scanning, or
similar technologies. This aims to exploit the strengths of both 2D and 3D
measurements while avoiding their individual weaknesses. Initial steps
will involve working with a series of known 3D reference objects of
increasing structural and surface complexity, using existing CSIRO image
capture devices and image processing hardware. The Postdoctoral Fellow
will develop extensible open-source software to facilitate uptake and
co-development of new algorithms.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Post-doctoral position in vr/hci at the University of Florida

A postdoctoral research at the Virtual Environments Research Group ( at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA)

- Positions are part of a project running June 1, 2010 - September 31, 2015
- Postdoctoral researchers can participate for a minimum 1 year full-time with position renewable for up 5 years. Our shared goals would be to get you a strong long-term position (preferably an assistant professor at a research university) asap.
- Deadlines:
Open until filled (please apply by May 15th to ensure consideration)
Goal to have a decision by June 1st, 2010

- Develop virtual human applications in medicine (see
- Lead undergraduate and graduate student research of the Virtual Experiences Research Group (significant opportunity for leading students, developing leadership skills, developing networking skills, and creating new projects based on your experience)
- Lead grant proposal writing and submission

- Mandatory:
- Previously completed or about to complete a doctoral degree in computer science or equivalent experience
- Fluent English
- Research focus includes at least one of the following areas:
- Virtual or Augmented Reality
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Computer Graphics
- Information Visualization

- Desirable:
- Record of research results at an international level
- Experience with C++, OpenGL, Ogre, conducting user studies, interdisciplinary collaboration
- An interest in a future academic position

- Work in a rapidly growing and internationally renowned research team with strong links to medicine and focus on applied research in the emerging field of virtual humans.
- Develop leadership skills (this postdoc is more than just a work-on-a-specific project position, but will significantly involve working on skills to be successful at the assistant professor position at a research university). This includes focusing on grant writing, project and student leadership, teaching, and networking.
- University of Florida is the sixth largest university in the United States (50,000+ students). Gainesville is an affordable and vibrant larger-than-college-town town (110,000+) with significant cultural, sports, and entertainment opportunities. The CISE department is a Top 40 Computer Science graduate school.
- Job could begin any time after June 1, 2010.

How to apply
Send your detailed CV (including list of publications and name of referees) to Benjamin Lok (

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Post-doc position in Marseilles, France

Post-Doctoral position, University of the Mediterranean, Marseilles, France

The Institute of Movement Sciences (ISM), Mediterranean Virtual Reality Center (CRVM), invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral position. The position is open under a research program focusing on the development of an interactive simulator for the training of neonatal resuscitation. This project involves four partners of the university: The Neonatal Care Unit (Faculty of Medicine), the School of Advanced Studies in Engineering (LSIS), the Applied Biomechanics Laboratory (LBA) and ISM.

We are looking for qualified applicants with a motivation for interdisciplinary research and skills in 3D computer graphics and virtual reality. An experience in biomedical imagery and/or biomechanics would be a plus, since the primary task will be to develop a biologically plausible model of the newborn head.

Applicants should e-mail a cover letter, CV, university certificates and contact information of two references to Dr Daniel Mestre ( Restrictions: Candidates must be under 35, either from outside of France or having conducted post-doctoral studies (minimum 2 years) outside of France. Salary is about 2000 € (2700 USD), with social security coverage. Evaluation of candidates will start immediately. The position is due to open in fall 2010.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Job openings at Magic Vision Lab

2 open positions (PhD students or Postdoctoral researchers) at the Magic Vision Lab (, University of South Australia (Adelaide, Australia).
Application deadline: 30 April 2010

- Positions are part of a project running August 2010 - December 2010
- PhD students can participate for up to 6 months
- Postdoctoral researchers can participate for 2 months fulltime or 4 months part-time
- Deadlines:
- Application deadline: 30. 4. 2010
- Notification of acceptance: 31. 5. 2010

- Develop advanced AR visualizations (see
- Using high-quality 3D models similar to
- Deployment platform: Nokia N900

- Mandatory
- Being able to work in an interdisciplinary and multicultural team
- Previously completed (Postdoctoral applicants) or currently pursuing a doctoral degree in computer science, electrical engineering, or equivalent experience
- Research focus includes at least one of the following areas:
- Computer Graphics
- Information Visualization
- Augmented Reality
- Computer Vision
- Interaction Design for Mobile Devices
- Desirable
- Fluent English
- Record of research results on an international level
- Experience with C++, GLSL, OpenGL ES 2.0
- Development on mobile platforms

- Work in a rapidly growing and internationally renowned research team with strong links to industry and focus on applied research.
- University of South Australia is a young and innovative university with a vibrant student community from all over the world. Over 13,000 of the 36,000 students are international students from over 70 different countries.
- Adelaide is a beautiful place to live at (see

How to apply
Send your detailled CV (including list of publications and name of referees) to

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

PhD in Novel Interactive Visual Analysis Methods for 3D Seismic Data

A three-year PhD studentship is available at the University of Leeds (UK) to develop novel methods for analysing and visualising 3D seismic data on interactive gigapixel (Powerwall) displays. This project will improve the ability of geoscientists to understand and analyse the geology revealed by large scale seismic surveys. Significant potential exists for industrial involvement both during the project and after PhD completion, but also for academic advancement.

