miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

Open Position with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group Bremen

PhD research position with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group at the University of Bremen, Germany, to be filled as soon as possible
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TV-L 13).

Job Description:
The work in this position will be carried out within the SFB “EASE – Everyday Activity Science and Engineering” (funded by the DFG), which is to perform fundamental research to enable robots to do human everyday activities, such as setting a table or loading a dish washer.
One strand of research of the CGVR lab in this endeavor is to develop algorithms such that robots can “envision” the outcomes of their tentative plans by simulating the real world around them before they actually follow through with their plan. This requires novel methods for faster-than-realtime physically-based simulation and the development of predicates in order to evaluate the outcomes.
In another strand, we will deal specifically with the challenge of grasping. Here, the task is to develop novel methods such that a human user can grasp virtual objects using a virtual hand with high simulation fidelity and high dexterity. The goal is to allow humans to interact with virtual objects just like in real live, and to study their grasping behaviors under a large variety of scenarios and parameters.
The tasks will also comprise a small amount of help with teaching in the computer science program (e.g., as teaching assistant).

About us:
The position offers great opportunities for collaboration with other members of both the computer graphics group and other groups. This job provides a vibrant research environment where a broad range of activities related to 3D graphics algorithms and virtual reality are being pursued (see cgvr.cs.uni-bremen.de). The successful candidate will be working with a dynamic, friendly, and helpful team of computer graphics researchers. Our research group is part of the school of computer science at University of Bremen. Our university is a mid-sized university with about 20,000 students, a lot of them from abroad, offering a broad range of fringe benefits such as sports facilities, cultural activities, and daycare.

Candidates should have an excellent Master’s degree in computer science, or a related discipline such as mathematics, physics, etc. You should be passionate about your work and highly self-motivated. Required skills are solid experience in C++ software development, and a good command of English (reading/writing/speaking). Ideally, you have specialized in real-time computer graphics or physically-based simulation, you are capable of effectively applying mathematical methods, and you have knowledge in GPGPU programming. In addition, the successful candidate will be highly self-motivated, passionate about their work, and have good ability to work both independently as well as in a team in a multidisciplinary environment. Speaking German is a plus, but not required.

Conditions of employment:
The position is available until mid 2021 (under the condition of job release).
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification, disabled persons will be given priority. Applicants with a migration background are welcome.

How to Apply & What to Do in Case of Questions:
Applications should comprise a motivation letter, complete CV including any achievements, degree certificates (including list of courses and grades), names and contact details of at least two referees, and other credentials if any (e.g., recommendation letters, publications, etc.). Please send your application (preferably by email) to:

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann, zach at cs.uni-bremen.de

Application deadline: August 31 2017 (or until a suitable candidate is found).

If you have any questions about the position, please do not hesitate to address them to the above email address.

G. Zachmann
University of Bremen Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen / Germany

For a paper-based application, please make sure you only send document copies, as all received application material will be destroyed after the selection process.

domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

Junior-Professor (W1 with Tenure Track) "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)"

Faculty Position at the University of Stuttgart, Germany:
Junior-Professor (W1 with Tenure Track) "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)"
Application Deadline: July 15th, 2017

The University of Stuttgart, Germany, invites applications for a Junior-Professorship (W1 with Tenure Track) "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality" as of the earliest possible date.

The new professor is expected to cover the field of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) and its applications to interactive visualization in research and teaching. The position will be established as part of the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS), a central research facility of the University, and will be integrated into the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology.

We are looking for a person with excellent international reputation willing to advance research in AR/VR in the interdisciplinary interplay with natural sciences, engineering, and humanities. Expertise in several of the following areas, each with direct relationship to AR/VR, is expected:
* Augmented-reality and virtual-reality systems
* Real-time rendering for high-resolution and large displays
* Tracking and scene reconstruction
* Perception and cognition, evaluation methods
* Interaction techniques
* AR/VR applications (e.g. software-based production, industry 4.0, architecture, virtual research environments, medicine, eHealth, eGovernment, immersive visual analytics)

We encourage excellent young scientists in related areas of visualization, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction to apply.

We expect significant contributions to teaching in the (German language) Bachelor and Master programs of the Department of Computer Science as well as active acquisition of third party funding and involvement in collaborative research projects. The Visualization Research Center is substantially involved in the collaborative research center SFB/Transregio 161 "Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing", in the Cluster of Excellence "Simulation Technology", and several other collaborative research centers. The announced position is one of ten new professorships that are being installed at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen as part of the Cyber Valley initiative, a research alliance in the field of intelligent systems.

The Junior-Professorship is supported by the Carl Zeiss Foundation and initially limited to 6 years. According to the terms of the University’s quality assurance act for tenure track professorships, the W1 position will be converted to a permanent W3 professorship after successful evaluation. The requirements for employment listed in §47 and §51 Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg (State regulations for institutions of higher education) apply.

Application Instructions:
Applicants are asked to send their detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, list of publications, research and teaching statement, reprints of three to five selected publications, and the application form by e-mail no later than 15.07.2017 to:
Prof. Dr. Rothermel
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Further information, the Public Key, and the application form is available online at: http://www.f-iei.uni-stuttgart.de/news/Faculty_Positionx_xAugmented_Reality_and_Virtual_Realityx/

Deadline: 15.07.2017
The University of Stuttgart has established a Dual Career Program to offer assistance to partners of those moving to Stuttgart. For more information, please visit the website https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/universitaet/arbeitgeber/dualcareer/.

The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women are strongly encouraged. Severely challenged persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications.