martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Researcher at Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt (Germany)

Applications are invited for the position of a Researcher at the Visual Computing System Technologies (VCST) group at Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, Germany.
The primary field of work will be high-performance, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics on the Web.

Applicants should have a degree in computer science or related disciplines and excellent academic records. Experience in graphics programming (for example, with OpenGL or DirectX) is required, experience with 3D Web technology is a plus. German language skills are required.

The Visual Computing System Technologies Group of Fraunhofer IGD develops and maintains successful industry-strength 3D graphics software, such as InstantReality ( or X3DOM (
Fraunhofer IGD, being one of the world’s leading institutes for applied research in the field of Visual Computing, offers an excellent working environment, a competitive salary, as well as great opportunities for further training and education. Obtaining a PhD is possible in cooperation with the Technical University of Darmstadt.

Applications, via mail or e-mail, should be sent to:
Frau Marion Christ
Tel.: +49 6151 155-124
Fax.: +49 6151 155-196

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Marion Christ
Visual Computing System Technologies
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt

Application Deadline: 30.09.2014

Reference Number: IGD-2014-19

Please find below the original job posting and description (in German) here:

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