The PhD student will be co-supervised by Dr Roy Ruddle & Dr Hamish Carr (Visualization & Virtual Reality research group, School of Computing) and Dr Douglas Paton (Centre of Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience (CiPEG), School of Earth and Environment). Roy Ruddle specialises in navigation and real-time interaction with 3D worlds ( Hamish Carr specialises in geometric and topological analysis of spatial data sets ( Douglas Paton specialises in using 3D seismic to understand tectonic and geological processes in the sub-surface.

The PhD studentship is worth a total of approximately £66,000, and includes full fees for a UK/EU student and a three and a half year stipend that is initially £13,490 per annum. Start date Monday 27th September 2010.

Closing date for applications: Friday 9th April 2010

For further information, see and

Becas COOPEN para Colombia, Costa Rica o Panamá.

COOPEN ofrece becas de movilidad para estudiantes de grado, máster, doctorado y posdoctorado, así como para el personal académico de la UPV.

Estas becas, que suponen una gran oportunidad para estrechar lazos entre Europa e Iberoamérica, están financiadas por la Comisión Europea a través del Programa Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows. Cubren los gastos de desplazamiento, seguro médico y tasas académicas (si procede), además de incluir una dotación mensual para el becario.

El plazo para solicitar estas becas termina el miércoles 31 de marzo de 2010.

Para los solicitantes europeos (incluidos los de la UPV), tanto la solicitud, como los documentos requeridos deben ser rellenados en inglés.

Si deseas más información o rellenar la solicitud, pulsa los enlaces que figuran a continuación:

(Entrar en la versión en inglés) Proyecto COOPEN (Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá European Network)
Oficina de Acción Internacional de la UPV

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Job opening in Handheld Augmented Reality

Job opening

Post Doctoral Position in Handheld Augmented Reality
TU Graz - Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision


The Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) at the Technical
University Graz, Austria seeks a research member to join the Christian Doppler
Laboratory on Handheld Augmented Reality. The candidate must have a doctoral
degree in computer science, electrical engineering or equivalent experience,
in one of the following research areas: Computer vision, with a focus on
online structure from motion and real-time tracking; Computer graphics and
Augmented Reality; or Mobile user interfaces. Interdisciplinary research
experience combining these areas is a plus. An ideal candidate will have
experience in designing, implementing and testing research prototype systems.
Development experience in C++, real-time interactive systems and mobile
devices is a plus. The successful candidate will be self-motivated and able to
pursue independent research, collaborate with other researchers and doctoral
students in the group and supervise under-graduate students in projects.
Candidates must be fluent in
English (speaking and writing).

The position is available immediately. The initial duration of the appointment
will be until 31.12.2010 with the prospect of extension for up to three years.
Relocation to Graz, Austria is expected.

Applicants should submit electronically or in paper:
* A detailed CV outlining academic background and past research
* A record of publications
* Two names of references

Please submit applications to:
Christina Fuchs -
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
TU Graz
Inffeldgasse 16
A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
About ICG

ICG is the only Austrian academic group with the charter to address both
Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, and is carefully nurturing a culture of
Digital Visual Information Processing to resolve the artificial boundaries
between computer graphics and computer vision. The research at ICG is focused
on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Medical Computer Vision, Object
Recognition, Object Reconstruction, Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented

The Christian Doppler Laboratory (CDL) for Handheld Augmented Reality aims to
advance the state of the art in research on Augmented Reality (AR) on mobile
phones. Specifically, the CDL investigates new approaches for efficient
tracking, consistent real/virtual rendering and comprehensible situated
information presentation, while considering the constraints of mobile phones
and similar handheld devices.

For further information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reitmayr (+43 316 873 5082 / or
Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg (+43 316 873 5070 /

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Open position for scientific programmer at CIPF, Valencia Spain

The Bioinformatics and Genomics department of the CIPF seeks a computer programmer

Description of the position

The selected candidate will work in the development of scientific software for next generation sequencing data management.

The Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics ( is one of the country’s largest and most productive in its field. The CIPF is dedicated to international excellence in biomedical research and to turning new knowledge into improved medical practice. The positions represent a fantastic opportunity to work in a fast-paced, innovative working environment, joining a highly motivated team leader in functional genomics, with access to cutting edge technology in an environment of scientific excellence.


