sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Senior Research position in V&AR, 3 years duration, in the Paris region (France)

The VENISE team of CNRS/LIMSI (University of Paris-Sud, France - http://www.limsi.fr/venise/index.en.html), which has been or is involved in a number of National and European projects in V&AR field (Perf-RV, Perf-RV2, CoRSAIRe, EVEILS, INTUITION...) is opening a Senior Research position, 3 years duration.

The scientific profile of this position is open, but must be limited to:

* Virtual Realiy
* and/or Mixed Reality
* and/or Collaborative Virtual Environments

This position will start no later than September 2010.
The salary will be about 2800 € to 3600 € per month, depending on diplomas, background, and family situation.
An opportunity to obtain a tenured Professor position after these 3 years is possible.

So we need urgently the CV of excellent scientists in this field, to start the selection procedure right away.
Please send before January 29th, 2010, an email of interest to patrick.bourdot@limsi.fr, with attached Resume and List of Publications.

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