sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

Post-doc positions at Sapienza University of Rome and University of Genoa

The Computational Design Lab at Sapienza University of Rome and the Geometry and Graphics Group at the University of Genoa are seeking candidates for various post-doc positions in Computer Graphics and Computational Fabrication (3D Printing) on the project “D-Surf: Scalable Computational Methods for 3D Printing Surfaces (Italian funding framework PRIN 2015)”.

The main focus of the project is to study and develop new software technologies to support 3D printing, in particular scalable algorithms to design objects with patterns of predictable appearance and mechanical properties. The project is a joint project among several research groups in Italian universities and public research institutions:
Sapienza University of Rome (Prof. Fabio Pellacini, PI)
CRS4 - Cagliari (Dr. Enrico Gobbetti)
ISTI-CNR - Pisa (Dr. Paolo Cignoni)
University of Cagliari (Prof. Riccardo Scateni)
University of Genoa (Prof. Enrico Puppo)
University of Insubria (Prof. Marco Tarini)
University of Verona (Prof. Andrea Giachetti)

The Rome and Genoa research Units are primarily involved in the development of techniques for direct drawing and placing patterns on 3D surfaces, and their reproduction on 3D printed object. The main areas of investigation are how to rise the standard 2D vector image techniques to a Riemannian manifold endowed with its own metric, and how to reproduce the optical properties of real materials by computationally mixing printed patterns. The post-docs will be fully involved in these activities under the supervision of both Prof. Pellacini and  Prof. Puppo, and will have the opportunity to spend time at both institutions if so desired, and to collaborate with the other partners of the project.

Candidates should own a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics or related subject, have experience in 3D Computer Graphics (rendering, geometry processing, or 3D fabrication) and excellent programming skills. The positions are for one year, renewable to two, and come with a gross salary of between 20 and 35 thousand euros, corresponding to roughly 1500 to 2600 net income a month, including medical benefits.

Expressions of interest or inquiries for information should be communicated by contacting directly Prof. Fabio Pellacini (pellacini@di.uniroma1.it) and Prof. Enrico Puppo (enrico.puppo@unige.it). The final selection will occur through a public competition.

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