-Degree (master or advanced level) or first level in computing sciences
-Good programming skills in Java y C/C++
-Familiar with SQL and MySQL database
-Skills in web programming with: Javascript, Java Servlets, Ajax, CSS.
-GNU/Linux at user and administrator level
-Knowledge of scripting languages: Perl, Shell script, Awk.

Consideration will be given to skills in:

-Version control: Git, Subversion
-Development in Eclipse.
-Project management with Maven and framework testing with JUnit
-Application server administration with Java: Tomcat, Glassfish
-Javascript toolkits: JQuery, Google Visualization.
-A good level of English

We are seeking to appoint a person with:

-Ability and willingness to learn.
-Highly proactive
-Good organizational skills and desire to develop a strong team environment

More information and applications:

Reference NGS1

Deadline: 20th February 2010

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Oferta de trabajo en Zaragoza

Oferta de trabajo:
[Descripcion de Iritec]
Iritec es una empresa de desarrollo de software ubicada en Zaragoza, con un tamaño aproximado de unas 150 personas. Se esta empezando a
crear un departamento de I+D para trabajar en aquellos proyectos / desarrollos que necesiten una mayor capacidad técnica por lo que
estamos buscando gente que pueda encajar en este nuevo departamento.

[Descripcion del puesto]
Buscamos una persona independiente (que pueda ejecutar una idea de principio a fin) a la que le guste programar y desee desarrollar su
carrera profesional en un ámbito exclusivamente técnico. La persona seleccionada sera responsable de ayudar al resto de equipos de desarrollo
de la empresa a encontrar la mejor solución posible a los problemas que se pudieran presentar en los diferentes proyectos y el desarrollo
de los proyectos de I+D que puedan surgir.

Aunque trabajamos principalmente con entornos Java y .NET, buscamos a alguien que se encuentre cómodo cambiando de lenguajes y tecnologías
rápidamente y al que no le importe estar trabajando en varios proyectos simultaneamente.

Trabajaras en un equipo pequeño (2 o 3 personas en un principio) de gente a la que le gusta la tecnología, y en el que tendras libertad
para trabajar de la forma en la que te encuentres mas cómodo. Aunque no se requiere un mínimo de experiencia en ninguna tecnología, a modo
orientativo, se puede decir que el puesto de trabajo equivaldría al de arquitecto o similar.

Ayudar al resto de grupos de desarrollo con los problemas que les pudieran surgir.
Desarrollar los proyectos de I+D que puedan surgir en la empresa.
Creacion de nuevos productos a partir de desarrollos existentes.
Pensar en nuevos productos, servicios y nuevas funcionalidades a añadir a proyectos existentes.

[Aptitudes preferibles]
- Se siente comodo usando tanto Windows como sistemas de tipo UNIX (Linux, OSX, ...)
- Ha escrito alguna aplicacion de iPhone, Android o Windows Mobile que nos podamos descargar al movil.
- Contribuye en proyectos Open Source en su tiempo libre
- Conoce más de un lenguaje de programación y no le cuesta aprender nuevos.

[Problemas a resolver]
Para ayudar a demostrar la valía de los candidatos, esperamos que resuelvas uno de los siguientes problemas. Se pueden resolver usando el
lenguaje de programación que se desee y de la forma que se considere mas adecuada. El objectivo de estos ejercicios no es revolver los problemas
en si mismo (se pueden encontrar facilmente las soluciones en Internet) sino explicar durante la entrevista personal la solución
adoptada a la persona que se encargue de la entrevista (puntos extra si se desarrollan varias soluciones y se explican los pros y contras de
cada una). Si alguna cosa no queda clara en el enunciado del problema, adjuntar un comentario al programa que explique las suposiciones

(1) Escribir un programa de consola que lea una lista de palabras bastante grande a memoria y que despues lea palabras erroneas desde la
entrada estandar y escriba una lista de sugerencias o "NO HAY SUGERENCIAS" si no ha encontrado ninguna. El programa debe escribir un prompt
antes de pedir una palabra y debe seguir hasta que se le pare explicitamente.

> peerro
> pruoba
> asdf
> perro

La lista de errores a corregir es la siguiente:

Errores de mayusculas minusculas: "dENtro" => "dentro"
Letras repetidas: "aallggoo" => "job"
Vocales incorrectas: "alge" => "algo"
Cualquier combinación de los tipos de errores anteriores ("CunsPiracien" => "conspiracion")

(2) Escribir un programa que dada una expresion aritmética infija escriba lo mismo con la notación prefija.

