martes, 30 de junio de 2015

PostDOC fellow positions at IMATI-CNR

Two positions open for PostDOC fellowship at the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the CNR, Genova Dept. ( For both positions, the ideal candidates should have a good background in geometry processing, computer science and mathematics. Candidates with good research experience and programming skills, willing to spend one year with the Shape Modelling Group of IMATI are encouraged to apply. Details on the research programmes and application procedure can be found at the following links: 1) Reference number IMATI 004 2015 GE: Innovative methods for 3D shape exploration guided by analysis of similarities Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of Cultural Heritage. 2) Bando IMATI 005 2015 GE: Innovative methods for the representation and analysis of 3D shapes Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of 3D printing. For any information, please contact: or

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Virtual Surgery at RPI, NY, USA

The Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA invites applications for the position of postdoctoral associate to work on projects funded by the NIH on developing virtual reality technology for surgical applications. The ideal candidate will develop the next generation surgical simulation technology based on advanced physics-based computational methods and robotic systems in collaboration with surgeons at Harvard Medical School. Desirable background for this position includes: · PhD in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, HCI or related field. · Strong background in Computer Graphics. · Knowledge of interactive computing is a plus. · Excellent programming skills · Experience in developing virtual environments involving haptics · Developing interfaces and performing human user studies Application Interested candidates may apply to Professor Suvranu De ( with a cover letter, detailed CV, a copy of the publication deemed as best representative of the candidate’s creative research, and names and email addresses of three referees. Applications from minority and women are especially encouraged. RPI is an Equal opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer.

Open Post-Doc Position at Clemson

Larry F. Hodges has a one-year post-doc position open for this fall.  Candidate should have previous research experience and skills in one or more of virtual environments, 3DUI, experimental design and evaluation, intelligent virtual agents, and stereoscopic computer graphics.

The virtual environments group at Clemson is a dynamic research group with approximately 25 faculty, post-doc and student participants.

Applications should be emailed directly to lfh@CLEMSON.EDU and should include a C.V., statement of research interests, and the names of three references.

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Postdoctoral position at CNRS on 3D interaction in virtual environment, knowledge, collaboration

Subject: 3D interaction for intelligent collaboration in virtual environments
Dates: 24 months, starting before October 1, 2015
Location: UMR CNRS 7253 Heudiasyc, University of Technology Compiegne, Rue Roger Couttolenc
Centre PG1-GSM-I212 CS 60319, 60203 COMPIEGNE CEDEX , FRANCE

 We are inviting applications for one postdoctoral position on 3D interaction for intelligent collaboration in virtual environments at CNRS ( The position is for two years, starting before October 2015. The successful candidate will join the Heudiasyc research team
( at the CNRS premises within the Campus of the UTC (, in Compiegne, France. The research activity will be carried out under the supervision of Indira Thouvenin ( ).

The candidate will conduct research on 3D interaction in virtual environments, where the user intentions are essential to build a collaborative experience, particularly in the case of distant collaboration. The focus will be on adapted multimodal feedbacks for guiding the participants in virtual environments.

We have designed and developed several adaptive guiding models in virtual environments, based on cognitive and embodied activity modelling of the real user. A lot of possibilities exist with data collection of the user state, gesture, context or errors while interacting in a virtual environment. These data are captured and interpreted in real time to provide sensorial feedbacks.
The final module will be evaluated on scenario in order to measure the influence of collaboration, metaphors, communication protocols and data exchanges efficiency. An analysis off line and on line will be realized.

Requirements for this position include:
-        a PhD in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or related areas
-        a strong background in virtual reality and a strong interest in knowledge representation; Candidates with a curricula oriented to machine learning and an interest in cognitive science will be also considered
-        strong algorithm design and software implementation skills
-        a good publication record in related conferences and journals
-        fluency in written and spoken English, spoken French will be considered

Applications are to be sent to both and

·        one unique file or a file archive with a short cover letter indicating the candidate's research interests, achievements to date and vision for the future, a CV including a complete list of publications, the contact details of two/three referees
·        objet: [recrutement post doc interaction 3D collaborative]

The deadline for applying is on June 30, 2105.