domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Postdoctoral position at IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, France

Global illumination and wave optics

In the frame of the French ANR project AMPERE, we are looking for a post-doctoral researcher in computer graphics.

The aim of this 12 to 18 months contract will be to develop  Monte-Carlo estimators for simulating wave effects of light and high-frequency electromagnetic signal.

Principally, the post-doctoral researcher will have to work on :
  • The study of the Wigner Distribution Function (WDF) and its use for computer graphics (see
  • The integration of the WDF into importance-sampling and multiple-importance-sampling schemes for bidirectional path tracing.

The postdoctoral candidate must verify the following capabilities
  • Have obtained his/her PhD in Computer Science / Computer Graphics
  • Have a strong skill in C++ programming
  • Have a strong skill in Monte Carlo methods
The post-doctoral will be located at IRIT/CNRS, in Toulouse, south of France (, and will work in the Computer Graphics group under the supervision of Mathias Paulin (

The salary will be around 2300 euros per month.

The starting date of the postdoctoral contract will be between now and december 2012.

For further informations, please contact

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

PostDoc (Graphics) at Univ.ofWest Bohemia, Czech Republic

POSTDOC positions opened:
PostDoc in Computer Graphics , Visualization, Virtual Reality and Haptic Systems
(with an extension to geometrical algebra and conformal geometry)
Duration: upto 29 months
Mentor: prof.Vaclav Skala,
Application is to be sent to: , Tel: +420 37763 2606
DEADLINE November 1, 2013
Project: NEXLIZ

PostDoc in Biomedical Data Processing - modeling patient-specific virtual physiological human
Duration: upto 29 months
Mentor: Dr.Josef Kohout,
Application is to be sent to: , Tel: +420 37763 2606
DEADLINE November 1, 2013
Project: NEXLIZ

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Tenure Track Assistant Professorship on Games Engineering

TUM is the first university in Germany to reinforce its recruitment policy by a comprehensive tenure track system. Based on best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM FACULTY TENURE TRACK offers quality-oriented academic career options for high-potential young scientists, from the appointment as Assistant Professor through a permanent position as Associate Professor and on to Full Professor.

The TUM Department of Informatics invites applications for a
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship
» Games Engineering «

Initially pay-scale grade W2, to be filled as soon as possible.

We are looking for an excellent scientist with a high potential for developing an internationally recognized research agenda in the field of Games Engineering. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching in Games Engineering. The candidate should have comprehensive skills – including a university degree – in computer science. We are expecting a research record in at least one of the following fields: Realtime Rendering, Computer Animation, Visual Simulation. We are seeking for applicants who have gained experience in industrial game development, with a focus on the technical realization of immersive 3D computer games.

We expect the candidate to actively take part in the Bachelor and upcoming Master program Informatics: Games Engineering, and to have an ability to pursue scientific research at international level in one of the addressed fields. Teaching assignments include courses in the subject area and the basic courses offered by the department as well as courses for other academic TUM departments. The ability to teach in English and German is a prerequisite for TUM Professors.

The initial appointment will be for 6 years. After positive evaluation in the final year, the candidate is tenured on an Associate Professor level. Tenure evaluation may be initiated after a minimum of three years only in exceptional cases, justified by extraordinarily outstanding achievements or in regard of particularly strategic significance in shaping the university’s profile.

Eligible candidates typically hold a doctorate, have established a strong track record in the postdoctoral phase, and demonstrate pedagogical and personal aptitude as well as substantial international experience. Family leave will be taken into consideration.

Supported by competitive start-up resources, candidates are expected to develop an independent and vigorous research program. Furthermore, candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate/graduate teaching and in supervising PhD students.

As part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments, TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the diversity of its faculty. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications. The TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support for dual career couples and families.

Applications accompanied by supporting documentation (CV, certificates, credentials, list of publications including 3 selected reprints, list of courses taught, and presentation of research and teaching strategies, names and addresses of at least 3 references) should be submitted by October 15, 2012 to:

Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik

Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching (Germany)


jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

SEEKING CANDIDATES FOR AN HPL POST DOC POSITION in Cybersecurity/team dynamics psychology

We are looking for a full-time person to participate in a government-funded research project to study aspects of Computer Security Incident Response Team dynamics and operations. The position is for one year possibly extending to up to two years.  This person will work with a multidisciplinary, multi-organizational group comprising of HP Labs research scientists, HP Services security operational teams in cybersecurity, and professors in psychology and computer science from partner universities. The person will be responsible for task definition, planning, and delivery for a significant portion of the HP part of the project. They will be also responsible for liaising with the operational experts on the HP team as well as with the academic collaborators. Project output is primarily publications in appropriate forums. The person will be based in Princeton, NJ but will also spend a significant amount of time on site with security operations to perform field studies. They will be expected to travel to partner locations to perform collaborative research and to sponsors’ meetings and academic conferences to present the project. They will be under the guidance of the HP team lead but will be given considerable freedom and latitude to design the role, with a strong expectation of results.

The ideal candidate would be a recent PhD in Computer Science who is highly motivated to conduct multidisciplinary research, is self-managed, and has a strong background in cybersecurity with a demonstrated interest in studying psychological aspects of cyber security. Alternately, a PhD in Psychology or related areas with a strong knowledge or demonstrated interest in cybersecurity will also be considered. Candidates with Masters’ degrees who have significant experience in cybersecurity or psychology, and desire to perform doctoral or pre-doctoral research in a related area, will also be considered.