3 => 3
1 + 1 => (+ 1 1)
2 * 5 + 1 => (+ 1 (* 2 5))
2 * ( 5 + 1 ) => (* (+ 1 5) 2)
32 * x + ( 9 + y ) / 4 => (+ (* 32 x) (/ (+ 9 y) 4))

El formato de la entrada se restringira de la siguiente forma:
Todos los valores seran o un solo caracter o enteros positivos. Todos los operadores incluyendo los parentesis estan separados por un espacio
de otros valores u operadores.

El programa se debe hacer funcionar desde la linea de comandos como:


el NOMBRE_DE_ARCHIVO es el nombre de un archivo que contiene una y solo una expresión.

Juan José Molinero:

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Senior Research position in V&AR, 3 years duration, in the Paris region (France)

The VENISE team of CNRS/LIMSI (University of Paris-Sud, France -, which has been or is involved in a number of National and European projects in V&AR field (Perf-RV, Perf-RV2, CoRSAIRe, EVEILS, INTUITION...) is opening a Senior Research position, 3 years duration.

The scientific profile of this position is open, but must be limited to:

* Virtual Realiy
* and/or Mixed Reality
* and/or Collaborative Virtual Environments

This position will start no later than September 2010.
The salary will be about 2800 € to 3600 € per month, depending on diplomas, background, and family situation.
An opportunity to obtain a tenured Professor position after these 3 years is possible.

So we need urgently the CV of excellent scientists in this field, to start the selection procedure right away.
Please send before January 29th, 2010, an email of interest to, with attached Resume and List of Publications.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

European Commission Scholarship for European Students

The European Commission offers non European students of exceptional quality the opportunity to get a scholarship for studying in Erasmus Mundus Master courses. This opportunity has been extended to promising European students (scholarship of 500?/month+fees).

In this perspective, we would like to bring the VIBOT and CIMET Erasmus Mundus Master programs under the attention of (European) BSc students around Europe and therefore invite you to kindly share the information with your institution?s BSc coordinators and their students.

Further information can be found on the web sites below: emics_en.php

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Computer Science and Engineering

The Interactive Systems Research Group in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering and the Play:CES studio in the Faculty of
Education at York University, Toronto, Ontario are seeking applicants
for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Computer Science and Engineering,
beginning as soon as February 1, 2010 and ending April 1, 2011.

The applicant will join an interdisciplinary team of researchers led by
Dr. Jen Jenson, Faculty of Education at York University and will be
co-supervised by Dr. Jenson and Dr. Wolfgang Stuerzlinger. In the
collaborative project, the applicant will participate in a major role in
an intensive work for theorizing and implementing innovative software
development projects, relating both to digital game development and
qualitative research. These include, primarily, a multi-media database
for use by researchers, for uploading, synchronizing and analyzing
multiple strands of qualitative and quantitative research data
(including sound, video, text transcripts, and surveys) for a research
project on Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) players and
communities. Other potential projects include educational game
development for either the iPhone/iPod Touch and/or Flash.

Applicants must have finished or be demonstrably close to finishing a
relevant PhD. Fluency in both written and spoken English is necessary.
The successful applicant should have extensive experience with web
development and on-line database systems. A proven track record that
demonstrates high-quality work is necessary. Familiarity and/or fluency
with some tools for digital game development on hand-held devices or WWW
pages is also desired. Competency with game tool and knowledge
of/enthusiasm for independent, casual, small-scale games and game
development is a bonus.

Please send a brief letter of application, including a curriculum vitae,
and digital portfolio (in PDF format or as WWW links) to Wolfgang
Stuerzlinger . Three reference letters should be
sent independently to the same address. We will begin reviewing
applications immediately.

The Interactive Systems Research Group is a rich community of students,
researchers, and faculty investigating many aspects of Human Computer
Interaction, 3D User Interfaces and Virtual Reality in Toronto. The
group is one of the largest Human-Computer Interaction research groups
in Canada. It is based within the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, and has established connections with many other disciplines
at York, including the world-renowned Centre for Vision Research, which
also hosts the strongest Virtual Reality research group in Canada. This
forms an ideal environment for young researchers.

The Play:CES studio in the Faculty of Education has produced over 10
play-based educational software resources. These include “Ethics and
Legal Studies in Education”, an online tutorial for teachers-in-training
to learn the ethical and legal issues facing classroom teachers;
“Contagion”, a health-related adventure game, for which we developed one
of the first isometric game engines for Flash; and, more recently,
“Quest for the Arundo Donax: A Baroque Adventure”, a game commissioned
by the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra to teach music and culture through
historically-themed rhythm and music mini-games. The studio is also home
to a number of qualitative research projects that explore the
intersections of digital play, education (both formal and informal), and
issues around gender and identity.