We wish you pay specific attention to the full-time researcher position (CR2 07/05 position) in section 7 (Information Science), directed towards the Nantes part of the laboratory on the following theme: Modeling, analysis, data processing, representation of activity in urban areas.
The laboratory, known as UMR 1563 Architectural and Urban Ambiences is a common lab between CNRS, Ministry of Culture and Communication (Graduate School of Architecture of both Grenoble and Nantes) and Ecole Centrale de Nantes. Its activities focus on the sensitive dimensions of architecture and urban spaces, through several approaches depending of human and social sciences, engineering sciences and information sciences. Applicants may find complementary information on the websites of the CERMA (http://www.cerma.archi.fr/), the CRESSON (http://www.cresson.archi.fr/), the LAUA (http://www.laua.archi.fr/) and the International Ambiances Network (http://www.ambiances.net/).
Sincerely yours,
Daniel Siret, Thomas Leduc, Anthony Pecqueux, director et vice-directors of UMR 1563 from Jan. 1st 2015
Contact: concours-cnrs-2015@cerma.archi.fr
The website of 2015 CNRS: https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhchercheurs/concoursch/default-en.htm
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