jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Scientific Visualization: tenure-track position at the University of Calgary's Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary seeks
outstanding candidates for a tenure-track position at the Assistant
Professor level.

Applicants for professorial stream appointments are expected to
establish an extensive research agenda and to teach at the graduate
and undergraduate levels. Successful candidates will be expected to
actively recruit and supervise graduate students. Peer reviewed
external funding is normally expected to be sustained throughout the
appointment and industrial partnerships are strongly encouraged if

Applicants must possess a doctorate in Computer Science at the time of
appointment, and have a strong research record. Successful applicants
will be enthusiastic about contributing to both teaching and research.

Applicants are sought in the area of Scientific Visualization. The
Department seeks a candidate in the emerging research domain of
interactive modeling and visualization for reservoir geoscience and
engineering. The successful applicant should have expertise in
computer graphics and interactive visualization, particularly for
scientific and engineering applications, and the ability to work in
close collaboration with the Department’s world-class researchers in
computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, and software engineering.

For more details please check: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/career

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

Research Positions at Event Lab UB

This is for a number of postdoc or research assistant jobs at the eventLab at UB.


In spite of what the advert says there are several vacancies at different levels: PhD, research assistant, postdoc.

The lab has two high res wide field of view HMD labs (each with Intersense tracking, Optitrack for whole body tracking) + an Xsens whole body tracking suit. Also there is a new high definition 4 sided Cave.

The research of the lab is a mix of VR/graphics/some haptics with applications in psychology and neuroscience.
The work of the group is highly interdisciplinary and aims at publishing in high impact journals and conferences in both technical and scientific domains.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Associate / full professor in computer science

Hasselt University announces the following BOF (UHasselt Research Fund) professor position (m/f) in the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM, www.edm.uhasselt.be), research centre of Hasselt University:

associate / full professor in computer science
specialization ‘visual computing’
(mandate 101/31/044)

The candidate will play a major part in extending the visual computing research at EDM. The candidate is specialized in visual computing (computer graphics and/or computer vision) subjects with regard to 3D internet, including topics as modeling of 3D scenes and objects from images, free viewpoint video, computer graphics representations of 3D objects, and in image synthesis. The candidate will take the lead in the technical implementation of research projects, building upon his/her research experience. The candidate is expected to perform multidisciplinary research, in particular with the research group ‘human-computer interaction’ of EDM, and international research.

The candidate will have the privilege to focus nearly exclusively on research during, at least, a 5 year period. The limited educational involvement will be situated in the Bachelor-Master program of Computer Science at Hasselt University.

The candidate is an excellent researcher in the area of visual computing, with a research experience on the level of associate professor or full professor. The candidate is experienced in gaining funding for research projects and in leading research projects, preferably in an international context. The candidate is skilled in providing guidance to PhD students and in coaching a research team. The candidate has gained experience in teaching courses at bachelor or master level.
The candidate possesses excellent communication skills in English and in Dutch; if the candidate doesn’t speak Dutch, the candidate is expected to develop the necessary Dutch skills within a short term perspective (about 3 years, courses will be provided by Hasselt University).

The candidate holds a doctoral degree or PhD in the area of computer science, with specialization in computer graphics/vision or equivalent.

Job Offer
Hasselt University offers a permanent full-time position at the level of associate professor or full professor, depending on the qualifications and the experience of the candidate. During the first five years the candidate will have a position as research professor (a second period of five years as research professor
can be considered after a positive evaluation). Thereafter the position becomes a regular appointment at Hasselt University, implying an equally balanced task load with regard to education and research.

Further information
. Research activities: prof. dr. Frank Van Reeth, tel. +32-11-268411, frank.vanreeth@uhasselt.be and prof. dr. Philippe Bekaert, +32-11-268411, philippe.bekaert@uhasselt.be
. Job conditions and selection procedure: Yves Soen, +32-11-26 80 85, yves.soen@uhasselt.be

PhD Scholarships in Visual Computing

The Visual Computing Research and Innovation Center (VCRIC) was founded by Fraunhofer IGD and the University of Rostock to support a successful chain from basic research to industrial application. Research is focusing on two core areas Interactive Document Engineering and Maritime Graphic. In this context we are offering with immediate effect

12 PhD Scholarships

in Computer Science or Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

Research proposals can be submitted with respect to the following list of research topics:

Research topics of Maritime Graphics

· Image-based 3D-Reconstruction underwater

· Optical wave measurement

· Robust position tracking aboard a ship

· Robust Mixed Reality

Research topics of Interactive Document Engineering

· Annotation management

· Contextualization of information and task recognition

· Semantics and semantic references

· User Interface Adaptation and distributed displays

What we are offering

Scholarship with attractive conditions
Integration in a highly motivated team
Access to the postgraduate academy at the University of Rostock and the seminars of Fraunhofer IGD
A pleasing surrounding in the Hanseatic City of Rostock at the Baltic Sea

How to apply

Identify a fitting research topic and develop your idea as a research proposal.

