viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Post-doctoral researcher in HCI at the Bristol Interaction and Graphics group

The Bristol Interaction and Graphics group ( of the
University of Bristol is seeking to appoint a post-doctoral researcher
with expertise in the area of display-technologies and human-computer

The ideal person will have skills in hardware and 3D display
technologies to work on a project exploring the design and
implementation of multi-touch surfaces with true-3D displays. This
line of investigation is part of a large ERC funded project involving
design of Interactive Systems Involving Multi-point Surfaces, Haptics
and true-3D displays.

We are looking to focus on various solutions by which one can
dynamically create true-3D content on an interactive surface and on
understanding how interaction can be facilitated on a surface that
combines 2D and 3D display.

Within this broad objective there will be plenty of freedom and
flexibility in shaping the research project. The ultimate key
requirement is to demonstrate academic excellence through high-quality
peer-reviewed papers and strong interaction with the peer-community.
The grant that funds this project aims to fund pioneering frontier

The project has sufficient resources to allow hardware prototyping and
support conference travel. The team will ultimately include 2 RAs,
2PhDs and a project technician and the project will last for 5 years

Further details and an application form can be found at
and at

Important Details:
Closing Date for application: 06 October 2011
Interview Date: likely to be around Mid Nov.
Start Date: Dec 2011/ Jan 2012 (flexible)
Duration of the position: Upto 3 years
Salary: £29,972 p.a.
Note: Post reference number is 16637 - Post 1

If you have any additional questions please contact Sriram Subramanian
by email (sriram @ cs. or telephone (+44 117 331 5235).

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