martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Post-doc position / France - Tangible 3DUI for archeologie

ESTIA-RECHERCHE with the founded of ANR (National Resarch Agency) is offering
a one-year (or 18 mounths) post-doc position. The successful candidate will be involved
in an advanced research project dedicated to the development of appropriate tangible interfaces for
sketching, reassembly, and deformation modeling in collaboration with Alexandria Studies Center (CEAlex, Egypt).
Position based on the Basque Coast, South-West of France.

The context is the SeARCH Project for the preservation of cultural heritage, 2009-2012.

The candidate should have made his PhD in CHI, a specialization in the field of tangible interaction would be a definite asset.
Moreover, technical implementation skills are necessary.

To apply, please send your resume and research statement by email to:
Nadine Couture
Tel. 33 (0) 5 59 43 84 67 (direct) / 84 00 (home) / 85 00 (fax)

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