Submit the following documents to vcric(at)igd-r.fraunhofer.de

Draft research proposal of approx. 1.500 words
M.Sc. certificates or equivalent
Your CV
Two letters of reference

Contact the principal researchers for further information and/or discussion of the research proposal: Prof. Bodo Urban (bodo.urban(at)igd-r.fraunhofer.de) for IDE and Prof. Uwe Freiherr von Lukas (uwe.von.lukas(at)igd-r.fraunhofer.de) for MAG.

Please refer to http://vcric.igd-r.fraunhofer.de/en for more details.

PhD positions @ Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) on computer vision

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT - www.iit.it) together
with the University of Genova opened the call for the Doctoral Course on
*** Life and Humanoid Technologies ***


In this context, Ph.D. positions are available at the Pattern analysis,
Learning, and image Understanding Systems laboratory -- PLUS lab -- to
work in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning and
more specifically on the following themes:

Theme 4.1: Computer vision for behavioral analysis and activity recognition
Theme 4.2: Part-based human body modeling
Theme 4.3: Crowd behavioural analysis and event recognition
Theme 4.4: Multi-sensory surveillance
Theme 4.5: Scene analysis by biometric signals
Theme 4.6: Computer vision in distributed and dynamic camera networks
Theme 4.7: Statistical pattern recognition for social computing
Theme 4.8: Compressive Sensing in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Theme 4.9: Statistical Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
Theme 4.10: Biomedical image analysis
Theme 4.11: GPU Image Processing and Pattern Recognition for Nanophysics
Theme 4.12: Visual analysis of human behaviors as evoked by ambient

More info on the above research topics can be found on the Annex A2
(Nanoscience) under the topic "Computer Vision" at
or can be asked to Prof. V. Murino (vittorio.murino@iit.it) or any other
tutor as indicated in the themes.

The PhD program on the listed themes will take place at the PLUS lab of
the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) located in Genova. The lab
focuses on activities related to the analysis and understanding of
images and patterns in general, thus representing a reference for the
other IIT Departments and labs which have to deal with such kind of
data. The PLUS staff has a wide expertise on image processing, computer
vision and pattern recognition, machine learning, and related
applications. Actually, the research in PLUS is devoted to study and to
build intelligent systems for real applications, especially related, but
not limited, to surveillance & security, biomedical imaging, and
bioinformatics. One of the primary goals is to design and develop
innovative video surveillance systems, characterized by the use of
highly-functional smart sensors and advanced video analytics features.
To this end, PLUS performs cutting edge research in computer vision and
pattern recognition, but also in biometrics, multimodal data and sensor
fusion, sensors networks, and embedded computer vision. Further, another
target of the lab is to explore novel strategies in biomedical image
analysis and bioinformatics, due to the versatility of the techniques it
can manage.
You can also browse the PLUS lab webpages to see our activities and
research at: http://www.iit.it/en/computer-imaging.html.

To apply, follow the instructions indicated in the links, in short: a
detailed CV, a research proposal under one or more themes chosen among
those above indicated, reference letters, and any other formal document
concerning the degrees earned.
Notice that these documents are mandatory in order to consider valid the

IMPORTANT: You need to specify the (or more) theme you want to apply and
to include a research statement (research
proposal/project/plan/rationale) on such theme.

DEADLINE is September 23, 2011 at noon (strict deadline, no extension).

For more information on administrative issues, please contact:
Manuela Salvatori
tel.: 010.71781762
e-mail: manuela.salvatori@iit.it

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

PhD positions in VR at Salford University, UK

Several PhD positions are available at the University of Salford. Please see:


The VR realted projects are those offered by Prof D Roberts and Dr N Murray.
See http://www.cve.salford.ac.uk/ for details of the group.

The successful student must have a first degree (1st or 2.1 classification) in a relevant subject and be from the UK/EU. The studentship includes fees paid at home/EU rate and a stipend of £13,500 per annum for three and a half years. The award will commence on or shortly after 1st October 2011.

The closing date for applications is 23rd September 2011

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Beca de colaboración para trabajar con interfaces multitáctiles

Título del proyecto:

Sistema automático de pruebas de aplicaciones gráficas multitáctiles

Descripción proyecto

La realización de pruebas exhaustivas para la detección de posibles errores de funcionamiento y para poder asegurar que un sistema software cumple los requisitos de diseño es un paso imprescindible en el desarrollo del mismo. Existen varios tipos de pruebas, que dependen del aspecto del sistema que se desea estudiar:
pruebas unitarias, que se aseguran que cierto módulo funciona correctamente, pruebas de integración, que comprueban que dos módulos independientes se comunican
correctamente, pruebas de regresión, para comprobar que un cambio en el sistema no ha afectado a su correcto funcionamiento, etc. En la actualidad existen herramientas automáticas que permiten realizar automáticamente dichas pruebas.
El problema de realizar pruebas de software en aplicaciones gráficas interactivas (multitáctiles o no) es la dificultad de interactuar automáticamente a través de la interfaz gráfica y de definir y comparar los resultados esperados y los obtenidos. Otro problema es la dificultad de sistematizar, emular y controlar el flujo de eventos
que genera la interacción de un usuario con dicha aplicación.
Este proyecto definirá una plataforma para implementar un sistema de pruebas automáticas de aplicaciones multitáctiles.

