We are looking for two VR experts to
join the THINKlab team to work in the area of Smart Cities and Disaster
Response. These two posts are available as a result of our success in
securing £1.2M grant from the Global Challenge
Funds (EPSRC managed) and £1M from Innovate UK. (Please see
http://www.jobs.salford.ac.uk/ for job advertisements and applications)
Research Fellow Post 1 (Grade 7, £32,548 - £38,833
Applications are sought for a Research
Fellow post to work with this international research project. The
Research Fellow will be responsible for providing the leadership in
developing a distributed collaborative environment
for analysing near real-time 3D satellite data for disaster
interventions. This research will explore how the near-real time data
can be processed in order to construct a true situation on the ground
during live disasters. The Research Fellow will work closely
with our industry partners – the UK
Satellite Application Centre and Telespazio Vega (which operates the
Satellite) and to demonstrate this novel concept. This work will build
on the research work that the THINKlab has been conducting over the last
10 years on distributed virtual environments for aerospace, automotive,
building construction and space mission
planning. We are looking for an outstanding individual who has a good
background in virtual environments, gaming technology and management of
large scale terrain models in real-time for interactive visualization.
The overall distributed environment will
be developed using the Unreal game engine.
Research Fellow Post 2 (Grade 7, £32,548 - £38,833)
are sought for a Research Fellow post to work with the Director of the
THINKlab to support the delivery of the
current projects and help the THINKlab to develop new research
programmes in the area of virtual city simulation. The Research Fellow
will be responsible for providing leadership in developing research
ideas and a technology platform that can enhance the richness
of virtual city models by integrating data from sensors, satellites and
simulations such as traffic, flood and crowd to allow planners to make
informed decision for creating sustainable cities.
The THINKlab (www.salford.ac.uk/thinklab)
at the University of Salford has an exciting and vibrant research
community engaged in a range of interdisciplinary research and
projects. We are focusing on creating advanced technology platforms
that utilise the power of advanced visualisation, interaction and
distributed computing to offer novel solutions for sectors such as
aerospace, automotive, built environment, media and space.
THINKlab is engaged in both long-term research and applied research to
solve real-world problems and work closely with end user companies to
ensure relevance and impact. THINKlab, designed as a Future Centre
provides an impressive environment for creativity
for researchers. By combining our innovative facilitation techniques,
brain storming techniques and multi-sensory spaces,
THINKlab provides a highly creative
environment for researchers to envision future possibilities and develop
innovative solutions. It offers access to state of the art technology
platforms such as virtual reality, multi-touch
tables, body tracking, laser scanning, video conferencing to develop
and validate novel technology solutions. THINKlab is used by academics,
government organisations and private companies to explore complex
problems and produce innovative solutions. Therefore,
THINKlab is ideal for researchers who are looking for a creative
research environment that offers interdisciplinary culture, real-world
problems, external stimulus from end user organisations and access to
advanced visualisation and interaction technology
to conduct innovative research.
Contact : Prof. Terrence Fernando, Director of the THINKlab - University of Salford
Applications can be downloaded at