miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

PhD Position at University of South Australia

PhD Scholarships (3 to 3.5 years)
Expressions of Interest
Visualisation, Visual Analytics and Story Telling Visualisation

Established with a grant of $25 million in July 2014, the Data to Decisions CRC (D2D CRC) is part of the Cooperative Research Centre's Program where, with funding from the Australian Government, researchers and industry are brought together to be a leading provider of Big Data capability resulting in a safer and more secure nation and a sustainable Big Data workforce for Australia.

The D2D CRC will develop new PhD trained data scientists and socio-legal policy specialists to meet the Big Data challenge for Australian Industry and Government and be industry job ready at their completion.

Students in the Analytics and Decision Support Program will undertake leading-edge research projects that enable analysts and users in the Australian defence and national security community to better:
• Narrate visualisations for novel display technologies
• Narrate techniques for storytelling visualisations
• Visualise and manipulate large, diverse data sets
• Use semi-automatic tools for the creation of a Data Videos

• Full scholarships at the value of $26,288 per annum living allowance + tuition waver (tax free stipend)*
• Tenable for 3 years, with possible additional six months of funding*
• Opportunities to work with world class researchers and leading industry and government partners
• International exchange program

Domestic and international candidates may apply. Applicants must fulfil the PhD admission criteria for the relevant University, including English language requirements, and demonstrate excellent capacity and potential for research.

Computer Science Background in Visualisation, Visual Analytics or Advanced user interaction. Masters or First Class Honours degree or equivalent and should be eligible for an Australian Postgraduate Award, International Postgraduate Research Scholarships or equivalent.

Professor Bruce Thomas
Project Lead - Immersive Information Pod: an Interactive Visualisation Environment for Analysts
University of South Australia
E: Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au

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