Actividades a realizar por el alumno
En la actualidad nuestro grupo dispone de un banco de trabajo multitáctil con capacidad de visualización estereoscópica, aunque el sistema propuesto deberá funcionar en otras plataformas multitáctiles compatibles. El becario solicitado aprenderá a utilizar nuestro prototipo y participará en el desarrollo y prueba de dicho sistema.
De forma más detallada, las tareas a realizar por el alumno serán:

1. Estudio del estado del arte en el área de interfaces multitáctiles
2. Estudio del estado del arte en el área de pruebas de software
3. Estudio de las herramientas de programación, pruebas y documentación usadas para desasrrollar nuestro prototipo
4. Estudio del estado actual del proyecto y de las bibliotecas utilizadas
5. Colaboración en el desarrollo del sistema automatizado de pruebas
6. Colaboración en la definición de pruebas para un programa dado, para validar la plataforma de pruebas
7. Validación del sistema de pruebas


Horario Flexible, 15 horas semanales
Posibilidad de realizar el Proyecto Final de Carrera

Más información:

Contactar con Paco Abad: fjabad@dsic.upv.es

Faculty position in VR and/or haptics


Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in industrial engineering at the rank of assistant or associate professor with tentative starting date of August 16, 2012. Individuals with research interests in industrial virtual, augmented and mixed reality, industrial haptics, and advanced human-computer interaction for surgical applications are especially invited to apply. Individuals with research interests in healthcare systems, advanced manufacturing systems, production and service operations, financial engineering, and systems engineering are also encouraged to apply. We are seeking an individual with outstanding qualifications commensurate with the rank. The successful applicant is required to have an earned Ph.D. in industrial engineering, or a closely related field such as operations research, systems engineering, and computer science, and is expected to develop and maintain an active, externally-funded research program as well as teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Individuals who have experience and training within an interdisciplinary group and a multi-investigator environment are especially encouraged to apply.

The department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering, and currently has an undergraduate enrollment of 460 and a graduate enrollment of 200. More information about the Department can be found at http://www.mie.uic.edu. Applicants are required to send a letter of application indicating their qualifications, an up to date CV including the names and contact information of at least three references, and a separate one-page statement outlining their future teaching and research plans. For full consideration, please submit all your application materials electronically to the IE Search Committee Chair at IEsearch@uic.edu by January 2, 2012. Alternatively, hard copies can be sent by the same deadline to Chair, IE Faculty Search Committee, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department (MC 251), University of Illinois at Chicago, 842 West Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607-7022. Evaluation of applications will begin immediately. UIC is deeply committed to excellence, equity and diversity and welcomes applications from women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities and others who can contribute to the enrichment of ideas and perspectives. UIC is an AA/EO employer and is responsive to the needs of dual career couples with extensive life-friendly policies in place.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Post-doctoral researcher in HCI at the Bristol Interaction and Graphics group

The Bristol Interaction and Graphics group (big.cs.bris.ac.uk) of the
University of Bristol is seeking to appoint a post-doctoral researcher
with expertise in the area of display-technologies and human-computer

The ideal person will have skills in hardware and 3D display
technologies to work on a project exploring the design and
implementation of multi-touch surfaces with true-3D displays. This
line of investigation is part of a large ERC funded project involving
design of Interactive Systems Involving Multi-point Surfaces, Haptics
and true-3D displays.

We are looking to focus on various solutions by which one can
dynamically create true-3D content on an interactive surface and on
understanding how interaction can be facilitated on a surface that
combines 2D and 3D display.

Within this broad objective there will be plenty of freedom and
flexibility in shaping the research project. The ultimate key
requirement is to demonstrate academic excellence through high-quality
peer-reviewed papers and strong interaction with the peer-community.
The grant that funds this project aims to fund pioneering frontier

The project has sufficient resources to allow hardware prototyping and
support conference travel. The team will ultimately include 2 RAs,
2PhDs and a project technician and the project will last for 5 years

Further details and an application form can be found at
and at

Important Details:
Closing Date for application: 06 October 2011
Interview Date: likely to be around Mid Nov.
Start Date: Dec 2011/ Jan 2012 (flexible)
Duration of the position: Upto 3 years
Salary: £29,972 p.a.
Note: Post reference number is 16637 - Post 1

If you have any additional questions please contact Sriram Subramanian
by email (sriram @ cs. bris.ac.uk) or telephone (+44 117 331 5235).