Can you please distribute among those that can be interested and ask them to send me the CV? Many thanks!

For more information, please go to req # 1008188 in the  website.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Postdoc position in Cardiff

Post Reference Number 420BR
Job Title Research Associate
Job Category Academic - Research
Career Pathway Research
School / Directorate SOHCS - School of Healthcare Studies

The School of Healthcare Studies is recruiting a research associate to work with a research group involved in rehabilitation and movement sciences. The School's movement laboratory has a newly installed Motek Medical GRAIL system, which can provide movement analysis and feedback in real-time. The post holder will be expected to substantially contribute to the development of this system for rehabilitation applications.

This is a full time position, fixed term for 3 years.
Salary: £30,122 - £35,938 per annum (Grade 6)
Closing date: Thursday, 27 September 2012
Job Description

To develop tools for movement evaluation and feedback for patient studies using the GRAIL (Gait Real-time Analysis Interactive Lab) system; DFlow software and other programming languages.
To investigate novel applications in rehabilitation using the GRAIL system in different patient groups.
To carry out research to identify factors that influence recovery which will direct rehabilitation strategies, with the aim to enable earlier return to recovered function and reduced chronicity.
To contribute to translation of these findings into clinical practice by inform rehabilitation programmes.
To plan and perform research within an established programme, this includes literature review, laboratory experimentation, statistical analysis and data recording, critical evaluation and interpretation, and drawing conclusions on the outcomes.
To secure external grant funding as co-applicant, progressing to a PI, train MSc/PhD students, and develop an international research profile under the guidance of a team of established scientists.
To establish an independent national/international research profile and contribute to the strategic aims and ambitions of the research group.
To publish research results in original papers in leading, peer-reviewed international journals and contribute to knowledge transfer.
To undertake administrative tasks associated with the research, including organisation of project meetings and the preparation of reports for external funding bodes, internal research committees and meetings as appropriate.
To update continually knowledge and understanding in the field or specialism and translate knowledge of advances in the subject area into research activity.
To take responsibility for safe working practices.
To supervise undergraduate, postgraduate, clinical fellow and discipline hopping projects, as appropriate.
To significantly contribute towards Schools’ strategic aims and ambitions of the School of Healthcare Studies.
You may be asked to perform other duties occasionally which are not included above, but which will be consistent with the role.

Person Specification Essential Criteria
Excellent communication skills with the ability to present complex information clearly and confidently to others using a range of media.
1. Excellent IT skills, including experience of using Labview and Matlab.
2. Evidence of the ability to develop research objectives and proposals for own and/or joint research and to demonstrate the potential and commitment to publish work of a high-quality.
3. Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues to make appropriate decisions on research activity.
4. A PhD in relevant area (physiotherapy, biomechanics) and a first class or good second class honours degree in a relevant discipline (physiotherapy).
5. Experience of teaching at undergraduate/postgraduate level in a variety of settings.
6. Evidence of ability to work to work under pressure and to strict timescales.
7. Ability to present confidently to academic and non-academic audiences at meetings and conferences.
8. Experience of managing a small laboratory.
Salary Range Min. 30,122
Salary Range Max. 35,938

Dr. Robert van Deursen
Reader and Director of Research
Director of Research Centre for Clinical Kinaesiology
School of Healthcare Studies
Cardiff University
Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4XN
United Kingdom

phone: 029 20687685  or  029 20687687
fax:        029 20687685 

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Internship in EADS UK, Innovation Works

Internship Description

Innovation Work, EADS UK

Location of internship: EADS UK, Newport, South Wales, UK
Pay: £14,400
Time of contract: 1 year

Contact: Tomas Sanchez Lopez (Research Team Leader, Information Fusion),, +447970389822

The EADS Group is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services, employing around 133,000 people at more than 170 sites worldwide. The Group brings together businesses that are market leaders in their own right, forming a collective driven by a single vision. The main divisions inside the EADS Group are Airbus, Cassidian, Eurocopter and Astrium. EADS and its Divisions promote cutting-edge technologies and scientific excellence to contribute to global progress and to deliver solutions for the challenges posed by such societal issues as environmental protection, mobility, defence and security, and safety. EADS Innovation Works is a global network of technical capability centres that covers the skills and the technical capabilities that are critical for the group, promoting and delivering research for all the divisions inside EADS.

Description of main responsibilities:

Technical work primarily in the context of an on-going project with the following requirements:

 - Familiar both Windows and Linux environments
 - Familiar with installation processes which might some time include
   o Simple scripting
   o Configuration of the system (e.g installation of required services, configuration of ports, troubleshooting of errors)
   o Compilation on Linux environments

 - Programming knowledge (particularly Java and Eclipse)
 - Understanding of Web Services and associated networking protocols and standards (e.g XML, SOAP, WSDL, etc)
 -  Understanding of code management techniques such as Maven, SVN, bug tracking, etc
 -  Ideally some understanding of semantic web technologies such as what ontologies or RDF are
 - Summary of technical capabilities: Somebody that looks at this and feels capable to install it and give some hacking a go.

Also required
 - Good handling of English language both written and spoken
 - Able to write good quality reports with technical content