martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Postdoctoral position in computer graphics and vision at CRIM

A postdoctoral position is available in the Vision & Imaging team ( at Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal

The candidate will work mainly on an industrial project in computer
graphics and Image-Based Modeling and Rendering (IBMR). The project is
funded by NSERC (Natural and Science Engineering Research Council) and a
cinematographic company.

The objectives of the project are two-fold:
1) Validate the concept that 3D perception/immersion in an IMBR scene
can be obtained without stereo acquisition or head-mounted device by
servoing viewer head motion to the scene viewpoint.
2) Develop a test-bed that implements the above concept on a desktop and
serve as a laboratory environment for 3D immersive assessment and
algorithmic/hardware optimization.

The appointee will be responsible of developing the IBMR system with the
assistance of a junior software developers and a senior researcher, and
in close relationship with the client. The project is supervised by the
principal researcher and director of the Vision & Imaging team.

Technical requirements:
-PhD (scientist or engineer) in computer vision or computer graphics
-Very good knowledge of IBMR techniques
-Knowledge of OpenGL and OpenSceneGraph, and any relevant IBMR tools
(e.g. Insight3D)
-Good software development background with Visual C++
-Strong algorithmic skills

Personal requirements:
-High interest in applied- and end-user-oriented R&D projects
-Very good communication skills to interact with non-expert client.
-Strong writing skills for technical reports and expert articles (in French and/or English)
-Willing to work in a French speaking environment

The position is available now and is available for 1 year with a
possible 1 year extension. Please send your CV with reference letters
(in English or French) to Dr. Langis Gagnon (

Langis Gagnon, PhD
Chercheur principal et directeur d'equipe - Vision et imagerie
405 Avenue Ogilvy, Bureau 101
Montreal (Quebec), H3N1M3
514-840-1235 poste 8959

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