martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Postdoctoral Position in Physics-based Animation: Chalmers University of Technology

** Postdoctoral Position in Physics-based Animation
** Chalmers University of Technology

Deadline: 31 January 2017

Chalmers University of Technology invites applications for a postdoc researcher in Computational Animation with a special focus on Physics-based Animation. The objective of this post-doctoral research project is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of interactive physics-based animation to replicate the motion and the properties of soft objects like cloth, fabric, hair, skin, etc.
Specifically, this will involve the design of new data structures and parallel algorithms to obtain more accurate animations of deformable bodies in real-time, including collision handling.

The position also includes teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

* Position summary:
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).

* Qualifications
1) A PhD degree in a relevant field
2) A strong academic track record documented by CV and publications
3) A concrete and creative idea for one’s own research that fit within the areas of computational animation and physics-based simulation and adds some additional contributions.

Ideal candidates should be fluent in English and C++, well versed in mathematics (especially calculus and linear algebra) and have demonstrated interest in computer graphics and parallel programming.

Interested candidates can submit their application here:

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